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NCL Graphics: Vectors (generic high-level plot interfaces)

Vector Type Plot Templates


These functions create very generic vector plots.

We recommend that you use the more customized functions:


for creating vector plots.

See the "vectors" examples page for more customized vector plots.

gsn_vector_1.ncl: Default plot

gsn_vector is the generic plot interface that creates vector plots.

vcRefMagnitudeF = 15.0, Defines the reference vector magnitude. Use this to adjust the size of the vectors.

vcRefLengthF = 0.045, Defines the length of the reference vector.

gsn_vector_2.ncl: Colors the vectors by their magnitude and adds a label bar.

vcMonoLineArrowColor = False, colors the vectors by their magnitude.

pmLabelBarDisplayMode = "Always", turns on label bar.

lbPerimOn = False, turns off label bar perimeter box

pmLabelBarWidthF = 0.4, controls the size of label bar