Calculates a smooth mean daily annual cycle for an array nominally dimensioned (Time,Level,Lat,Lon).
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" ; This library is automatically loaded ; from NCL V6.2.0 onward. ; No need for user to explicitly load. function smthClmDayTLLL ( clmDay [*][*][*][*] : float or double, nHarm [1] : integer ) return_val [366][*][*][*] : typeof(clmDay)
clmDayA four-dimensional array (*, lev, lat, lon) output by clmDayTLLL.
nHarmThe number of harmonics that will be used to construct the smoothed mean annual cycle. Usually, nHarm is 1 to 3 with 2 being most common. A value of 2 means to use the annual and semi-annual harmonics only.
Return value
A climatological time series where the leftmost dimension refers to the sequential day of the year.
Calculate a smooth annual cycle using the output from clmDayTLLL. A Fourier analysis is performed via an FFT. Next, all harmonics greater than nHarm are set to zero and a backward transform is performed.
In 6.2.1, this function was updated to work on daily SST data which have _FillValue over land.
See Also
smthClmDayTLL, clmDayTLL, clmMonTLL, clmMonTLLL, clmMonLLLT, clmMonLLT
Please see: MJO_CLIVAR: Example 2 for a visual example.
Example 1
Compute the smooth long term daily means at all 17 pressure levels. The input is daily geopotential heights. The values are packed as type short and must be unpacked. There was no calendar attribute so a gregorian calendar is assumed. Still, the code shows how to check and, subsequently, associate the calendar attribute if it is present.
;;The following library is loaded by default in NCL V6.2.0 and newer ;;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" : : diri = "./" ; input directory fili = "HGT.nc" ; input file f = addfile (diri+fili , "r") ;*********************************************************** ; Read time and create required yyyyddd ;*********************************************************** time = f->time ; time:units = "hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0" TIME = cd_calendar(time, 0) ; type float year = toint( TIME(:,0) ) ; toint strips meta data month = toint( TIME(:,1) ) day = toint( TIME(:,2) ) ; check for calendar attribute if (isatt(TIME,"calendar")) then ; default is gregorian year@calendar = TIME@calendar end if ddd = day_of_year(year, month, day) if (isatt(year,"calendar")) then ; default is gregorian ddd@calendar = year@calendar end if yyyyddd = year*1000 + ddd ; needed for input if (isatt(ddd,"calendar")) then ; default is gregorian yyyyddd@calendar = ddd@calendar end if ;*********************************************************** ; Read data: short2flt ;*********************************************************** hgt = short2flt( f->hgt) ; convert to float with metadata printVarSummary(hgt) ;*********************************************************** ; Compute raw daily climatology ;*********************************************************** hClmDay = clmDayTLLL(hgt, yyyyddd) ; daily climatology at each grid point ;*********************************************************** ; Compute smoothed daily climatology using 2 harmonics ;*********************************************************** hClmDay_sm = smthClmDayTLLL(hClmDay, 2) printVarSummary(hClmDay_sm)The (edited) output yields
Variable: hgt Type: float Total Size: 1305254016 bytes 326313504 values Number of Dimensions: 4 Dimensions and sizes: [time | 1826] x [level | 17] x [lat | 73] x [lon | 144] Coordinates: time: [17470320..17514120] level: [1000..10] lat: [90..-90] lon: [ 0..357.5] Number Of Attributes: 17 long_name : mean Daily Geopotential height units : m [SNIP]The smoothed variable is:
Variable: hClmDay_sm Type: float Number of Dimensions: 3 Dimensions and sizes: [year_day | 366] x [level | 17] [lat | 73] x [lon | 144] Coordinates: year_day: [1..366] level: [1000..10] lat: [90..-90] lon: [ 0..357.5] Number Of Attributes: 4 smoothing : FFT: 2 harmonics were retained. information : Smoothed daily climatological averages units : m long_name : Daily Climatology: mean Daily Geopotential height
Example 2
Example 5 of the Climatology Applications page shows how to apply the function(s) to 3-dimensional arrays. It is trivial to alter the script to handle 4-dimensional variables. For example, change clmDayTLL and smthClmDayTLL to clmDayTLLL and smthClmDayTLLL, respectively and make all array references 4-dimensional. For example, change
x = short2flt( f->$var$(iStrt:iLast,:,:) ) ; convert to floatto
x = short2flt( f->$var$(iStrt:iLast,:,:,:) ) ; convert to float