Variable query

is_string_numeric Returns True for every element of the input string array that contains a numeric value.
isbyte Returns True if input is of type byte.
ischar Returns True if input is of type char.
isdefined Returns True for every element of the input that is a defined keyword, variable, or function/procedure name.
isdouble Returns True if input is of type double.
isenumeric Returns True if input is of type enumeric.
isfloat Returns True if input is of type float.
isfunc Returns True for every element of the input that is a defined function.
isgraphic Returns True if input is of type graphic.
isint Returns True if input is of type integer.
isint64 Returns True if input is of type int64.
isinteger Returns True if input is of type integer.
islogical Returns True if input is of type logical.
islong Returns True if input is of type long.
isnan_ieee Returns a logical array indicating which input values contain an IEEE NaN.
isnumeric Returns True if input is of type numeric.
isproc Returns True for every element of the input that is a defined procedure.
isshort Returns True if input is of type short.
issnumeric Returns True if input is of type snumeric.
isstring Returns True if input is of type string.
isubyte Returns True if input is of type unsigned byte (ubyte).
isuint Returns True if input is of type unsigned integer (uint).
isuint64 Returns True if input is of type unsigned 64-bit integer (uint64).
isulong Returns True if input is of type unsigned long (ulong).
isunsigned Returns True if input is one of the unsigned types.
isushort Returns True if input is of type unsigned short (ushort).
isvar Returns True for every element of the input that is a defined variable.
list_procfuncs Lists all of the currently defined NCL functions and procedures and their argument lists.
list_vars Lists the currently defined variables that do not reference files or HLU objects.
sizeof Returns the total size, in bytes, of the input variable.
typeof Returns the string name of the type of the input variable.