NCL scripts for plotting ARPEGE data

[Main page | Scripts | Data]

Note: the scripts on this page were meant to be used as a set of step-by-step examples for the NCL Workshops held in Toulouse, October 2012. Please also visit the Toulouse models applications page.

[Click on any image to see a larger version.]

The NetCDF file used for these plots is "",
provided by Silvana Buarque, Météo-France.
ARPEGE_BB_mask.ncl - Antarctic mask ( applied

The scripts and images below were created during the workshop (and improved after the workshop) based on questions from Silvana. She wanted to mask her data roughly over the area of Greenland. A Greenland shapefile was downloaded from and used to create the new mask.

ARPEGE_create_Greenland_mask.ncl ARPEGE_psl_with_new_mask_and_grid.ncl