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Performs a centered finite difference operation on the rightmost dimension.


	function center_finite_diff (
		q        : numeric,  
		r        : numeric,  
		rCyclic  : logical,  
		opt      : integer   

	return_val [dimsizes(q)] :  numeric



A multi-dimensional array.


A scalar, one-dimensional, or multi-dimensional array containing the coordinates along which q is to be differenced. Does need not be equally spaced from a computational point of view.

  • scalar: r assumed to be the (constant) distance between adjacent points.
  • one-dimensional (and the same size as the rightmost dimension of q): applied to all dimensions of q.
  • multi-dimensional: then it must be the same size as q.


True: q treated as cyclic in r and the end values and all the returned values will be calculated via centered differences. False: q NOT treated as cyclic in r and the end values will use a one-sided difference scheme for the end points. q should not include a cyclic point.

   result(n) = (q(n+1)-q(n))/(r(n+1)-r(n))  for the initial value
   result(m) = (q(m)-q(m-1))/(r(m)-r(m-1))  for the last value


Reserved for future use. Currently not used. Set to an integer.


Performs a centered finite difference operation on the rightmost dimension. If missing values are present, the calculation will occur at all points possible, but coordinates which could not be used will set to missing.

result(n) = (q(n+1)-q(n-1))/(r(n+1)-r(n-1))

Use center_finite_diff_n if the dimension to do the calculation on is not the rightmost dimension and reordering is not desired. This function can be significantly faster than center_finite_diff.

See Also



Example 1

   q = (/30,33,39,36,41,37/)     
   r = 2.                                 ; constant

   dqdr = center_finite_diff (q,r,False,0)


   dqdr(0) = (33-30)/2 = 1.5
   dqdr(1) = (39-30)/4 = 2.25
   dqdr(2) = (36-33)/4 = 0.75
   dqdr(3) = (41-39)/4 = 0.5
   dqdr(4) = (37-36)/4 = 0.25  
   dqdr(5) = (37-41)/2 = -2.0
Example 2:

   theta = (/ 298,299,300,302,...,345,355,383/)   ; potential temp.
   p     = (/1000,950,900,850,...,200,150,100/)   ; pressure (hPa)

   dtdp  = center_finite_diff (theta,p,False,0)
Example 3

p is not equally spaced. Demonstrates defining the appropriate pressure levels when the r coordinate is not equally spaced. The end points are computed via a one-sided difference.

   theta = (/ 297, 298,300,302,...,345,350,355,383/)   ; potential temp.
   p     = (/1013,1000,900,850,...,200,175,150,100/)   ; pressure (hPa)

   dtdp  = center_finite_diff (theta,p,False,0)

   np    = dimsizes(p)
   pPlot = new ( np, "float" )
                                                       ; arithmetic mean
   pPlot(0)      = (p(0)+p(1))*0.5                     ; set bottom
   pPlot(np-1)   = (p(np-1)+p(np-2))*0.5               ; set top    
   pPlot(1:np-2) = (p(0:np-3) + p(2:np-1))*0.5         ; mid points 

; or 
                                                              ; log (mass) wgted
   pPlot(0)      = exp((log(p(0))+log(p(1)))*0.5)             ; set bottom
   pPlot(np-1)   = exp((log(p(np-1))+log(p(np-2)))*0.5)       ; set top    
   pPlot(1:np-2) = exp((log(p(0:np-3)) + log(p(2:np-1)))*0.5) ; mid points 
Example 4

Let T be four-dimensional with dimensions time,level,lat,lon. P is one-dimensional. Perform the finite differencing only in the vertical (level) dimension. This requires that T be reordered to put level in the rightmost dimension.

Note: in V5.2.0 or later you can use center_finite_diff_n to avoid having to reorder the data.

   dTdP = center_finite_diff(T(time|:,lat|:,lon|:,lev|:),P,False,0)
;  returns dTdP (time,lat,lon,lev). this variable can be reordered
;  again to place it back in the original order

; In version 5.2.0 or later:
;   dTdP = center_finite_diff_n(T,P,False,0,1)
;  returns dTdP (time,lev,lat,lon)
Example 5

Now P is also four-dimensional and requires reordering:

   dTdP = center_finite_diff (T(time|:,lat|:,lon|:,lev|:)  \
                             ,P(time|:,lat|:,lon|:,lev|:), False,0)
; returns dTdP(time,lat,lon,lev)

; In version 5.2.0 or later:
;   dTdP = center_finite_diff_n(T,P,False,0,1)
;  returns dTdP (time,lev,lat,lon)
Example 6 Assume that the longitude coordinate variable associated with T in the examples above is cyclic and is equally spaced in degrees but not in physical space.
   dlon = (lon(2)-lon(1))*0.0174533 ; convert to radians
                                    ; pre-allocate space
   dTdX = new ( (/ntim,klev,nlat,mlon/), typeof(T), T@_FillValue)

   do nl=0,nlat-1                      ; loop over each latitude
      dX = 6378388.*cos(0.0174533*lat(nl))*dlon  ; constant at this latitude
      dTdX(:,:,nl,:) = center_finite_diff (T(:,:,nl;,:), dX , True,0)
  end do
; result: dTdX(time,lev,lat,lon)