shea_util.ncl functions
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Zadd90LatX | Adds two fake pole points (90S and 90N) to the rightmost dimension of the given data. |
add90LatY | Adds two fake pole points (90S and 90N) to the leftmost dimension of the given data. |
boxplot | Creates a boxplot. |
ColorNegDashZeroPosContour | Sets the negative contours to dashed, and colors the negative, positive, and zero contours to user-specified colors. |
ColorShadeLeGeContour |
Shades contour regions given low and high values and two colors. (Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.) |
dim_pad_extend | Extend (i.e., expand, append, pad) an existing array along the 'record dimension' to a user specified size. |
dim_pad_modulo | Pad (i.e., expand, append, extend) an existing array such that the size of a specified dimension is a user specified 'modulo' length. |
drawNDCGrid | Draws NDC grid lines at 0.1 NDC coordinate intervals and labels them. |
infoTimeStamp | Draws two text strings at the bottom of the workstation to indicate the time the plot was created and other information. |
landsea_mask | Returns a grid that contains a land/sea mask given any latitude and longitude array. |
msgValOutline | Draws an outline around missing data in vector and streamline plots. |
pie_chart | Creates a basic pie chart. |
plt_pdfxy | Creates a nice plot of the joint probability array created by the pdfxy function. |
setColorContourClear | Sets the color contours between two given levels to transparent. |
ShadeCOI | Adds the cone of influence as a shaded polygon. |
ShadeGeLeContour |
Shades contour regions given low and high values and a shade pattern. (Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.) |
ShadeGtContour |
Shades contour regions above a given value with the given fill pattern. (Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.) |
ShadeLtContour |
Shades contour regions below a given value with the given fill pattern. (Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.) |
ShadeLtGtContour |
Shades contour regions below a given value and above a given value with the specified fill patterns. (Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.) |
simple_legend | Creates a legend based on user supplied resources. |
simple_legend_ndc | Creates a legend in NDC space based on user supplied resources. |
specx_ci | Calculates the theoretical Markov spectrum and the lower and upper confidence curves. |