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Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a gaussian grid.


	function uv2vrG (
		u  : numeric,  
		v  : numeric   

	return_val [dimsizes(u)] :  float or double



wind components (input, arrays with two or more dimensions, last two dimensions must be nlat x nlon)

  • input values must be in ascending latitude order
  • input array must be on a global grid

Return value

A double array is returned if u or v are double; a float array is returned otherwise. The returned array will be of dimension size dimsizes (u).


Given wind components u and v, uv2vrG computes the vorticity and returns it as an array with the same dimensions as u and v (values will be in ascending latitude order). uv2vrG operates on a gaussian grid.

This function does not handle missing values (defined by the _FillValue attribute). If any missing values are encountered in a particular 2D input grid, then all of the values in the corresponding output grids will be set to the default missing value appropriate to the type of the output.

Note: For the arrays whose last two dimensions are nlat x nlon, the rest of the dimensions (if any) are collectively referred to as N. If the input/output arrays are just two dimensions, then N can either be considered equal to 1 or nothing at all.

Arrays which have dimensions N x nlat x nlon should not include the cyclic (wraparound) points when invoking the procedures and functions which use spherical harmonics (Spherepack).

Use the uv2vrG_Wrap function if metadata retention is desired. The interface is identical.

If the input arrays u and v are on a fixed grid, uv2vrF should be used. Also, note that uv2vrG is the function version of uv2vrg.

Note, if the input arrays are not global or contain missing data, then it is recommended that uv2vr_cfd be used.

See Also

uv2vrG_Wrap, uv2vrF, uv2vrg, uv2vrf, uv2vrdvG, vr2uvG, uv2vr_cfd, uv2vrdvg, uv2vrdvf


Example 1

Compute the vorticity given u and v on a gaussian grid. Also, compute the rotational wind components.

  nlat  = 128                                       ; dimensions
  mlon  = 256
  mlon1 = mlon+1
  fbfile = "uv300.hs"
  nrec  = fbinnumrec(fbfile)       ; total number of records in the file
  ntim  = nrec/2                       ; number of time steps in dataset

  uvmsg = 1e+36

  do i = 0,nrec-1,2                    
   month = 1                         ; January
   if (i .ge. 2) then
       month = 7                     ; July
   end if   

   work = fbinrecread(fbfile,i  ,(/nlat,mlon1/),"float")
   u    = work(:,0:mlon-1)
   work = fbinrecread(fbfile,i+1,(/nlat,mlon1/),"float")
   v    = work(:,0:mlon-1)

   vr    = uv2vrG (u,v)               ; u,v ==> vorticity (rel)

   ; Use uv2vrG_Wrap if metadata retention is desired
   ; vr    = uv2vrG_Wrap (u,v)               ; u,v ==> vorticity (rel)

   uvr   = vr2uvG (vr)                ; vr  ==> rotational wind components
  end do


If jer or ker is equal to:

1 : error in the specification of nlat
2 : error in the specification of nlon
4 : error in the specification of N (jer only)