NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > Array query


Finds the initial indices of a one-dimensional array which exactly match a user specified list of values.


load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"  ; This library is automatically loaded
                                                             ; from NCL V6.2.0 onward.
                                                             ; No need for user to explicitly load.

	function get1Dindex (
		x             ,    

	return_val  :  integer or long



A one-dimensional array.


A one-dimensional array of the same type as x containing the user specified values of x for which the subscripts [indices] are desired. Exact values only. NOTE: (a) It does not return the subscripts of the closest values; (b) When there is more than one exact match, the returned index is that of the first match.

Return value

A scalar or one-dimensional array containing index subscripts corresponding to wanted_value. If a match is not made for a partucular wanted_value, an _FillValue is returned.


Finds the indices in a one-dimensional array which equal a user specified list of values. The values must exist in the array to be checked. If the value does not exist, try using closest_val.
Differs from ind in that an array of wanted values can be checked versus only a single value. Also, the input to ind must be made into a logical expression.

The input arguments should contain only unique values. Duplicate entries will lead to a fatal error.

NOTE: (a) It does not return the subscripts of the closest values; (b) When there is more than one exact match, the returned index is that of the first match.

See Also

get1Dindex_Repeat, get1Dindex_Collapse, get1Dindex_Exclude, closest_val, getind_latlon2d, ind


Example 1

Find the subscript indices corresponding to years specified by the user.

  load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
  year      = ispan(1870,2006,1)

  year_want = (/1870,1900, 1948, 1957, 1964, 1965, 1989, 2005, 2006/)
  i         = get1Dindex(year,year_want)
The output would be:
Variable: i
Type: integer
Total Size: 28 bytes
            9 values
(0)     0
(1)     30
(2)     78
(3)     87
(4)     94
(5)     95
(6)     119
(7)     135
(8)     136
Example 2

Read specific dates over multiple files.

  load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

; user specified dates [yyyymmdd]

   date_select = (/19830131, 19850202, 19890610/)

   diri = "./"      ; input directory
   fili = systemfunc("cd "+diri +" ; ls uwnd*nc")

   f = addfiles(diri+fili, "r")

   time = f[:]->time
   date = cd_calendar(time, -2)         ; yyyymmdd

   idate= get1Dindex(date, date_select) ; index for each desired data

   u_select = f[:]->uwnd(idate,:,:,:)   ; read selected dates only

   diro = "./"
   filo = ""
   system("/bin/rm -f "+diro+filo)      ; rm any pre-existing file

   f_select = addfile(diro+filo, "c")
   f_select->date = date(idate)
   f_select->uwnd = u_select