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Algebraic Operators

- Negation
* Multiplication
% Modulus
+ Addition
> Greater than
< Less than
^ Exponentiation
/ Division
# Matrix multiplication

Use (...) to circumvent precedence rules.

+ is an overloaded operator:

    x = 5.3 + 7.96

    "ab" + 5.3 ==> "ab5.3"
Note that - is used both as negation and minus, but that negation has the highest precedence. That is:

    x = - 3^2
will yield "x = 9" because the "-" is applied to the "3" first, as in "(-3)^2", and not as "- (3^2)". This is unlike Fortran, in which

    x = - 3**2
yields "x = -9".

The use of parentheses can change the results:

    print(- (3+2)^2)      ----> yields 25

    print(- ((3+2)^2))    ---->  yields -25
Finally, note that if "-" appears between two numbers or variables, then it is treated as "minus" rather than "negation". Hence, the following will give you "x = -9":

    x = 0 - 3^2