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NCL Graphics: POP Basins and Masking

POP data that have 2D lat/lon coordinates can be plotted directly in physical space. To do this, simply read in the two dimensional arrays containing the grid point coordinates and assign the arrays to the variable to be plotted as attributes with the specific names lon2d and lat2d:
       t@lon2d   = f->TLAT
       t@lat2d   = f->TLONG
popmask_1.ncl: Plot POP Basin index values.
popmask_2.ncl: Use the REGION_MASK basin index value of 6 to plot only the Atlantic basin. Zoom in on that area.
popmask_3.ncl: Derive a mask for the SODA dataset using the POP REGION_MASK variable. The REGION_MASK variable is categorical so a nearest neighbor approach is used. Several NCL functions are used to reduce the computational load. Only a subset of distance calculations are performed. A netCDF file is created and a plot illustrating the original and derived region mask is generated. This took about 300 seconds on a Mac.

eof_3.ncl: From a directory with many POP files, (1) read 30 years spanning years 270-279, (2) compute climatology, (3) compute anomalies, (4) mask out all regions but the Atlantic basin, (5) weight grid by area, (6) compute EOFs, and (7) plot.