NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > Singular value decomposition


Given a square (N,N) real nonsymmetric matrix, compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the left and/or right eigenvectors via the LAPACK subroutine dgeevx.

Available in version 6.1.1 and later.


	function dgeevx_lapack (
		Q   [*][*] : numeric,  
		balanc [1] : string,   
		jobvl  [1] : string,   
		jobvr  [1] : string,   
		sense  [1] : string,   
		opt    [1] : logical   

	return_val [*][*] :  float or double



A square (N x N) matrix. On return, Q has been overwritten. If jobvl = "V" or jobvr = "V", Q contains the real Schur form of the balanced version of the input matrix Q. Note: If the input Q matrix is to be subsequently used by the user, then a copy should be made prior to invoking this function. Missing values are not allowed.


Indicates how the input matrix, Q, should be diagonally scaled and/or permuted to improve the conditioning of its eigenvalues. See dgeevx for details.

   balanc = 'N': Do not diagonally scale or permute;
          = 'P': Perform permutations to make the matrix more nearly
                 upper triangular. Do not diagonally scale;
          = 'S': Diagonally scale the matrix, i.e. replace Q by
                 D*Q*D**(-1), where D is a diagonal matrix chosen
                 to make the rows and columns of A more equal in
                 norm. Do not permute;
          = 'B': Both diagonally scale and permute Q. 


Specifies if the left eigenvectors of Q are to be computed or not.

   jobvl = "N": left eigenvectors of Q are not computed.
   jobvl = "V": left eigenvectors of Q are computed.
   If sense = "E" or "B", jobvl must = "V".


Specifies if the right eigenvectors of Q are to be computed or not.

   jobvr = "N": right eigenvectors of Q are not computed;
   jobvr = "V": right eigenvectors of Q are computed.
   If sense = "E" or "B", jobvr must = "V".


Determines which reciprocal condition numbers are computed.

  sense = "N": None are computed.
  sense = "E": Computed for eigenvalues only. 
  sense = "V": Computed for right eigenvectors only.
  sense = "B": Computed for eigenvalues and right eigenvectors.

  If sense = "E" or "B", both left and right eigenvectors
  must also be computed (jobvl = "V" and jobvr = "V").


Option setting. Currently, not used.

Return value

A (2,2,N,N) array is returned:

    (0,0,N,N) refers to the left eigenvector real part
    (0,1,N,N) refers to the left eigenvector imaginary part
    (1,0,N,N) refers to the right eigenvector real part
    (1,1,N,N) refers to the right eigenvector imaginary part
It will be of type double if Q is double, and float otherwise.

The following will be returned as attributes.

    eigr - vector of length N containing the real part of the computed eigenvalues.
    eigi - vector of length N containing the imaginary part of the computed eigenvalues.

    eigleft  - array of size NxN containing the left eigenvectors.  
               This is VL in the LAPACK dgeevx documentation.
    eigright - array of size NxN containing the right eigenvectors.  
               This is VR in the LAPACK dgeevx documentation.


Given a square (N,N) real nonsymmetric matrix, compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the left and/or right eigenvectors via the LAPACK subroutine dgeevx.

Missing values are not allowed, and the routine will exit if any are encountered.

The returned array contains the same information as the eigleft and eigright attributes. The values are just presented in a different form.

See Also

svd_lapack, covcorm_xy


Note: remember that NCL is row-major in terms of how it interprets arrays. This means that the leftmost dimension varies slowest and the rightmost dimension varies the fastest.

