Documents to print for NCL Workshops in Toulouse

[Main page]

These are the documents used for the NCL workshops at CERFACS in Toulouse.

If you want to save money, you can print these in black-and-white. The "Graphics" one is the largest, as it has a lot of graphics.

NCL Introduction 20 pages 1.4 Mb
File Input/Output 13 pages 285K
Data Processing 28 pages 2.7 Mb
Graphics Index 4 pages 85K

With the graphics document, you have three choices:

Graphics (2 slides per page, with all graphics) 69 pages 57 Mb
Graphics (3 slides per page, with all graphics) 46 pages 51 Mb
Graphics (3 slides per page, with some graphics removed) 36 pages 16 Mb

The rest of these are supplemental documents. You can print them out if you want, or let students do that on their own, if they are interested in any of these. We will not be lecturing on any of these topics.

Introduction to NetCDF 6 pages 231 K
NetCDF Operators 10 pages 268 K
Grib/HDF/WRF 6 pages 120 K