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Converts normalized device coordinates (NDCs) into data coordinates.


	procedure ndctodata (
		plot  [1] : graphic,  
		x_in  [*] : float,    
		y_in  [*] : float,    
		x_out [*] : float,    
		y_out [*] : float     



A plot object that can be created by using one of the many gsn plotting functions, or by calling the NCL create language construct.


One-dimensional arrays of x and y NDC coordinates. They must be the same length.


One-dimensional arrays of the same size as x_in and y_in. These will contain the x and y data coordinate output values. For map plots, x_out corresponds to longitude values, and y_out corresponds to latitude values.


The ndctodata procedure uses the built-in transformation mapping feature of NCL plot objects to map NDC coordinates into data coordinates.

The ndctodata procedure maps coordinate pairs from x_in and y_in and places the results in the corresponding elements of x_out and y_out, respectively. Both x_out and y_out can be the same variables as x_in and y_in.

When the data coordinates are outside the NDC viewport specified in the plot, a missing value is placed in both of the corresponding indexes in the output arrays. The missing value chosen is either the x_in missing value, y_in missing value, or a system default.

See Also

datatondc, NhlNDCToData


Example 1

This example creates and draws an map plot, and then shows how to use datatondc to convert some longitude coordinates along a single latitude value to NDC coordinates. It then uses the reverse function, ndctodata, to convert the NDC coordinates back to the original values.

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"

  wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","test")

  res             = True
  res@gsnMaximize = True

  map = gsn_map(wks,"CylindricalEquidistant",res)

  x_in = fspan(-180,180,10)
  y_in = new(dimsizes(x_in),float)
  y_in = 30.

  x_out = new(dimsizes(x_in),float)
  y_out = new(dimsizes(y_in),float)

  print("data: (" + x_in + "," + y_in + ") NDC: (" + x_out + "," + y_out +")")

; Use ndctodata to go back to the original lat/lon coordinates. They
; should be the same as the original values.
  x_out2 = new(dimsizes(x_out),float)
  y_out2 = new(dimsizes(y_out),float)

  print("data: (" + x_in + "," + y_in + ") original data: (" + x_out2 + "," + y_
out2 +")")

The output should be:

(0)     datatondc
(0)     data: (-180,30) NDC: (0.0200001,0.58)
(1)     data: (-140,30) NDC: (0.126667,0.58)
(2)     data: (-100,30) NDC: (0.233333,0.58)
(3)     data: (-60,30) NDC: (0.34,0.58)
(4)     data: (-20,30) NDC: (0.446667,0.58)
(5)     data: (20,30) NDC: (0.553333,0.58)
(6)     data: (60,30) NDC: (0.66,0.58)
(7)     data: (100,30) NDC: (0.766667,0.58)
(8)     data: (140,30) NDC: (0.873333,0.58)
(9)     data: (180,30) NDC: (0.98,0.58)
(0)     ndctodata
(0)     data: (-180,30) original data: (-180,30)
(1)     data: (-140,30) original data: (-140,30)
(2)     data: (-100,30) original data: (-100,30)
(3)     data: (-60,30) original data: (-60,30)
(4)     data: (-20,30) original data: (-20,30)
(5)     data: (20,30) original data: (20,30)
(6)     data: (60,30) original data: (60,30)
(7)     data: (100,30) original data: (100,30)
(8)     data: (140,30) original data: (140,30)
(9)     data: (180,30) original data: (180,30)