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Interpolates float data on an unstructured grid to a rectilinear grid. (Deprecated version.)


	function natgrids (
		x  [*] : float,  
		y  [*] : float,  
		z      : float,  
		xo [*] : float,  
		yo [*] : float   

	return_val  :  float



An array of length npts containing the X coordinates of the input data points.

For lat/lon data, x represents the longitude values.


An array of length npts containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.

For lat/lon data, y represents the latitude values.


An array of any dimensionality (with the last dimension being npts) containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, z(...,i) is the value of the input function at coordinate (x(i),y(i)) for i=0,npts-1.


A 1D array of any length (NumXOut) containing the X coordinates of the output data grid. The values in xo must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.

For an output lat/lon grid, xo represents the output longitude values.


A 1D array of any length (NumYOut) containing the Y coordinates of the output data grid. The values in yo must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.

For an output lat/lon grid, yo represents the output latitude values.

Return value

An array of dimension N x NumXOut x NumYOut, where N represents all but the last (rightmost) dimension of z, containing the interpolated functional values at the points specified by xo and yo.

If the rightmost two dimensions represent latitude and longitude, then they will be ordered longitude x latitude, which means you need to transpose them before plotting.


[Deprecated: use natgrid instead.]

This function performs interpolation from float data on an unstructured grid to data on a rectilinear grid.

It is part of the Natgrid package, which implements a natural neighbor interpolation method. Much useful information is available at the above link, including the descriptions of many control parameters that can be modified to materially change the behavior of the package. (The functions nngetp and nnsetp are used to access these parameters.)

natgrids accepts a set of randomly-positioned 2D point coordinates, together with function values at those coordinates, and returns a set of interpolated function values at coordinates on a user-specified rectangular grid. No missing values are allowed in the input data arrays.

Natgrid culls duplicate points. If any of the x/y/z triples are duplicates, they will automatically be culled. Informational messages are printed indicating which points have been culled. There is an upper limit on the number of such messages, the default being ten. This limit can be adjusted using the control parameter "mdm"; setting "mdm" to zero suppress all such messages. If two x/y coordinate pairs are duplicates, but the z values are distinct, then a fatal error is issued. The user needs to figure out how to handle such data.

natgrids requires the input arrays to be of type float and uses underlying single-precision code. It is important to know this when deciding which of the functions that retrieve aspects and slopes (nngetaspectd, nngetaspects, nngetsloped, and nngetslopes) to call.

natgrids can be used to interpolate at a list of specified points. To do this one must first enter "specified-point mode" by calling nnpntinits, then calling nnpnts to do the interpolation, and finally calling nnpntend to exit "specified-point mode."

See Also



  NumXOut = 21
  NumYOut = 21
  ISLIM = 6
  x = new((/ISLIM/),float)
  y = new((/ISLIM/),float)
  z = new((/ISLIM/),float)
  xi = new((/NumXOut/),float)
  yi = new((/NumYOut/),float)

  x = (/0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.40, 0.75/)
  y = (/0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.20, 0.65/)
  z = (/0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.25, 0.80/)

  xc = 1./(NumXOut-1.) 
  xi = ispan(0,NumXOut-1,1) * xc

  yc = 1./(NumYOut-1.) 
  yi = ispan(0,NumYOut-1,1) * yc

  zi = natgrids(x, y, z, xi, yi)


If an error code is returned by natgrids, you can look up the meaning of the code in the Natgrid error table.