Example 1

; Data source
; NAG: f08nbf:  
; The NAG example reads the data in the transpose order of NCL.

  x   = (/ (/ 0.35,  0.45, -0.14, -0.17/) \
         , (/ 0.09,  0.07, -0.54,  0.35/) \
         , (/-0.44, -0.33, -0.03,  0.17/) \
         , (/ 0.25, -0.32, -0.13,  0.11/) /)

  REORDER = True 
  if (REORDER) then   ; transposed from order 'seen' in example
      x!0 = "dim0"
      x!1 = "dim1"
      x   = x(dim1|:,dim0|:)
  end if

  balanc = "B"            ; balance
  jobvl  = "V"            ; compute Left  eigenvectors 
  jobvr  = "V"            ; compute Right eigenvectors 
  sense  = "B"            ; computed for eigenvalues and right eigenvectors
  opt    =  False         ; return in row major order (columns vary fastest)

  evlr   = dgeevx_lapack (x, balanc, jobvl, jobvr, sense, opt)  ; (2,2,4,4)

;or, directly place the options in the function invocation

;;evlr   = dgeevx_lapack (x, "B", "V", "V", "B", False )        ; (2,2,4,4)

  print(" ")
  print(" ")

  print("------ Eigenvalues -----")
  print("     Real      Imaginary") 
  print(sprintf("%9.4f", evlr@eigr)+"     "+sprintf("%9.4f", evlr@eigi))
  print(" ")

  print("------ Eigenvectors: (NxN): printed as linear list -----")
  print("     Right         Left") 
  print(sprintf("%9.4f", evlr@eigright)+"     "+sprintf("%9.4f", evlr@eigleft))
  print(" ")

  left = 0        ; leftmost dimension
  rght = 1

  real = 0        ; next dimension
  imag = 1

  dimx = dimsizes(x)
  N    = dimx(0)

  print("               EIGENVECTORS:     ") 
  print("            REAL      IMAGINARY") 

  do j=0,N-1
     print(" ")
     print(" left: "+sprintf("%9.4f", evlr(left,real,j,:))+"     "+sprintf("%9.4f", evlr(left,imag,j,:)))
  end do


  do j=0,N-1
     print(" ")
     print("right: "+sprintf("%9.4f", evlr(rght,real,j,:))+"     "+sprintf("%9.4f", evlr(rght,imag,j,:)))
  end do

The output would look like:

   Variable: evlr
   Type: float
   Total Size: 256 bytes
               32 values
   Number of Dimensions: 3
   Dimensions and sizes:    [2] x [2] x [4] x [4]

   Number Of Attributes: 4
     eigright :    
     eigleft  :    
     eigi :    ( 0.0      ,   0.4007924,  -0.4007924,  0.0 )
     eigr :    ( 0.7994821, -0.09941246, -0.09941246, -0.1006572 ) 
           ------ Eigenvalues -----
                Real      Imaginary
   (0)        0.7995        0.0000
   (1)       -0.0994        0.4008
   (2)       -0.0994       -0.4008
   (3)       -0.1007        0.0000

        ------ Eigenvectors: (NxN): printed as linear list -----
               Right         Left
(0,0)        -0.6551       -0.6245
(0,1)        -0.5236       -0.5995
(0,2)         0.5362        0.4999
(0,3)        -0.0956       -0.0271
(1,0)        -0.1933        0.5330
(1,1)         0.2519       -0.2666
(1,2)         0.0972        0.3455
(1,3)         0.6760       -0.2541
(2,0)         0.2546        0.0000
(2,1)        -0.5224        0.4041
(2,2)        -0.3084        0.3153
(2,3)         0.0000       -0.4451
(3,0)         0.1253        0.6641
(3,1)         0.3320       -0.1068
(3,2)         0.5938        0.7293
(3,3)         0.7221        0.1249
                       REAL      IMAGINARY
   (0)      left:   -0.6245        0.0000
   (1)      left:   -0.5995        0.0000
   (2)      left:    0.4999        0.0000
   (3)      left:   -0.0271        0.0000
   (0)      left:    0.5330        0.0000
   (1)      left:   -0.2666        0.4041
   (2)      left:    0.3455        0.3153
   (3)      left:   -0.2541       -0.4451
   (0)      left:    0.5330       -0.0000
   (1)      left:   -0.2666       -0.4041
   (2)      left:    0.3455       -0.3153
   (3)      left:   -0.2541        0.4451
   (0)      left:    0.6641        0.0000
   (1)      left:   -0.1068        0.0000
   (2)      left:    0.7293        0.0000
   (3)      left:    0.1249        0.0000

