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Interpolates CAM (Community Atmosphere Model) hybrid coordinates to pressure coordinates.


	function vinth2p (
		datai      : numeric,  
		hbcofa [*] : numeric,  
		hbcofb [*] : numeric,  
		plevo  [*] : numeric,  
		psfc       : numeric,  
		intyp  [1] : integer,  
		p0     [1] : numeric,  
		ii     [1] : integer,  
		kxtrp  [1] : logical   

	return_val  :  numeric



An array of 3, 4, or 5 dimensions. Needs to contain a level dimension in hybrid coordinates. The order of the dimensions is specific. The three rightmost dimensions must be level x lat x lon [e.g. T(time,lev,lat,lon)]. The order of the level dimension must be top-to-bottom.


A one-dimensional array containing the hybrid A coefficients. Must have the same dimension size as the level dimension of datai. The order must be top-to-bottom. (These are expected to be normalized to one (1.0). If not, divide by P0.)


A one-dimensional array containing the hybrid B coefficients. Must have the same dimension size as the level dimension of datai. The order must be top-to-bottom.


A one-dimensional array of output pressure levels in mb. These can be ordered top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top.


A multi-dimensional array of surface pressures in Pa. Must have the same dimension sizes as the corresponding dimensions of datai (minus the level dimension).


Scalar integer value equal to the interpolation type: 1 = LINEAR, 2 = LOG, 3 = LOG LOG


Scalar numeric value equal to surface reference pressure in mb.


Not used at this time. Set to 1.


Logical. False => no extrapolation when the pressure level is outside of the range of psfc.

Return value

A multi-dimensional array of the same size as datai except that the level coordinate has been replaced by plevo. The function automatically copies the metadata from datai to return_val.

The type of the output data will be double only if psfc and datai are of type double. Otherwise, the return type will be float.


Interpolates CAM (Community Atmosphere Model) hybrid coordinates to pressure coordinates. The type of interpolation is currently a variant of transformed pressure coordinates with the interpolation type specified by intyp. All hybrid coordinate values are transformed to pressure values. If datai is on midlevels (interfaces), then hyam/hybm (hyai/hybi) coefficients should be input.

This is the exact routine used within the old CCM (Community Climate Model) Processor. The mixture of Pa for psfc and mb for plevo and p0 is specified by the source routine. Further, the datai are required to be top-to-bottom BUT the hyam and hybm are ordered bottom-to-top. Again, this is the ordering expected by the original routine.

See Also

Use the vinth2p_ecmwf for the extrapolation of temperature and geopotential below ground.


CESM1.0 output files in CCM History Tape (CCMHT) format. These files may be read into NCL directly using addfile with a ".ccm" extension. Alternatively, these files may be converted to netCDF using ccm2nc. The reason for mentioning this is that there are differences. The netCDF files produced by ccm2nc or output directly from later versions of the model:

  1. have the reference pressure (P0) contained within the file while earlier files do not. In the latter case the user must explicitly provide that information.
  2. produce variables with level, latitude and longitude being the three rightmost (fastest varying) dimensions [e.g. TS(time,lev,lat,lon)]. The variables in CCMHT format are ordered differently [e.g. (lat,lev,lon) or (time,lat,lev,lon)]. It is therefore necessary to reorder the variable before input.
  3. have a time dimension while the CCMHT files may or may not have a time dimension.
Example 1

The models which produce files in CCM History Tape format write the variables in the following order ([time],lat,lev,lon). This example has no time dimension. vinth2p requires either the level dimension to be the slowest varying (leftmost) dimension or time as the slowest followed by level. Thus, the following example uses dimension reordering to put the dimensions into the required order. The surface pressure (PS) has two dimensions (lat,lon). This example explicitly reads all the required variables to memory and reorders the dimensions of the input at the time the function is invoked. Tnew is a 3D array returned by vinth2p with the same size as T except that the level dimension has been replaced by the size of pnew.

