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Draws wind barbs over maps.


	procedure wmbarbmap (
		wks [1] : graphic,  
		lat     : float,    
		lon     : float,    
		u       : float,    
		v       : float     



An NCL workstation identifier specifying where you want to draw your wind barbs. The wks identifier is one returned either from calling gsn_open_wks or calling create to create a Workstation object.


Arrays of any size and shape containing the latitudes and longitudes (in degrees) at which the wind barbs are to be drawn. These arrays must be the same size and shape as the u and v arrays.


Arrays containing the zonal ("x") wind component and the meridional ("y") wind component.


The procedure wmbarbmap uses the wind barb functions from the Wmap package to draw wind barbs over maps.

This procedure is primarily to be used for drawing wind barbs that are defined on non-gridded data; if you are drawing wind barbs that are defined on gridded data over a map, then you could use a vector plot with vcGlyphStyle set to "WindBarb".

Wind barbs will be drawn at the specified locations using the current map transformation (i.e. on the most recently created map). The direction of the wind barbs is that which has the barbs pointing toward the wind direction (the meteorological convention). The length of the shaft of the wind barb is controlled by the value of the internal parameter WBS (see below for how to change the value of WBS). The length of the shaft has no relation to the wind speed.

To set parameters to control the appearance of a wind barb, such as its size, color, and so forth, use the wmsetp procedure. To retrieve parameter values, use the function wmgetp.

The parameters applicable to wmbarb are: COL, BLW, WBF, WBA, WBC, WBD, WBR, WBS, WBT.

The procedure wmbarbmap does not call frame.

[In version 4.3.0 and later] Wind barbs are not plotted where the input data has missing values.

See Also

wmbarb, wmdrft, wmgetp, wmlabs, wmsetp, wmstnm


Example 1

See examples 3, 5, and 6 on the weather symbols application page.

Example 2

The following code:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"

  cmap = (/(/1.,1.,1./),(/0.,0.,0./),(/1.,0.,0./) /)  ; color map
  wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","test")

;  Draw an orthographic map centered at lat/lon = (70.,-10.).
;  Don't advance the frame, since we want to add wind barbs.
  mpres              = True
  mpres@gsnFrame     = False
  mpres@mpLimitMode  = "LatLon"
  mpres@mpMinLonF    = -40.
  mpres@mpMaxLonF    =  20.
  mpres@mpMinLatF    =  55.
  mpres@mpMaxLatF    =  85.
  mpres@mpCenterLatF =  70.
  mpres@mpCenterLonF = -10.

  map = gsn_map(wks,"Orthographic",mpres)

;  Draw an array of vertical wind barbs over the above map.
  lat = new((/3,2,5/),float)
  lon = new((/3,2,5/),float)
  u   = new((/3,2,5/),float)
  v   = new((/3,2,5/),float)

  lat(0,:,:) = 65
  lat(1,:,:) = 70
  lat(2,:,:) = 75

  do i=0,4
    lon(:,0,i) = -40.+i*5.
    lon(:,1,i) = -15.+i*5.
  end do

  u(:,:,:) =  0.
  v(:,:,:) = 90.

  wmsetp("col", 2)    ; Draw in red.
  wmsetp("wbs", .06)  ; Increase the size of the barb.
  wmbarbmap(wks, lat, lon,  u, v)  ; Plot barbs.
  frame(wks)          ; Advance the frame.
will draw wind barbs of the same magnitude, but at different locations.