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Calculates spectra of a series.


	function specx_anal (
		x    [*] : numeric,  
		iopt [1] : integer,  
		jave [1] : integer,  
		pct  [1] : numeric   

	return_val [1] :  float or double



A one-dimensional array containing the data. Missing values are not allowed.


A scalar representing the detrending option:

iopt = 0
Remove series mean.
iopt = 1
Remove the series mean and least squares linear trend.


A scalar representing the smoothing to be performed on the periodogram estimates. This should be an odd number (>= 3). If not, the routine will force it to the next largest odd number.

jave < 3
Do no smoothing. spcx contains raw spectra estimates (periodogram).
jave >= 3
Average jave periodogram estimates together utilizing modified Daniell smoothing (good stability but may lead to large bias). All weights are 1/jave except weight(1) and weight(jave) which are 1/(2*jave). This is the recommended option. It is this number which has the most impact on the degrees of freedom.


A scalar representing the percent of the series to be tapered (0.0 <= pct <= 1.0). If pct =0.0, no tapering will be done. If pct = 1.0, the whole series is affected. A value of 0.10 is common (tapering should always be done).

Return value

The return value is a scalar representing the degrees of freedom. The scalar will be double if x or pct are double, and float otherwise. See the description below for a list of attributes that are also returned.


specx_anal returns the degrees of freedom as a scalar. Assuming that N represents the length of x, this function also returns the following attributes:

One-dimensional array of length N/2.

spcx(0) - spectral estimate at frequency = (1/N)

spcx(N/2-1)- spectral estimate at frequency = 0.5

These spectra have been normalized so that the area under the curve:

(spcx(0)+spcx(N/2-1))*(df/2) + SUM{spcx(1:N/2-2)*df}
equals the variance of the detrended series, where df=(1/N)=frequency spacing.

The units are variance/(unit frequency interval).

A one-dimensional array of length N/2 representing frequency (cycles/time).
A scalar (same type as output) representing the spectral band width.

A scalar (same type as output) representing the average of the x series on input.

A scalar (same type as output) representing the variance of the x series on input.

A scalar (same type as output) representing the variance of the x series after detrending.

A scalar (same type as output) representing the lag-one autocorrelation of the x series after detrending.

A scalar (same type as output) representing the least-squares slope per time interval of linear trend (if iopt = 1) of the x series.

The choice of jave affects the spectral bandwidth, the character of the spectrum, and the number of the degrees of freedom.

  • Smaller jave yields higher resolution in the frequency domain (smaller bandwidth). The spectrum will look more jagged and the number of degrees of freedom will be less.

  • Larger jave yields broader resolution in the frequency domain (larger bandwidth). The spectrum will look more smoother and the number of degrees of freedom will be larger.

Spectral analysis is part art, part science. The choice of jave is a function of user needs.

See Also

specxy_anal, specx_ci


Example 1

This example performs a spectral analysis on series x:

   iopt = 0    ; remove series mean
   jave = 0    ; no smoothing; return periodogram estimates
   pct  = 0.1  ; taper 10% of the data
   dof  = specx_anal (x,iopt,jave,pct)

Example 2

This example performs a spectral analysis on series x, but assumes x has dimensions nyrs x nmos where nyrs represents the number of years and nmos the number of months. Use the ndtooned function:

   iopt = 0    ; remove series mean
   jave = 3    ; Average 3 periodogram estimates using modified Daniel
   pct  = 0.1  ; taper 10% of the data
   dof  = specx_anal (ndtooned(x),iopt,jave,pct)

Example 3

This example performs a spectral analysis on series x, but assume x has dimensions time x lev x lat x lon, and named dimensions "time", "lev", "lat", and "lon". Further assume we want the spectral analysis across time at a specific point lev=kl, lat=nl, lon=ml. Then, using dimension reordering:

   iopt = 1    ; remove least squares linear trend in x
               ; prior to tapering and computing spectra.
   jave = 5    ; Average 5 periodogram estimates using modified Daniel
   pct  = 0.1  ; taper 10% of the data
   dof  = specx_anal (x(lev|kl:kl,lat|nl:nl,lon|ml:ml,time:),iopt,jave,pct)

Example 4

The following sequence is the order in which the underlying specx_anal code compute the spectrum:

   [1] detrend the series [optional]
   [2] taper the series   [optional]
   [3] calculate the variance of the detrended/tapered series
   [4] forward fft on series
   [5] square the coef [periodogram  ~2 dof]  
   [6] smooth the periodogram estimates 
   [7] normalize [6] so that the area under the curve is
       equal to the variance calculated in [3]
        area_under_curve =  SUM { S(f)*df*frac }
    where frac=1.0 except at the beginning
    and end values where frac=0.5

Basically, it could be duplicated in NCL via:

   [a] input a series x[*] with no missing values.
   [b] remove the mean and, optionally, dtrend (detrend) the series.

   [c] taper the series.
   [d] Calculate the variance of the series.

   [d] perform a ezfftf (forward FFT) on the series.
   [e] square the real (rc) and imaginary (ic) coef from [d]. This gives
       the periodogram. 
         periodogram = rc^2 + ic^2    ; periodogram [array syntax]
       The periodogram has a bandwidth of 1/N (=df [delta_frequency]) 
       but no statistical significance.

  [f] perform a running average over the periodogram values using either runave or wrunave. 
       This creates the spectrum.
       A running average of, say, 5 pts creates a bandwidth of ,
       approximately, 10 degrees of freedom.
   [g] normalize the area under the curve [f] to the input variance.
       Remember the first and last bandwidths are only 0.5*df.   

Example 5

Compute the mean spectrum and confidence intervals from an ensemble of time segments. Let x(nseg,ntim) where 'nseg' is the number of number of temporal segments and 'ntim' is the length of each segment.

   d   = 0
   sm  = 1         ; periodogram
   pct = 0.10

  ; calculate mean spectrum spectrum and lag1 auto cor
  ; loop over each segment of length ntim
   spcavg = new ( ntim/2, typeof(x))
   spcavg = 0.0
   r1zsum = 0.0
   do n=0,nseg-1
      dof    = specx_anal(x(n,:),d,sm,pct)      ; current segment spc
      spcavg = spcavg + dof@spcx                ; sum spc of each segment
      r1     = dof@xlag1                        ; extract segment lag-1
      r1zsum = r1zsum  + 0.5*(log((1+r1)/(1-r1)) ; sum the Fischer Z
   end do
   r1z  = r1zsum/nseg                           ; average r1z
   r1   = (exp(2*r1z)-1)/(exp(2*r1z)+1)            ; transform back
                                                ; this is the mean r1
   spcavg  = spcavg/nseg                        ; average spectrum
  ; Assign mean spectrum to data object
   df      = 2.0*nseg                           ; deg of freedom
                                                ; all segments
   df@spcx = spcavg                             ; assign the mean spc
   df@frq  = dof@frq
   df@xlag1= r1                            ; assign mean lag-1
  ; plotting
    wks  = gsn_open_wks("ps","spec")              ; Opens a ps file
    res = True
    res@tiMainString = "Mean Spectra: "+nseg+" segments, dof="+df                   ; title
    res@tiXAxisString = "Frequency (cycles/month)"  ; xaxis
    res@tiYAxisString = "Variance"                  ; yaxis
    splt = specx_ci(df, 0.05, 0.95)                 ; confidence interval
    plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks, df@frq, splt ,res)      ; create plot