NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > Spherical harmonic routines


Computes the Laplacian using spherical harmonics, given a scalar z on a fixed grid.


	procedure lapsf (
		z     : numeric,          
		zlap  : float or double   



scalar function array (input, two or more dimensions, last two dimensions must be nlat x nlon)

  • input values must be in ascending latitude order
  • input array must be on a global grid


Laplacian array (output, same dimensions as z, values will be in ascending latitude order)


lapsf computes the Laplacian z and returns it in the array zlap. lapsf operates on a fixed grid.

This procedure does not handle missing values. If any missing values are encountered in a particular 2D input grid, then all of the values in the corresponding output grid will be set to the missing value defined by the output grid's _FillValue attribute.

Note: For the arrays whose last two dimensions are nlat x nlon, the rest of the dimensions (if any) are collectively referred to as N. If the input/output arrays are just two dimensions, then N can either be considered equal to 1 or nothing at all.

Arrays which have dimensions N x nlat x nlon should not include the cyclic (wraparound) points when invoking the procedures and functions which use spherical harmonics (Spherepack).

For example, if an array x has dimensions nlat = 64 and nlon = 129, where the "129" represents the cyclic points, then the user should pass the data to the procedure/function via:

    z = sample ( x([...],:,0:nlon-2) )  ; does not include cyclic points
If the input array z is on a gaussian grid, lapsg should be used. Also, note that lapsf is the procedural version of lapsF.

See Also

lapsg, lapsF, lapsG, ilapsf, ilapsF, ilapsf, ilapsg


Example 1

Read Z (on a fixed grid) from a netCDF file and compute the Laplacian:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
   a = addfile("/cgd/cas/shea/MURPHYS/ATMOS/","r")
   z200 = a->Z(0,{189.},:,:)			; z200 is dimensioned nlat x nlon
   lapl = z200					; preallocate space for the returned array


If jer or ker is equal to:

1 : error in the specification of nlat
2 : error in the specification of nlon
4 : error in the specification of N (jer only)