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NCL: Isentropic levels

Also see Iso-levels for examples generically related to this type of interpolation.

isent_1.ncl: Interpolates a variable to isentropic levels

ispan is used to specify evenly spaced isentropic levels. However, the user can specify any desired levels.

int2p_n_Wrap is used to do the interpolation.

pres_hybrid_ccm will calculate the pressure at hybrid levels.

isent_2.ncl: Interpolates a WRF variable to isentropic levels. int2p_n_Wrap is used to do the interpolation and maintain the appropriate meta data.

NOTE: There may be warning messages for each plot generated. They can be ignored.

warning:start_lat is not a valid resource in isen_contour at this time
warning:start_lon is not a valid resource in isen_contour at this time
warning:end_lat is not a valid resource in isen_contour at this time
warning:end_lon is not a valid resource in isen_contour at this time