  fccm = addfile ("dummy.ccm" , "r")  ; a CCM file
  pnew = (/ 850.0,200.0 /)            ; desired output levels [hPa/mb] 
  hyam = fccm->hyam                   ; read to memory [optional]
  hybm = fccm->hybm
  T    = fccm->T                      ; say "T" is (lat,lev,lon)
  P0mb = 1000.                        ; reference pressure [mb]
  Tnew = vinth2p (T(lev|:,lat|:,lon|:),hyam,hybm,pnew,fccm->PS,1,P0mb,1,True)
Example 2

Let's assume that the above file had been converted to netCDF format via ccm2nc with the following dimension order (lev,lat,lon). In this case, the dimension order is correct. Also, the reference pressure P0 has been added to the file so it may be retrieved directly.

  fncf = addfile ("" , "r")  ; a CCM file converted to netCDF via ccm2nc 
  P0mb = 0.01*fncf->P0               ; change Pa to mb (as required)
  Tnew = vinth2p(T,hyam,hybm,pnew,fncf->PS,1,P0mb,1,True)
Example 3

A variable with a time dimension is read in directly from a CCMHT formatted file. Each variable's dimension order is (time,lat,lev,lon). Only those variables with four dimensions are to be interpolated to the specified pressure levels. The output is dimension order is to be (time,lev_new,lat,lon). Also demonstrated is the technique to name a dimension and transfer appropriate coordinate variables to that named dimension.

  fccm = addfile ("dummy.ccm" , "r")  ; a CCM file
  pnew = (/ 850., 500., 200. /)       ; desired output levels 
  hyam = fccm->hyam                   ; read to memory (optional)
  hybm = fccm->hybm
  time = fccm->time
  P0mb = 1000.                        ; reference pressure [mb]
  vname= getfilevarnames(fccm)  ; get all variable names on input file
  lev_new   = pnew                    ; create a new coordinate variable 
  lev_new!0 = "lev_new"               ; variable and dimension name the same

  do i=0,dimsizes(vnames)-1
    dims  = getfilevardims(fccm,vname(i))
    nrank = dimsizes(dims)      ; determine the number of dimensions
    if (nrank.eq.4) then             ; only interp 4D variables 
      Vold = fccm->$vname(i)$        ; read each variable to memory 
                                     ; (faster dimension reordering)

      Vnew = vinth2p(Vold(time|:,lev|:,lat|:,lon|:),hyam,hybm,pnew,fccm->PS,\
    end if
;     do something with Vnew
  end do
Example 4

In this example, no dimension reordering is required.

  fncf = addfile ("" , "r")  
  hyam = fccm->hyam                   ; read to memory (optional)
  hybm = fccm->hybm


  Vold = fncf->$vname(i)$      ; read to memory [could be large]    
  Vnew = vinth2p(Vold,hyam, hybm, pnew ,fncf->PS, 1    \
                 ,P0mb, 1, True)
  Vnew = vinth2p(fncf->$vname(i)$,hyam, hybm, plev ,fncf->PS, 1    \
                 ,P0mb, 1, True)
Example 5

Let x(time,lev,lat,lon) be a variable from a model in which the level coordinate is in sigma levels but is in the correct top-to-bottom order:

; vinth2p requires the lev_p to be expressed in mb [hPa]
; eother top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top ordering is allowed

  lev_p           = (/  10, 20, 30, 50, 70,100,150,200,250 \
                     , 300,400,500,600,700,850,925,1000 /)                
  lev_p!0         = "lev_p"                  ; variable/dim name 
  lev_p&lev_p     =  lev_p                   ; create coordinate variable
  lev_p@long_name = "pressure"               ; attach some attributes
  lev_p@units     = "hPa"
  lev_p@positive  = "down"
                                    ; CAM outputs bottom-to-top
  hybm            = f->sigma        ; hybm is the 'sigma' coordinate
  hyam            = hybm            ; create a bogus hyam 1D array
  hyam            = 0.0             ; set all values to zero

  P0mb            = f->P0*0.01
  ps              = f->ps           ; these are in Pa
  x               = f->X

  xp   = vinth2p(x, hyam, hybm, lev_p, ps, intyp, P0mb, 1, False )