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NCL: GRIB to netCDF: Efficient Approach

Note: Support for GRIB2 files was added in version 4.3.0.

In version 4.2.0.a034, a tool called ncl_convert2nc was created to convert all or part of a GRIB file to netCDF.

This method is recommended unless you want to rename some of the GRIB1 and GRIB2 output variables. The method below shows the most efficient way to write GRIB files which rename variable and dimension names.

Some notes about the method below:

  • use only if you need to rename variables; otherwise use ncl_convert2nc (version 4.2.0.a034 or later)
  • requires user to define file contents before data are written to file (just like writing via fortran or C)
  • user should preview GRIB1 or GRIB2 file with ncl_filedump
  • data values are written using the (/ and /) operator
  • contains a user defined function that eliminates repetitive tasks
  • changes names of dimensions to commonly used names (not required)
  • uses cd_calendar to change the units from "hours since 1800-01-01 00:00" to an integer date of the form YYYYMMDDHH
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

function rdVar4D (f:file, vName:string, time:integer) 
; read GRIB 4D variable and assign new dimension names
  var = f->$vName$; read variable
  var!0 = "time"     ; assign 'conventional' dimension names 
  var!1 = "lev"  
  var!2 = "lat"  
  var!3 = "lon"
  var&time = time    ; assign time coord variable                 

; read in data from GRIB file
   gribdir  = "./"
   gribfil  = "monthly_1979_1151.tar.grb"
   grib_in  = addfile(gribdir+gribfil, "r")

  ;print( grib_in )                       ; file overview

   TIME  = grib_in->initial_time0_hours   ; time as "hours since"  
   lat   = grib_in->g0_lat_2              ; latitude          
   lon   = grib_in->g0_lon_3              ; longitude           
   lev   = grib_in->lv_ISBL1              ; level

   lat!0 = "lat"                          ; assign new dimension name
   lon!0 = "lon"                          
   lev!0 = "lev"                                                          
   TIME!0= "time"

   time  = cd_calendar(TIME, -3)          ; change to date syntax
   time!0= "time"
   time@units = "yyyymmddhh"

   TMP   = rdVar4D (grib_in, "T_GDS0_ISBL" ,time)
   Z     = rdVar4D (grib_in, "Z_GDS0_ISBL" ,time) 
; create parameters and output file
    ntim  = dimsizes(time)              
    klev  = dimsizes(lev)                                                
    nlat  = dimsizes(lat)                                                
    mlon  = dimsizes(lon)                                                
    system("'rm' -f")     ; remove pre-exit file (if any)
    ncdf  = addfile("","c")  ; create output file  

; define file options [Version a033]
    setfileoption(ncdf, "prefill", False)
    setfileoption(ncdf, "suppressclose", True)
    setfileoption(ncdf, "definemode", True)

; assign file attributes 
    fAtt               = True                        
    fAtt@title         = "GRIB-to-netCDF: Efficient Approach"          
    fAtt@source_file   = "monthly_1979_1151.tar.grb"
    fAtt@Conventions   = "None"                                        
    fAtt@creation_date = systemfunc("date")  
    fileattdef( ncdf, fAtt )            

; predefine coordinate information                
    dimNames = (/"time", "lat", "lon",  "lev" /)                        
    dimSizes = (/ ntim ,  nlat,  mlon,  klev  /)                         
    dimUnlim = (/ True , False, False,  False /)                         
    filedimdef(ncdf, dimNames  , dimSizes,  dimUnlim )                   
    filevardef(ncdf, "time"  , typeof(time), getvardims(time) )            
    filevarattdef(ncdf, "time", time)                               
    filevardef(ncdf, "lev"  , typeof(lev) , getvardims(lev) ) 
    filevarattdef(ncdf, "lev", lev)  
    filevardef(ncdf, "lat", typeof(lat), getvardims(lat) )
    filevarattdef(ncdf, "lat", lat) 
    filevardef(ncdf, "lon", typeof(lon), getvardims(lon) ) 
    filevarattdef(ncdf, "lon", lon)      

; predefine variable sizes
    filevardef(ncdf,"TIME",typeof(TIME), getvardims(TIME) ) 

    filevardef(ncdf,"T",typeof(TMP), getvardims(TMP) ) 

    filevardef(ncdf,"Z",typeof(Z),getvardims(Z) )

; terminate define mode: not necessary but for clarity
    setfileoption(ncdf, "definemode", False) 

; write data values to predefined locations  
; (/ .../) operator transfer values only                     
    ncdf->time   = (/ time /)     
    ncdf->lev    = (/ lev /)                                               
    ncdf->lat    = (/ lat /)                                              
    ncdf->lon    = (/ lon /)                                              

    ncdf->TIME   = (/ TIME/)
    ncdf->T      = (/ TMP /)                                              
    ncdf->Z      = (/  Z  /)

View the results using ncl_filedump, or "ncdump" from the netCDF suite of tools:


    ncdump -h
Click here for sample output.