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Performs array assignments based on a conditional array.


	function where (
		condtnl_expr  ,    
		true_value    ,    

	return_val [dimsizes(condtnl_expr)] 



A logical expression or value of any dimensionality.


An array with the same rank and dimension sizes as condtnl_expr, or a scalar. For all elements of condtnl_expr that evaluate to True, the corresponding element of true_value is inserted into the return value array.


An array with the same rank and dimension sizes as condtnl_expr, or a scalar. For all elements of condtnl_expr that evaluate to False, the corresponding element of false_value is inserted into the return value array.

Return value

The return value has the same dimensionality as condtnl_expr. Its type is the same as the type of true_value if false_value has the same type as true_value or can be coerced to the type of true_value. Otherwise it is the type of false_value if true_value can be coerced to the type of false_value. If neither type can be coerced to the other type, an error is returned.


At all locations where condtnl_array evaluates to True, the where function inserts the corresponding value of true_value into the return array. Likewise, at all locations where condtnl_array evaluates to False, this function inserts the corresponding value of false_value.

See the return value section above for more information about the type of the return value.

Note: if you need to have the indices where a particular expression in NCL is True returned to you, then see instead the ind and ind_resolve functions.
If any elements of condtnl_expr are missing (i.e. equal to condtnl_array@_FillValue), then the corresponding elements of the return array become missing values equal to the missing value of whatever type is returned. The missing value is set to true_value@_FillValue or false_value@_FillValue, depending on which type the return value is coerced to.

While syntactically different, the NCL where function can operate analogous to the Fortran 90 WHERE statement:

  WHERE(x < 0) x = x + 256                     ; f90 WHERE statement
  x = where(, x+256, x)                ; NCL
More generally it operates like a one-level/one-statement form of the Fortran 90 WHERE construct.
  WHERE(z >= pi .and. z < pi2)                 ; f90 construct
        q = pi*z                               ; True
        q = 0.5*z                              ; False

  q = where( .and., pi*z, 0.5*z)   ; NCL

Caveat: NCL evaluates the entire expression inside the where function, which will cause problems if it's an expression NCL would normally fail on. For example, if you try to execute:

  yinv = where(, 1./y, 0.)
and y contains values equal to 0, you will get a fatal error:

  fatal:divide: Division by 0, Can't continue
There are two approaches to use where.

  • yinv = 1. / where(,y,y@_FillValue)

  • Set y to a _FillValue value where it is equal to 0, and then can do the divide:
      y    = where(,y,y@_FillValue)
      yinv = 1. / y
    If you further want to set y back to where it originally contained zeros:
      y = where(ismissing(y),0,y)

See Also

mask, ind, ind_resolve


Example 1

Assume you have a multi-dimensional numeric array x with a missing value (x@_FillValue). Use where to take the square root of x only at locations where x is positive, and set it to a missing value otherwise:

   xsqrt = where(,sqrt(x),x@_FillValue)

On some systems, taking the square root of a negative number results in a "sqrt: DOMAIN error" message, but it's not a fatal message. You will still get the correct results.

Example 2

Assume you have a 2-dimensional mask array oro in which 1 represents land and 0 represents water. Use where to do two different calculations on another variable a, depending on whether you are over land or water:

 x = where(oro.eq.1 , a+273.15, 1.8*a+32)

Note: for an integer array, any values equal to 0 also evaluate as False, so the above expression could also be accomplished with:

 x = where(oro, a+273.15, 1.8*a+32)

Example 3

Assume x is a 2-dimensional array with 2-dimensional coordinate arrays lat2d and lon2d. To set all values outside some user-specified region as specified by latMin, latMax, lonMin, and lonMax, to a missing value, use:

    x = f->X
    x@lat2d = f->latitude    ; 2D coordinate arrays
    x@lon2d = f->longitude
    latMin  = -20
    latMax  =  60
    lonMin  = 110
    lonMax  = 270
    x = where(( .and. x@lat2d.le.latMax  .and. \
      .and. x@lon2d.le.lonMax), x, x@_FillValue)
Example 4

Say you have two multi-dimensional arrays of the same size, v1 and v2. To do an element-by-element minimum or maximum between the two:

   vmin = where(,v1,v2) 
   vmax = where(,v1,v2)