NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > Type converters, String manipulation


Coerces values of type string to values of type integer.


	function stringtointeger (
		string_val  : string   

	return_val [dimsizes(string_val)] :  integer



A string variable of any dimensionality. The strings in this variable must be ASCII representations of numeric values, such as "123", "44" and so forth. If a conversion from a string to a integer value is not possible, an error is issued. NCL tries hard to make sense out of some strings that may not really represent an integer - in a given string it looks for the maximum number of initial characters that make sense as an integer value and ignores the rest. For example it would interpret the string "3.4etothefifth" as the value 3 and "2.9" as the integer 2 . Note that "1E+2" would be converted to the integer 1 as would "1 23". In particular note that spaces signal the end of what is considered the meaningful numeric part of a string. Also, "1.23E+5" would be interpreted as 1, since the period would signal the end of the meaningful integer part of the string.

Hexadecimal numbers are represented in string input using a special syntax. If the first two characters in an input string are "0x" or "0X", then the string is assumed to represent a hexadecimal number and the conversion to an integer will result in a decimal integer. For strings representing hexadecimal numbers, all digits must be in the set of sixteen characters {0-9,A-F} - the conversion terminates with any character not in this set. See Example 3 for examples of hexadecimal conversions.

Return value

Returns an array of integers. The return variable is of the same dimensionality as the input variable.


This function takes strings that are ASCII representations of numeric values and converts them to integer.

The function stringtoint is identical to this function, and can be used if you don't want to use the full stringtointeger name. This alias name is included just for people who don't like to type (or like the shorter names).

This function performs coercion that is not automatically available through the NCL grammar. See the section on coercion of types for details on NCL's automatic type conversions.

Attributes, with the exception of _FillValue, are not propagated by the conversion functions. See Example 2 below.

Special considerations apply to how missing values are handled in the conversion functions. See Example 2 below for illustrations.

See Also

stringtoint, stringtolong, stringtoshort, stringtochar, stringtodouble, stringtofloat, asciiread


Example 1

Convert various strings to integer values.

  a = (/ "1", "23", "2.71828E+2", "3junk", 1.23E+4 , "1 23"/)
  b = stringtointeger(a)

Example 2

Shows how some missing values are handled.

;  Conversion does not preserve attributes, except missing value.
;  A string missing value is converted to an integer,
;  if that is possible, and used as the missing value
;  for the target variable.
  a = "1.23"
  a@T = "string"
  a@_FillValue = "4.56"
  b = stringtointeger(a)
  print (b)
;  If the target variable has no missing value
;  specified and the original variable does, the missing 
;  value of the target string is the missing value
;  of the original string.
  a = (/"1.23","4.56","7.89"/)
  a@_FillValue = "4"
  b = stringtointeger(a)
  print (b)
;  If the target variable has a missing
;  value specified and the original variable
;  has a missing value specified, the missing
;  value of the target variable is retained
;  even when the missing value of the original 
;  variable is convertible to an integer.
;  Missing values in the original variable are 
;  converted to the missing value of the target variable.
  a = (/"1","4","8"/)
  a@_FillValue = "4"
  b = new(3,integer,7)
  b = stringtointeger(a)
  print (b)
;  If missing value of the original variable
;  ("missing" in most circumstances) is not
;  convertible to a integer, then the missing
;  value for the target variable will obtain.
;  Missing values in the original variable are 
;  converted to the missing value of the target 
;  variable.
  a = (/"1","4","XXX"/)
  a@_FillValue = "XXX"
  b = stringtointeger(a)
  print (b)

Example 3

Shows how hexadecimal string representations are handled.

;  Specify an array of strings representing hexadecimal numbers
  c = (/"0x5", "0X10", "0x9A"/)
;  Convert to hexadecimal integers, getting (/5, 16, 154/).
  d = stringtointeger(c)


If NCL cannot make sense of an input string as an integer value, an error is issued.