WRF-NCL / gsn_csm examples for plotting WRF-ARW data

These are some sample NCL scripts for plotting WRF-ARW data, some of which were referenced in NCL Tutorial at the 18th Annual WRF Users' Tutorial, June 16, 2017.

You should be able to substitute your own WRF-ARW data files in these scripts.

For more advanced WRF-ARW plotting scripts, visit:

wrf_demo_getvar_simple.ncl: Opens a WRF-ARW NetCDF file and calculate some basic diagnostics using "wrf_user_getvar.ncl".

This example does not produce any graphics.

wrf_demo_getvar_all.ncl: Opens a WRF-ARW NetCDF file and calculates every available diagnostic known to "wrf_user_getvar".

This example does not produce any graphics.

wrf_demo_getvar_clo.ncl: Uses command line options to provide input to an NCL script.

This example does not produce any graphics.

wrf_demo_plot_hgt.ncl: Creates a basic plot of the HGT variable read off a WRF-ARW NetCDF file.

wrf_demo_plot_hgt_custom.ncl: Customizes a plot of the HGT variable read off a WRF-ARW NetCDF file.

wrf_demo_plot_var_simple.ncl: Creates a basic plot of any one of the 2D wrf_user_getvar diagnostics.

wrf_demo_plot_var_advanced.ncl: A more advanced script for plotting many of the wrf_user_getvar diagnostics.

wrf_demo_plot_overlays.ncl: Overlays line contours and wind barbs on top of a filled contour plot over a map.

wrf_demo_plot_tc.ncl: Creates a basic plot of temperature using WRF-NCL.

wrf_demo_plot_tc_gsn.ncl: Creates a basic plot of temperature using gsn_csm.

wrf_demo_plot_tc_gsn_minor_custom.ncl: Creates a slightly more customized plot of temperature using gsn_csm.

wrf_demo_plot_tc_gsn_nn.ncl: Creates a basic plot of temperature over a non-native map projection using gsn_csm

wrf_demo_plot_tc_gsn_major_custom.ncl: Creates a more customized plot of temperature over a satellite map projection using gsn_csm.

wrf_demo_plot_tc_shapefiles.ncl: Adds shapefile outlines to a WRF-NCL plot.

wrf_demo_plot_tc_gsn_shapefiles.ncl: Adds shapefile outlines to a gsn_csm plot.

wrf_demo_plot_tc_shapefiles_mask.ncl: Masks data based on a shapefile outline using WRF-NCL. Depends on shapefile_utils.ncl.

wrf_demo_plot_tc_gsn_shapefiles_mask.ncl: Masks data based on a shapefile outline using gsn_csm. Depends on shapefile_utils.ncl.

wrf_demo_plot_tc_gsn_shapefiles_mask_zoom.ncl: Zooms in on masked shapefile data using gsn_csm. Depends on shapefile_utils.ncl.

wrf_demo_plot_coordinates.ncl: Draws lines outlining the lat/lon WRF grid.

wrf_demo_plot_hgt_coordinates.ncl: Adds lines outlining the lat/lon WRF grid on top of HGT contours (WRF-NCL).

wrf_demo_plot_hgt_gsn_coordinates.ncl: Adds lines outlining the lat/lon WRF grid on top of HGT contours (gsn_csm).

wrf_demo_tc_regrid_gsn.ncl: Regrids data on a WRF grid to two different rectilinear grids (gsn_csm).