NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > Singular value decomposition


Calculates the singular value decomposition of a general rectangular matrix.


	function svd_lapack (
		A        : numeric,  
		jobu [1] : string,   
		jobv [1] : string,   
		optv [1] : integer,  
		U [*][*] : numeric,  
		V [*][*] : numeric   

	return_val [*] :  float or double



An N (column) x M (row) matrix which will be overwritten by the function. If the original A matrix is to be subsequently used by the user, then a copy should be made prior to invoking this function.

If A has more than two dimensions, then all but the rightmost dimension will be collapsed into one single dimension (which we are referring to as N).


For now, these are dummy options. They will be set to "S" and "S".


If optv = 0, then V will contain the transpose(V) as is returned by the LAPACK routine. If optv = 1, then the V array will be returned.


A two-dimensional array dimensioned min(M,N) x M. that will contain the left singular vectors. The user must pre-allocate space for this array.


A two-dimensional array dimensioned N x N that will contain the right singular vectors. The user must pre-allocate space for this array.

Return value

The return value is a one-dimensional array of length min(N,M). It will be of type double if A is double, and float otherwise.


This function calculates the singular value decomposition of a general rectangular matrix. The singular values and the left and right singular vectors are returned.

A = U * S * transpose(V)
where S is an N x M matrix which is zero except for its min(M,N) diagonal elements, U is an M x M orthogonal matrix, and V is an N x N orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of S are the singular values of A; they are real and non-negative, and are returned in descending order. The first min(M,N) columns of U and V are the left and right singular vectors of A.

Note that the source LAPACK routine (dgesvd) returns V**T, not V. However, setting optv=1 will result in the return of V.

Missing values are not allowed, and the routine will exit if any are encountered.


Note: remember that NCL is row-major in terms of how it interprets arrays. This means that the rightmost dimension varies the fastest.

Example 1

; Data source
; User's Manual
; Version 1,  April 1987
; Page 280 

; create a simple 2D array for example
  a1D = (/1., 3., 4., 2., 1., 1., 2., 2., 3., 1., 5., 2., 1., 1., 1., \
              3., 2., 2., 4., 3., 4., 1., 2., 3./)

  nra = 6      ; number rows    of matrix 'a'
  nca = 4      ; number columns
  a   = onedtond(a1D, (/nca,nra/) )  ; reshape to 2D
;          a= ( 4  1  2  1 )
;             ( 3  1  2  3 )
;             ( 4  1  3  4 )
;             ( 1  3  1  2 )
;             ( 2  2  5  1 )
;             ( 3  2  2  1 )
  u   = new ( (/nca,nra/) , typeof(a) )  ; pre-allocate space 
  v   = new ( (/nca,nca/) , typeof(a) )  ; for returned arrays

  s   = svd_lapack (a, "S" , "S", 0,  u, v)

  delete (a)   ; no longer needed. it was overwritten

The output would be:

 S: singular values: s@info= 0

 U: left singular vectors
  1   -0.3805    0.1197    0.4391    0.5654
  2   -0.4038    0.3451   -0.0566   -0.2148
  3   -0.5451    0.4293    0.0514   -0.4321
  4   -0.2648   -0.0683   -0.8839    0.2153
  5   -0.4463   -0.8168    0.1419   -0.3213
  6   -0.3546   -0.1021   -0.0043    0.5458

 V: right singular vectors: return V transpose
  1   -0.4443   -0.5581   -0.3244   -0.6212
  2    0.5555   -0.6543   -0.3514    0.3739
  3   -0.4354    0.2775   -0.7321    0.4444
  4   -0.5518   -0.4283    0.4851    0.5261
Note: if optv=1, then V will be transposed:

 V: right singular vectors (v) ==> what IMSL returns:
  1   -0.4443    0.5555   -0.4354   -0.5518
  2   -0.5581   -0.6543    0.2775   -0.4283
  3   -0.3244   -0.3514   -0.7321    0.4851
  4   -0.6212    0.3739    0.4444    0.5261
Example 2

Assume x is dimensioned ntim x nlat x mlon with named dimensions "time", "lat", and "lon". If the user wishes "time" to be the number of rows (rightmost dimension), and both spatial dimensions (i.e. lat and lon) to be the number of columns, then dimension reordering should be used:

  nca = nlat*mlon                        ; for clarity only
  nra = ntim
  u   = new ( (/nca,nra/) , typeof(x) )  ; pre-allocate space 
  v   = new ( (/nca,nca/) , typeof(x) )  ; for returned arrays

  s   = svd_lapack (x(lat|:,lon|:,time|:), "S" , "S", 0,  u, v)

Here, NCL creates a temporary array to pass to the function.

Note: 4D arrays, like time x lev x lat x lon, would be approached in the same way.

