NCL object routines

attsetvalues Applies resources to the given objects.
create_graphic Creates a graphic object
destroy Destroys objects from NCL.
get_isolines Retrieves the points that define a contour line.
list_hlus Lists all of the HLU objects currently referenced by NCL variables.
NhlAddAnnotation Add annotations to a plot object as an external annotation.
NhlAddData Adds one or more additional data items to a plot.
NhlAddOverlay Overlays one plot object on another.
NhlAddPrimitive Adds a Primitive object to an existing plot.
NhlAppGetDefaultParentId Returns a reference to the current default App object.
NhlClassName Retrieve the class name of one or more NCL objects.
NhlDestroy Destroys objects from NCL.
NhlGetBB Retrieves the bounding boxes of a list of NCL objects.
NhlGetClassResources Returns a list of resources associated with the given class name and an optional filter string.
NhlGetErrorObjectId Returns a reference to the current Error object.
NhlGetParentId Returns the ids of the parent ids of the given objects.
NhlGetWorkspaceObjectId Returns a reference to the current Workspace object.
NhlIsApp Returns True for each given object that is an App object.
NhlIsDataComm Returns True for each given object that is a DataComm object.
NhlIsDataItem Returns True for each given object that is a DataItem object.
NhlIsDataSpec Returns True for each given object that is a DataSpec object.
NhlIsTransform Returns True for each given object that is a Transform object.
NhlIsView Returns True for each given object that is a View object.
NhlName Retrieves the name of one or more NCL objects.
NhlRemoveAnnotation Remove annotations from the plot they are registered in.
NhlRemoveData Removes data items from one or more plots.
NhlRemoveOverlay Removes one or more plots from an overlay.
NhlRemovePrimitive Removes one or more primitives from the given Transform object.
NhlUpdateData Forces the DataComm instances to update their internal states.
overlay Overlays one plot object on another.