NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > Lat/Lon functions, Statistics


Calculates binned sums and counts over multiple invocations of the procedure on a rectilinear grid.


	procedure bin_sum (
		gbin [*][*] : numeric ,  
		gknt [*][*] : integer ,  
		glon    [*] : numeric ,  
		glat    [*] : numeric ,  
		zlon    [*] : numeric ,  
		zlat    [*] : numeric ,  
		z       [*] : numeric    



User supplied array which will contain the summed quantities. This must be type "float" or "double" and it is the user's responsibility to initialize the array elements to 0.0.


User supplied array which will contain the integer counts. This must conform to gbin. It is the user's responsibility to initialize the array elements to integer zero.


Longitudes of gbin and gknt. These are required to be equally spaced.


Latitudes of gbin and gknt. These must be equally spaced but they do not need to be the same spacing as glon.


Longitudes of the observational data (z).


Latitudes of the observational data (z).


Values of the observed data.


This procedure sums values z contained within the simple rectilinear array defined by the input grid. This takes advantage of the fact that the latitude and longitude grid spacing is required to be constant but, as noted in the argument description, the spacing in the latitude and longitude directions need not be equal. The appropriate grid point subscripts are determined via a simple algorithm.

Note: There was a bug in this routine in NCL versions 6.2.1 and earlier where the binning was done incorrectly if the observation locations were outside the region spanned by the user provided grid. This function wasn't explicitly checking for this situation.

This procedure was specifically added to facilitate spanning multiple files in an efficient manner.

It is the user's responsibility to perform the averaging operation when all files have been read.

See Also

bin_avg, triple2grid, triple2grid2d, poisson_grid_fill


Example 1

There are 133 MODIS files for a particular day. Each contains a "swath" of data. Sum the contributions of each swath. Then average the results. The ndtooned function creates the one-dimensional arrays expected by the bin_sum procedure.

  nlat  = 72
  mlon  = 144     
  lat   = latGlobeFo(nlat,"lat","latitude","degrees_north")
  lon   = lonGlobeFo(mlon,"lon","longitude","degrees_east")

; Variables to hold binned quantities
  gbin  = new ( (/nlat,mlon/), float ) 
  gknt  = new ( (/nlat,mlon/), integer) 

  gbin  = 0.0                      ; initialization
  gknt  = 0  

  diri = "./"
  fili = systemfunc("cd "+diri+" ; ls MODIS*")
  nfil = dimsizes( fili )
; Loop over the files
  tStrt = systemfunc("date")         ; time the loop (wall clock)

  vNam = "WATER_VAPOR"

  do nf=0,nfil-1
     print(nf+"   "+fili(nf))
     f       = addfile(diri+fili(nf), "r")
                                     ; read data
     x       = f->$vNam$
     lat2d   = short2flt( f->Latitude )
     lon2d   = short2flt( f->Longitude)

     bin_sum(gbin,gknt,glon,glat   \
            ,ndtooned(lon2d), ndtooned(lat2d),ndtooned(x) )

     delete(lat2d)        ; may change for the next file
     delete(  x  )
  end do

  wallClockElapseTime(tStrt, "Main File Loop", 0)
; User nust perform averaging
                                    ; avoid division by 0
  gknt     = where(gknt.eq.0 , gknt@_FillValue, gknt)

  gbin     = gbin/gknt
  gbin!0   = "lat"
  gbin!1   = "lon"
  gbin&lat =  lat
  gbin&lon =  lon

  copy_VarCoords(gbin, gknt)        ; copy coords

  if (isfilevaratt(f, vNam, "long_name")) then
      gbin@long_name = "BINNED: "+vNam
      gknt@long_name = "BINNED COUNT: "+vNam
  end if

  if (isfilevaratt(f, vNam, "units")) then
      gbin@units     = f->$vNam$@units
  end if