Example 3

Same as example 2, except that "time" is to be the number of columns, and both spatial dimensions (i.e. lat and lon) are to be the number of rows. Here, NCL's built-in reshaping functions, ndtooned and onedtond, must be used:

  nca = ntim                             ; for clarity only
  nra = nlat*mlon
  u   = new ( (/nca,nra/) , typeof(x) )  ; pre-allocate space 
  v   = new ( (/nca,nca/) , typeof(x) )  ; for returned arrays

  xTemp = onedtond( ndtooned(x), (/nca,nra/))

  s   = svd_lapack (xTemp, "S" , "S", 0,  u, v)
  delete (xTemp)
The creation of xTemp results in a 2D array where the spatial dimensions are the rightmost dimensions.

Example 4

Assume that a user has an ensemble of five arrays, and that the arrays are of size ntim x lat x lon and have named dimensions "time", "lat", and "lon". Further, assume that they are on five netCDF files. There are several ways to do this (i.e. addfiles), but here we will do it explicitly. Also, because these files may be large, we may reorder on input to minimize any subsequent temporary arrays. The downside is that input may be slower.

[1] "time" is to be the "column":

   a   = new ( (/ncase,nlat,mlon,ntim/) , float)
   a!0 = "case"    ; name dimension

   f0  = addfile ("" ,"r")
   f1  = addfile ("" ,"r")
   f2  = addfile ("" ,"r")
   f3  = addfile ("" ,"r")
   f4  = addfile ("" ,"r")

   a(0,:,:,:) = f0->x(lat|:,lon|:,time|:) 
   a(1,:,:,:) = f1->x(lat|:,lon|:,time|:)        
   a(2,:,:,:) = f2->x(lat|:,lon|:,time|:)
   a(3,:,:,:) = f3->x(lat|:,lon|:,time|:)
   a(4,:,:,:) = f4->x(lat|:,lon|:,time|:)

   nca = ncase*nlat*mlon                 ; for clarity only
   nra = ntim
   u   = new ( (/nca,nra/) , typeof(x) )  ; pre-allocate space 
   v   = new ( (/nca,nca/) , typeof(x) )  ; for returned arrays

   s   = svd_lapack (a , "S" , "S", 0,  u, v)
   delete (a)
------- Example 5: ncl-talk question & answer

Can anyone tell me why the singular value decomposition (svd_lapack) below yields different eigenvalues than the eigenanalysis (eofunc, eofunc_ts), while both output the exact same EOFs and PCs? Can't see what I'm doing wrong. Code and output are below.

;                   ### data array A=(/ntime,nspace/) ###
    A   = (/ (/-2.,1./),(/7.,-8./),(/-3.,0./),(/5.,-9./) /)
    A!0 = "time"
    A!1 = "space"
    ntime  = 4        ;### number of rows, time dimension 0 ###
    nspace = 2        ;### number of columns, space dimension 1 ###

    Aprime = dim_rmvmean_n(A,0)

    ;### singular value decomposition of Aprime ###    
    ;### Aprime=(u)(s)(vtranspose)-----> (4x2)=(4x2)(2x2)(2x2) ###

    u            = new ( (/ntime,nspace/) , float )           ;### columns of u are PC eigenvectors ###
    vtranspose   = new ( (/nspace,nspace/) , float )          ;### rows of vtranspose are EOF eigenvectors ###
    s            = svd_lapack (Aprime, "S" , "S", 0,  vtranspose, u)        ;### s^2=eigenvalues
                                                                            ;### s is returned with only the non-zero (diagonal) values

    print("for SVD")
    write_matrix (u, "2f10.4", False)

    write_matrix (vtranspose, "2f10.4", False)

    At  = transpose(A)          ;### make time the rightmost dimension ###
    eof = eofunc(At,2,False)    ;### rows of eof are EOFs ###
    eoftranspose = transpose(eof)
    pc  = eofunc_ts_Wrap(At,eof,False)    ;### rows of pc are PCs ###
    pctranspose  = transpose(pc)           ;### for similarity to SVD matrices, now columns of pc are PCs ###
    pc_colsum    = dim_sum_n(pctranspose^2,0)    ;### square each component and sum the columns ###
    pctranspose(:,0) = pctranspose(:,0)/sqrt(pc_colsum(0))    ;### normalize PC1
    pctranspose(:,1) = pctranspose(:,1)/sqrt(pc_colsum(1))    ;### normalize PC2

    print("for eofunc")
    write_matrix (pctranspose, "2f10.4", False)

    write_matrix (eof, "2f10.4", False)


(0) for SVD (0) U:

0.5010 0.4050 -0.5261 0.5745 0.4983 -0.3748 -0.4732 -0.6046

(0) V:

-0.6898 0.7240 0.7240 0.6898

(0) lambda: (0) 153.4626 (1) 3.287447

(0) for eofunc (0) U:

0.5010 0.4050 -0.5261 0.5745 0.4983 -0.3748 -0.4732 -0.6046

(0) V:

-0.6898 0.7240 0.7240 0.6898

(0) lambda: (0) 51.15419 (1) 1.095816


They should be different by a factor of 1/(n-1), since eofunc is computing the covariance matrix itself. In your case, that factor is exactly 1/3.