NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > String manipulation


Splits a string or strings into an array of strings given a length, or an array of lengths.

Available in version 6.0.0 and later.


	function str_split_by_length (
		string_val [*] : string,   
		length_val [*] : integer   

	return_val [*] :  string



The input string(s) to split.


The length(s) of which to split the string(s) into.

Return value

An array of strings.


This function splits string(s) based on a length or a length array. If the sum of the length array is larger than the length of the input string, then missing values are is assigned to the sub-strings beyond the input string length.

See Also

str_split, str_split_csv


Example 1

Split string(s) by length, or by array of length

 digit_strings = (/"012345678901234567890123456789", "01234567898765432100123456789876543210"/)
 alpha_strings = (/"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"/)
 dtime_strings = (/"20010203040506", "200203040506", "20030405", "200405060708", "20050607080910"/)

 tst_digit = str_split_by_length(digit_strings, 1)
 tst_alpha = str_split_by_length(alpha_strings, 2)

 dtime_map = (/4,2,2,2,2,2/)
 tst_dtime = str_split_by_length(dtime_strings, dtime_map)


 print("dtime_year  : " + tst_dtime(:,0))
 print("dtime_month : " + tst_dtime(:,1))
 print("dtime_day   : " + tst_dtime(:,2))
 print("dtime_hour  : " + tst_dtime(:,3))
 print("dtime_minute: " + tst_dtime(:,4))
 print("dtime_second: " + tst_dtime(:,5))

Output will be:

Variable: tst_digit
Type: string
Total Size: 304 bytes
            76 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:	[2] x [38]
(0,0)	0
(0,1)	1
(0,2)	2
(0,3)	3
(0,4)	4
(0,5)	5
(0,6)	6
(0,7)	7
(0,8)	8
(0,9)	9
(0,10)	0
(0,11)	1
(0,12)	2
(0,13)	3
(0,14)	4
(0,15)	5
(0,16)	6
(0,17)	7
(0,18)	8
(0,19)	9
(0,20)	0
(0,21)	1
(0,22)	2
(0,23)	3
(0,24)	4
(0,25)	5
(0,26)	6
(0,27)	7
(0,28)	8
(0,29)	9
(0,30)	missing
(0,31)	missing
(0,32)	missing
(0,33)	missing
(0,34)	missing
(0,35)	missing
(0,36)	missing
(0,37)	missing
(1,0)	0
(1,1)	1
(1,2)	2
(1,3)	3
(1,4)	4
(1,5)	5
(1,6)	6
(1,7)	7
(1,8)	8
(1,9)	9
(1,10)	8
(1,11)	7
(1,12)	6
(1,13)	5
(1,14)	4
(1,15)	3
(1,16)	2
(1,17)	1
(1,18)	0
(1,19)	0
(1,20)	1
(1,21)	2
(1,22)	3
(1,23)	4
(1,24)	5
(1,25)	6
(1,26)	7
(1,27)	8
(1,28)	9
(1,29)	8
(1,30)	7
(1,31)	6
(1,32)	5
(1,33)	4
(1,34)	3
(1,35)	2
(1,36)	1
(1,37)	0

Variable: tst_alpha
Type: string
Total Size: 104 bytes
            26 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:	[2] x [13]
(0,0)	ab
(0,1)	cd
(0,2)	ef
(0,3)	gh
(0,4)	ij
(0,5)	kl
(0,6)	mn
(0,7)	op
(0,8)	qr
(0,9)	st
(0,10)	uv
(0,11)	wx
(0,12)	yz
(1,0)	AB
(1,1)	CD
(1,2)	EF
(1,3)	GH
(1,4)	IJ
(1,5)	KL
(1,6)	MN
(1,7)	OP
(1,8)	QR
(1,9)	ST
(1,10)	UV
(1,11)	WX
(1,12)	YZ

Variable: tst_dtime
Type: string
Total Size: 120 bytes
            30 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:	[5] x [6]
(0,0)	2001
(0,1)	02
(0,2)	03
(0,3)	04
(0,4)	05
(0,5)	06
(1,0)	2002
(1,1)	03
(1,2)	04
(1,3)	05
(1,4)	06
(1,5)	missing
(2,0)	2003
(2,1)	04
(2,2)	05
(2,3)	missing
(2,4)	missing
(2,5)	missing
(3,0)	2004
(3,1)	05
(3,2)	06
(3,3)	07
(3,4)	08
(3,5)	missing
(4,0)	2005
(4,1)	06
(4,2)	07
(4,3)	08
(4,4)	09
(4,5)	10
(0)	dtime_year  : 2001
(1)	dtime_year  : 2002
(2)	dtime_year  : 2003
(3)	dtime_year  : 2004
(4)	dtime_year  : 2005
(0)	dtime_month : 02
(1)	dtime_month : 03
(2)	dtime_month : 04
(3)	dtime_month : 05
(4)	dtime_month : 06
(0)	dtime_day   : 03
(1)	dtime_day   : 04
(2)	dtime_day   : 05
(3)	dtime_day   : 06
(4)	dtime_day   : 07
(0)	dtime_hour  : 04
(1)	dtime_hour  : 05
(2)	dtime_hour  : missing
(3)	dtime_hour  : 07
(4)	dtime_hour  : 08
(0)	dtime_minute: 05
(1)	dtime_minute: 06
(2)	dtime_minute: missing
(3)	dtime_minute: 08
(4)	dtime_minute: 09
(0)	dtime_second: 06
(1)	dtime_second: missing
(2)	dtime_second: missing
(3)	dtime_second: missing
(4)	dtime_second: 10