Joseph Moberly scripts

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  • simple_rap_252_plot.ncl - NCL script for drawing filled contours of temperature variable read off a "rap_252" grib2 file, on a Cylindrical Equidistant (lat/lon) map.

  • rap_252_lc_plot.ncl - Similar to the previous script, except this time the native map projection, of which information is provide on the file, is used (Lambert Conformal).

  • simple_rap_130_plot.ncl - NCL script for drawing filled contours of temperature variable read off a "rap_130" grib2 file, on a Cylindrical Equidistant (lat/lon) map.

  • rap_130_lc_plot.ncl - Similar to the previous script, except this time the native map projection, of which information is provide on the file, is used (Lambert Conformal).