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Performs a backward complex discrete fourier transform [Fourier Synthesis].


	function cfftb (
		cf     : numeric,  
		cfopt  : integer   

	return_val  :   typeof(x)



An array, possibly modified, returned by cfftf. The array should be unnormalized.


Specifies how the reconstructed array will be returned,

  1. cfopt=0, return the reconstructed 'complex' periodic sequence.
  2. cfopt=1, return only the real portion of the synthesized array.
  3. cfopt=2, return only imaginary portion of the synthesized array.

Return value

The returned array will be a real or 'complex' periodic sequence depending upon the value of cfopt. A double array is returned if cf is double, otherwise a float array is returned.


Given a sequence of unnormalized real and imaginary Fourier coefficients, cf, as generated by cfftf, the cfftb function performs a backward complex Fourier transform. This is often called Fourier Synthesis. It will normalize the results before returning the complex sequence.

If any missing values [_FillValue] are encountered in one of the input arrays, then no calculations will be performed on that array, and the corresponding output array will be filled with missing values.

See Also

cfftf, cfftf_frq_reorder, ezfftf, ezfftb, fft2df, fft2db, taper, dtrend, specx_anal, specxy_anal


Example 1

Perform a complex forward transform (fourier analysis: cfftf) of a real periodic sequence. Then perform complex backward transform (fourier synthesis: cfftb) to reconstruct the original series.

    x  = (/ 1002, 1017, 1018, 1020, 1018, 1027, \ 
            1028, 1030, 1012, 1012,  982, 1012, \
            1001,  996,  995, 1011, 1027, 1025, \ 
            1030, 1016,  996, 1006, 1002,  982  /)
    N  = dimsizes(x)
    cf = cfftf (x, 0.0, 0)   ; will construct a complex array
                                                ; carr = complex( x, 0.0)
    xNew = cfftb (cf, 1)    ; return only the real portion

    maxDiff = max(abs(xNew-x))

    print("cfft{f/b}: maxDiff="+maxDiff)
The maxDiff is at machine accuracy (~1e-6 for x of type real).

Example 2

Perform a complex forward transform (fourier analysis: cfftf) of a real periodic sequence. Then perform complex backward transform (fourier synthesis: cfftb) to reconstruct the original series. Demonstrate the options

    xr = (/ 1002, 1017, 1018, 1020, 1018, 1027, \ 
            1028, 1030, 1012, 1012,  982, 1012, \
            1001,  996,  995, 1011, 1027, 1025, \ 
            1030, 1016,  996, 1006, 1002,  982  /)
    xi = xr(::-1)
    cf = cfftf (xr, xi, 0)   ; will construct a complex array
                                                ; carr = complex( x, 0.0)
    x0 = cfftb (cf, 0)    ; return complex (2,...)
    x1 = cfftb (cf, 1)    ; return only the real portion
    x2 = cfftb (cf, 2)    ; return only the imaginary portion

Edited [reformatted] output:
Variable: cf
Type: float
Total Size: 192 bytes
            48 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:   [2] x [24]           <== complex
Number Of Attributes: 2
  npts :        24
  frq : 
(0)          FRQ        real          imag
(0)       0.00000    24265.000    24265.000
(1)       0.04167      -31.392      -40.911
(2)       0.08333     -152.488     -264.117
(3)       0.12500      -20.920      -50.506
(4)       0.16667        3.127       11.670
(5)       0.20833      -11.586      -88.001
(6)       0.25000        0.000      -24.000
(7)       0.29167       11.661      -88.573
(8)       0.33333       13.447      -50.187
(9)       0.37500       29.080      -70.205
(10)      0.41667      -29.512       51.117
(11)      0.45833       58.801      -76.631
(12)      0.50000      -43.000       43.000
(13)     -0.45833       12.033       -9.233
(14)     -0.41667       21.129      -12.199
(15)     -0.37500       22.920       -9.494
(16)     -0.33333       51.553      -13.813
(17)     -0.29167      -77.055       10.145
(18)     -0.25000        2.000        0.000
(19)     -0.20833     -117.976      -15.532
(20)     -0.16667       75.873       20.330
(21)     -0.12500       72.920       30.205
(22)     -0.08333     -171.129      -98.801
(23)     -0.04167       63.514       48.736

Variable: x0
Type: float
Total Size: 192 bytes
            48 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes:   [2] x [24]
(0,0)   1002
(0,1)   1017
(0,2)   1018
(0,3)   1020
(0,4)   1018
(0,5)   1027
(0,6)   1028
(0,7)   1030
(0,8)   1012
(0,9)   1012
(0,10)  982
(0,11)  1012
(0,12)  1001
(0,13)  996
(0,14)  995
(0,15)  1011
(0,16)  1027
(0,17)  1025
(0,18)  1030
(0,19)  1016
(0,20)  996
(0,21)  1006
(0,22)  1002
(0,23)  982
(1,0)   982
(1,1)   1002
(1,2)   1006
(1,3)   996
(1,4)   1016
(1,5)   1030
(1,6)   1025
(1,7)   1027
(1,8)   1011
(1,9)   995
(1,10)  996
(1,11)  1001
(1,12)  1012
(1,13)  982
(1,14)  1012
(1,15)  1012
(1,16)  1030
(1,17)  1028
(1,18)  1027
(1,19)  1018
(1,20)  1020
(1,21)  1018
(1,22)  1017
(1,23)  1002

Variable: x1
Type: float
Total Size: 96 bytes
            24 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions and sizes:   [24]
(0)     1002
(1)     1017
(2)     1018
(3)     1020
(4)     1018
(5)     1027
(6)     1028
(7)     1030
(8)     1012
(9)     1012
(10)    982
(11)    1012
(12)    1001
(13)    996
(14)    995
(15)    1011
(16)    1027
(17)    1025
(18)    1030
(19)    1016
(20)    996
(21)    1006
(22)    1002
(23)    982

Variable: x2
Type: float
Total Size: 96 bytes
            24 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions and sizes:   [24]
(0)     982
(1)     1002
(2)     1006
(3)     996
(4)     1016
(5)     1030
(6)     1025
(7)     1027
(8)     1011
(9)     995
(10)    996
(11)    1001
(12)    1012
(13)    982
(14)    1012
(15)    1012
(16)    1030
(17)    1028
(18)    1027
(19)    1018
(20)    1020
(21)    1018
(22)    1017
(23)    1002