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Calculate seawater potential temperature at an arbitrary reference pressure given insitu temperature, salinity and depth.

Available in version 6.1.0 and later.


	function potmp_insitu_ocn (
		t        : numeric,  
		s        : numeric,  
		pres     : numeric,  
		pref [1] : numeric,  
		dims     : integer,  
		opt  [1] : logical   

	return_val  :  numeric



A scalar or array containing insitu temperature (degC). This must be the same size and shape as s.


A scalar or array containing salinity (g/kg). This must be the same size and shape as t.


Ocean pressure (decibars) corresponding to each t and s.


Ocean reference pressure (decibars). Usually, this is 0.0


The dimension(s) of t to which pres correspond. Must be consecutive and monotonically increasing.


Options. When calculating potential temperature, this should be set to False. If opt=True and the attribute opt@reverse=True then the input temperatures are potential temperatures and the returned temperatures will be 'observed' temperature.

Return value

If any t, s, pres or pref are double, the returned array will be double; otherwise, type float.


Calculate seawater potential temperature at an arbitrary reference pressure given insitu temperature and salinity.

NOTE: This is not the method used used in the POP model. Rather, the method used in the following reference is used.


     Computation of Potential Temperature of Seawater for an Arbitrary Reference Pressure
     N.P. Fofonoff 
     Deep Sea Res. 1977, 24, 489-491

See Also



Example 1: Given insitu t and s calculate ocean potential temperature. The dims argument is 0 since a scalar is a one-dimensional array of size one.

       t    = 2.0              ; degC; insitu temperature
       s    = 35.0             ; g/kg
       pres = 1000             ; decibars
       pref = 0.0              ; user specified reference pressure (dbars)
       pot  = potmp_insitu_ocn(t,s,pres,pref, 0 ,False)       ; pot=1.939

Example 2: Read observed ocean depths, temperatures and salinities and calculate ocean potential temperatures. These are one-dimensional so the dims argument is 0.

       dat  = asciiread("bath_ocean.txt", (/klev,3/), "float")
       d    = dat(:,0)          ; depth; meters;  (klev)
       t    = dat(:,1)          ; temp ; degC  ;  (klev)
       s    = dat(:,2)          ; salinity; g/kg; (klev) 
       pref = 0.0               ; user specified reference pressure (dbars)
       pres@units = "decibar"   ; must be decibar units
       pd   = depth_to_pres( d, False )*10   ; bars*10 => decibars

       pot  = potmp_insitu_ocn(t,s,pd,pref, 0 ,False) ; pot(ntim,klev,nlat,nlon)

Example 3: Read gridded insitu ocean temperatures and salinities and calculate ocean potential temperatures. The pres corresponds to the klev dimension of t and s, hence, dims should be set to 1.

       f    = addfile("", "r")
       t    = f->T              ; degC; (ntim,klev,nlat,nlon)
       s    = f->S              ; g/kg; ( 0  , 1  , 2  , 3  )
       zcm  = f->depth          ; cm  ;      (klev)
                                ; calculate pressure depth; convert input (cm) to meters
       pd   = depth_to_pres( zcm*0.01, False ) ; decibars

       pref = 0.0               ; user specified reference pressure (dbars)
       pres@units = "decibar"   ; must be decibar units

       pot  = potmp_insitu_ocn(t,s,pd,pref, 1 ,False) ; pot(ntim,klev,nlat,nlon)