   (0)     right:   -0.6551        0.0000
   (1)     right:   -0.5236        0.0000
   (2)     right:    0.5362        0.0000
   (3)     right:   -0.0956        0.0000
   (0)     right:   -0.1933        0.2546
   (1)     right:    0.2519       -0.5224
   (2)     right:    0.0972       -0.3084
   (3)     right:    0.6760        0.0000
   (0)     right:   -0.1933       -0.2546
   (1)     right:    0.2519        0.5224
   (2)     right:    0.0972        0.3084
   (3)     right:    0.6760       -0.0000
   (0)     right:    0.1253        0.0000
   (1)     right:    0.3320        0.0000
   (2)     right:    0.5938        0.0000
   (3)     right:    0.7221        0.0000
Example 2

; Data source
; ESSL: example 2.
; No imaginary parts

Use the same code as above on
  x   = (/ (/-2.0 ,  2.0 ,  2.0 ,  2.0 /) \
         , (/-3.0 ,  3.0 ,  2.0 ,  2.0 /) \
         , (/-2.0 ,  0.0 ,  4.0 ,  2.0 /) \
         , (/-1.0 ,  0.0 ,  0.0 ,  5.0 /) /)
The output would look like:
   Variable: evlr
   Type: double
   Total Size: 512 bytes
               64 values
   Number of Dimensions: 4
   Dimensions and sizes:   [2] x [2] x [4] x [4]
   Number Of Attributes: 4
     eigright :    
     eigleft  :    
     eigi :    (        0, 0,    0,    0 )
     eigr :    ( 0.999999, 2,    3,    4 )
           ------ Eigenvalues -----
                Real      Imaginary
   (0)        1.0000        0.0000
   (1)        2.0000        0.0000
   (2)        3.0000        0.0000
   (3)        4.0000        0.0000

          ------ Eigenvectors: (NxN): printed as linear list -----
                Real      Imaginary
(0,0)        -0.7303       -0.7071
(0,1)        -0.5477        0.7071
(0,2)        -0.3651        0.0000
(0,3)        -0.1826        0.0000
(1,0)         0.6255       -0.4082
(1,1)         0.6255        0.8165
(1,2)         0.4170       -0.4082
(1,3)         0.2085        0.0000
(2,0)        -0.5547        0.0000
(2,1)        -0.5547        0.4082
(2,2)        -0.5547       -0.8165
(2,3)        -0.2774        0.4082
(3,0)         0.5000        0.0000
(3,1)         0.5000        0.0000
(3,2)         0.5000       -0.4472
(3,3)         0.5000        0.8944
                       REAL      IMAGINARY
   (0)      left:   -0.7071        0.0000
   (1)      left:    0.7071        0.0000
   (2)      left:    0.0000        0.0000
   (3)      left:    0.0000        0.0000
   (0)      left:   -0.4082        0.0000
   (1)      left:    0.8165        0.0000
   (2)      left:   -0.4082        0.0000
   (3)      left:    0.0000        0.0000
   (0)      left:    0.0000        0.0000
   (1)      left:    0.4082        0.0000
   (2)      left:   -0.8165        0.0000
   (3)      left:    0.4082        0.0000
   (0)      left:    0.0000        0.0000
   (1)      left:    0.0000        0.0000
   (2)      left:   -0.4472        0.0000
   (3)      left:    0.8944        0.0000
   (0)     right:   -0.7303        0.0000
   (1)     right:   -0.5477        0.0000
   (2)     right:   -0.3651        0.0000
   (3)     right:   -0.1826        0.0000
   (0)     right:    0.6255        0.0000
   (1)     right:    0.6255        0.0000
   (2)     right:    0.4170        0.0000
   (3)     right:    0.2085        0.0000
   (0)     right:   -0.5547        0.0000
   (1)     right:   -0.5547        0.0000
   (2)     right:   -0.5547        0.0000
   (3)     right:   -0.2774        0.0000
   (0)     right:    0.5000        0.0000
   (1)     right:    0.5000        0.0000 
   (2)     right:    0.5000        0.0000
   (3)     right:    0.5000        0.0000 

