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Converts an astronomical Julian day to a Gregorian date.


	function jul2greg (
		julian  : double or integer   

	return_val [see return section] :  integer



A mult-dimensional double or integer array. The array type determines the form of the return value. See the return value section for details.

Return value

The structure of the return value is dependent upon the type of julian. If julian is a double, then a dimsizes (julian) x 4 array is returned where element 0 is the year, 1 is the month, 2 is the day, and 3 is the hour. If julian is an integer, then a dimsizes(julian) x 3 array is returned, where element 0 is the year, 1 is the month, and 2 is the day. The type is integer in both cases.


Converts an astronomical Julian day to a Gregorian date. The astronomical Julian day is defined as the number of days since January 1, 4713 B.C. A Julian day begins at noon Universal Time [UT: 12Z] of the given date (Fliegel & Van Flandern, (1968), A Machine Algorithm for Processing Calendar Dates, Communications of the ACM 11 No. 10, p657)

Due to the size of Julian day number, various variants of the astronomical Julian Day calendar have been introduced. Generally, these are offsets to the astronomical Julian Day calendar. Please read the description and rationales here.

In V6.1.0. this function was upgraded to recognize missing values.

See Also

greg2jul, day_of_year, days_in_month, day_of_week, monthday, isleapyear, cd_calendar, cd_inv_calendar


Example 1

 i = jul2greg(2415020 )   ; ==> i(0)=1899, i(1)=12, i(2)=31

 j = jul2greg(2415020.5)  ; ==> j(0)=1900, j(1)=1, j(2)=1, j(3)=0  
 j = jul2greg(2415020.75) ; ==> j(0)=1900, j(1)=1, j(2)=1, j(3)=6  
 j = jul2greg(2415021.  ) ; ==> j(0)=1900, j(1)=1, j(2)=1, j(3)=12 
 j = jul2greg(2415021.25) ; ==> j(0)=1900, j(1)=1, j(2)=1, j(3)=18 

 year  = (/1950,1960,1970,1980,1990,2000,2500/)
 month = (/   1,   1,   1,   7,   1,   1,  12/)
 day   = (/   1,   1,   1,  15,   1,   1,  31/)
 hour  = (/  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1/)

 julim = greg2jul (year,month,day,hour)
 ymd = jul2greg(julim) 

; returns                          
; (0,0)1950  (0,1)1  (0,2)1
; (1,0)1960  (1,1)1  (1,2)1
; (2,0)1970  (2,1)1  (2,2)1
; (3,0)1980  (3,1)7  (3,2)15
; (4,0)1990  (4,1)1  (4,2)1
; (5,0)2000  (5,1)1  (5,2)1
; (6,0)2500  (6,1)12 (6,2)31