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The Fortran name of this function is NhlFRemovePrimitive.

This function removes a Primitive object from the tfPolyDrawList of a Transform object.

C Synopsis

#include <ncarg/hlu/hlu.h>
#include <hfile for Transform class object>

NhlErrorTypes NhlRemovePrimitive(
	        int	transform_id,
		int	primitive_id

Fortran Synopsis

      subroutine NhlFRemovePrimitive(transform_id, primitive_id, err_id)
      integer plot_id, anno_manager_id, err_id


transform_id (input)
Identifier of the Transform object from whose tfPolyDrawList the Primitive object is to be removed.
primitive_id (input)
Identifier of the Primitive object to remove from the tfPolyDrawList belonging to the Transform object.
err_id (output, Fortran only)
Error code.


Type name:		NhlTErrorTypes
typedef enum _NhlErrType{
	NhlFATAL	= -4,	/* "FATAL"	*/
	NhlWARNING	= -3,	/* "WARNING"	*/
	NhlINFO		= -2,	/* "INFO"	*/
	NhlNOERROR	= -1	/* "NOERROR"	*/
} NhlErrorTypes;


Use this function to remove a Primitive object from the tfPolyDrawList of a Transform object. Note that this function leaves the Primitive object intact. The tfPolyDrawList will be shortened by one element, and the Primitive object that is removed will no longer appear when the Transform object's Draw method is called.

Return Values

The NhlRemovePrimitive C function returns a value of type NhlErrorTypes, and the NhlFRemovePrimitive Fortran subroutine returns the error value in err_id. The following table indicates what the various return Error Values mean:
Value	|			Meaning
NOERROR	|	primitive successfully removed from the transform object  
INFO	|	minor recoverable error
WARNING	|	recoverable error
FATAL	|	The function was unsuccessful

See Also