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Sets resources necessary to draw nice tickmark labels using a format of date/time on an axis.

Available in version 5.2.0 and later.


load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/time_axis_labels.ncl"

	procedure time_axis_labels (
		time     : numeric,  
		resplot  : logical,  
		restick  : logical   



An array containing the values of time. This variable should have an attribute named "units". In other words, this variable holds the values of the coordinate axis 'time' along with the units.


This should be the resource list that will be passed to your plotting function. It can have any other attributes, as usual, but only the tmZZMode, tmZZValues and tmZZLabels are changed inside this procedure (where ZZ is one of XB, XT, YL or YR depending on which axis to mark).


Special "ttm" resources for the time axis tick formats. If this variable is set to True, then its attributes are used to format the time axis. See the description section below for more details.


This procedure modifies the resplot resource list to add the necessary "tm" resources for generating nice time labels on the X or Y axis. resplot is the resource list you should eventually pass to the plotting routine, like gsn_csm_xy or gsn_csm_contour.

The restick resource list allows you to specify how you want the time labels formatted, by attaching special "ttm" attributes. Valid attributes for restick are:

A string specifying the format of the tick labels.

This string is parsed as follows: the '%' acts as the escape character. The single character after every '%' is formatted according to the rule:

Y => 4-digit year (e.g., 2007).
y => 2-digit year (e.g., 07).
C => CAPITAL month abbreviation (e.g., JUN).
c => Small month abbreviation (e.g., Jun).
F => CAPITAL full month (e.g., JUNE).
f => Small full month (e.g., June).
N => 2-digit month (e.g., 06).
n => 1 or 2 digit month (e.g., 6 for June, 12 for December).
D => 2-digit day (e.g., 04).
d => 1 or 2 digit day (e.g., 4)
H => 2-digit hour (e.g., 09).
h => 1 or 2 digit hour (e.g., 9 or 11).
M => 2 digit minute (e.g., 08).
m => 1 or 2 digit minute (e.g., 07 or 56).
S => 2 digit second (e.g., 02).
s => 1 or 2 digit second (e.g., 2 or 23).

Any character at any other place in the format string is drawn as is. NOTE: a '%' can be drawn using "%%".

If ttmFormat is absent, a minimal algorithm exists which tries to determine the format string depending on the length and values of the date-time.

A string that can have values "XB", "XT", "YL", or "YR" depending on which axis is to label. Default is "XB".

An Mx6 integer array containing M date-time values where tick labels should be marked. The 2nd dimension should contain the values of year, month, day, hour, minute and second in this order. If this attribute is missing, the script tries to determine the axis values for tickmarks from the length of the data.

Approximate number of tick labels. Used only when ttmValues is absent. Default value of this parameter is 4.

Number of timesteps desired between major tickmarks. Note that this trumps ttmNumTicks, but not ttmValues.

Number of timesteps desired between minor tickmarks.

Side effects:

  • Values of tmZZMode, tmZZValues and tmZZLabels (ZZ = one of XB, XT, YL, YR) will be set.
  • resplot will be set to True inside this procedure.


This procedure was written by:

Arindam Chakraborty
Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (CAOS)
Indian Institute of Science
arch at

See Also

cd_string, ut_string, cd_calendar, cd_inv_calendar


For all the following examples, assume:

  • time = the time variable
  • y = the variable to plot
  • resplot@... = general resources variable

Example 1

  resplot = True
  restick = True
  restick@ttmFormat = "%c%y"
  time_axis_labels(time,resplot,restick) ; call the formatting procedure

  plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,time,y,resplot) ; will produce bottom x-axis ticks
                                          ; as CccYy (Apr98, May98 etc).

Example 2

  resplot = True
  restick = True
  restick@ttmFormat = "%N/%Y"
  restick@ttmAxis = "YL"
  plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,y,time,resplot) ; will produce left y-axis ticks
                                         ; as NN/YYYY (04/1998, 05/1998 etc).

Example 3

  resplot = True
  restick = True
  restick@ttmValues = (/(/1998,4,16,0,0,0/), \
                      (/1998,6,16,0,0,0/), \
                      (/1998,8,16,0,0,0/), \
                      (/1998,10,16,0,0,0/), \
                      (/1998,12,16,0,0,0/), \
  plot = gsn_csm_xy(wks,time,y,resplot) ; will produce bottom x-axis ticks
                                         ; at Apr 16, 1998, June 16, 1998 etc.
                                         ; ttmFormat will be determined in the
                                         ; procedure.
                                         ; Specify ttmFormat attribute to override the default.

Example 4

 resplot@ttmFormat = "%H:%M:%S" ; will produce HH:MM:SS kind of time formatting.
                                ; To specify month/day as well, use:
 resplot@ttmFormat = "%N/%D %H:%M:%S"

Example 5

To write hour values as "HH:00 Hours" use:

  resplot@ttmFormat = "%H:00 Hours"

Example 6

 restick = True
 restick@ttmFormat = "%d %c"
 restick@ttmAxis = "YL"
 restick@ttmMajorStride = 20
 time_axis_labels( data&time,  res, restick )
 plot = gsn_csm_hov( wks, data, res ) ; will produce y-axis ticks on a 
                                      ; Hovmueller. Labels will be plotted every 20th data
                                      ; timestep in the format 29 Jun, 4 Jul, etc.