Example 3

Use the same code as above on

   x   = (/ (/ 8.0 , -1.0 , -5.0  /) \
          , (/-4.0 ,  4.0 , -2.0  /) \
          , (/18.0 , -5.0 , -7.0  /) /)

The output would look like:

   Variable: evlr
   Type: float
   Total Size: 144 bytes
        36 values
   Number of Dimensions: 4
   Dimensions and sizes:   [2] x [2] x [3] x [3]

   Number Of Attributes: 4
        eigright :    ( 0.3162277660168378, -9.992007221626409e-16, 0.6324555320336762, 0.3162277660168379, 0.6324555320336755,    0, 0.4082482904638627, 0.8164965809277263, 0.4082482904638627 )
        eigleft :     ( -0.8770580193070291, 0.2631174057921081, 0.3508232077228117,    0, -0.0877058019307029, 0.175411603861406, -0.8164965809277259, 0.408248290463863, 0.4082482904638634 )

	eigi :        ( 4.000000, -4.000000,    0 )
	eigr :        ( 2       ,  2       , 0.999999 )

	  ------ Eigenvalues -----
             Real      Imaginary
   (0)	   2.0000        4.0000
   (1)	   2.0000       -4.0000
   (2)	   1.0000        0.0000

        ------ Eigenvectors: (NxN): printed as linear list -----
             Real      Imaginary
(0,0)      0.3162       -0.8771
(0,1)     -0.0000        0.2631
(0,2)      0.6325        0.3508
(1,0)      0.3162        0.0000
(1,1)      0.6325       -0.0877
(1,2)      0.0000        0.1754
(2,0)      0.4082       -0.8165
(2,1)      0.8165        0.4082
(2,2)      0.4082        0.4082

	   	    REAL      IMAGINARY
   (0)	 left:   -0.8771        0.0000
   (1)	 left:    0.2631       -0.0877
   (2)	 left:    0.3508        0.1754
   (0)	 left:   -0.8771       -0.0000
   (1)	 left:    0.2631        0.0877
   (2)	 left:    0.3508       -0.1754
   (0)	 left:   -0.8165        0.0000
   (1)	 left:    0.4082        0.0000
   (2)	 left:    0.4082        0.0000
   (0)	right:    0.3162        0.3162
   (1)	right:   -0.0000        0.6325
   (2)	right:    0.6325        0.0000
   (0)	right:    0.3162       -0.3162
   (1)	right:   -0.0000       -0.6325
   (2)	right:    0.6325       -0.0000
   (0)	right:    0.4082        0.0000
   (1)	right:    0.8165        0.0000
   (2)	right:    0.4082        0.0000

The above matches the output for the right eigenvector from Matlab derived via:

A = [8.0  -1.0  -5.0; -4.0   4.0  -2.0; 18.0  -5.0  -7]

A =

     8    -1    -5
    -4     4    -2
    18    -5    -7

help eig
    Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
    E = eig(X) is a vector containing the eigenvalues of a square 
    matrix X.
    [V,D] = eig(X) produces a diagonal matrix D of eigenvalues and a
    full matrix V whose columns are the corresponding eigenvectors so
    that X*V = V*D.

[V,D] = eig(A)

V =

   0.3162 + 0.3162i   0.3162 - 0.3162i   0.4082          
  -0.0000 + 0.6325i  -0.0000 - 0.6325i   0.8165          
   0.6325             0.6325             0.4082          

D =

   2.0000 + 4.0000i        0                  0          
        0             2.0000 - 4.0000i        0          
        0                  0             1.0000