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Calculates the "full" hybrid pressure levels for models using the Simmons/Burridge formulations (eg: Japanese ReAnalysis).

Available in version 6.4.0 and later.


	function pres_hybrid_jra55 (
		ps       : numeric,  
		hyai [*] : numeric,  
		hybi [*] : numeric   

	return_val  :  numeric



An array of at least 2 dimensions equal to surface pressure (Pa) data. The rightmost dimensions must be latitude and longitude.


A one-dimensional array containing the hybrid A interface coefficients. The levels are expected to be ordered from bottom to top.


A one-dimensional array containing the hybrid B interface coefficients. The levels are expected to be ordered from bottom to top.

Return value

If ps is two-dimensional [e.g. (nlat,mlon)] or three-dimensional [e.g. (ntim,nlat,mlon)] then the return array will have an additional level dimension of size sixty (60,nlat,mlon) or (ntim,60,nlat,mlon). The returned type will be double if ps is double, float otherwise.


This function is being tested. Contact if you wish to try it.

Calculates full pressure levels using the formula found on page 17 of the "JRA-55 Product User's Handbook". Also, see the Simmons and Burridge (1981) reference below,

Nominally, the formula is:

p(k) = exp( (1/dp(k))*(p(k-0.5)*log(p(k-0.5)) - p(k+0.5)*log(p(k+0.5))-1.0))

where the p(k-05) and p(k+0.5) represent the interface coefficients. The levels are expected to be ordered from bottom to top.

The original reference for the above equation is:

    Simmons. A.J., and D. M. Burridge:
    An Energy and Angular-Momentum Conserving Vertical Finite-Difference Scheme 
       and Hybrid Vertical Coordinates 
    MON WEATHER REV , vol. 109, no. 4, 1981<0758:AEAAMC>2.0.CO;2


For JRA55, hyai and hybi are one-dimensional arrays ordered bottom-to-top and ps is a two- or three-dimensional array of size (nlat,mlon) or (ntim,nlat,mlon) in units of pascals. The full pressure levels pm) will be returned as a three-dimensional array of size (60,nlat,nlon) or a four-dimensional array of size (ntim,60,nlat,nlon).

Example 1 The simplest case is illustrated.

  nlat  = 1                                 ; function expects (..,nlat,mlon) structure
  mlon  = 1
  ps    = new((/nlat,mlon/), "double") 
  ps    = 100000.                           ; ps(1,1): surface pressure [Pa]
  dirhy = "./"  
  filhy = ""          ; contains 61 hybrid interface coef
  finhy = addfile(dirhy+filhy,"r")
  hyai  = finhy->hyai 
  hybi  = finhy->hybi 

  p     = pres_hybrid_jra55(ps,hyai,hybi)   ; [60] x [1] x [1] ; (klev,nlat,mlon)  

          ; verification when ps=100000
  lev   = finhy->lev   
  diff  = p(:,0,0)-lev
  print(lev+"    "+p(:,0,0)+"    "+diff)

The edited output looks like

              lev                  p              diff
(0)	99849.96244364697    99849.96244364697    0
(1)	99549.96233052592    99549.96233052592    0
(2)	99149.89494018865    99149.89494018865    0
(3)	98549.7928287735     98549.7928287735     0
(4)	97699.57352197972    97699.57352197972    0
(5)	96599.37887679219    96599.37887679219    0
(6)	95299.14304700246    95299.14304700246    0
(7)	93698.55920278581    93698.55920278979    3.987224772572517e-09
(8)	91798.18441228721    91798.18441228606    -1.149601303040981e-09
(9)	89697.75169188292    89697.75169188037    -2.546585164964199e-09
(10)	87347.01856643189    87347.01856643189    0
(11)	84696.14302236082    84696.14302236518    4.365574568510056e-09
(12)	81795.41531387174    81795.41531386811    -3.623426891863346e-09
(13)	78694.5780828073     78694.5780828073     0
(14)	75443.98546020423    75443.98546020543    1.193257048726082e-09
(15)	72042.91489346673    72042.91489346455    -2.182787284255028e-09
(16)	68441.66534734554    68441.66534734869    3.157765604555607e-09
(17)	64741.1889174707     64741.18891747024    -4.583853296935558e-10
(18)	60990.13453779992    60990.13453779992    0
(19)	57189.47883614307    57189.47883614226    -8.076312951743603e-10
(20)	53388.72974167685    53388.72974167523    -1.615262590348721e-09
(21)	49587.86576445695    49587.86576445792    9.749783203005791e-10
(22)	45837.55467777611    45837.55467777644    3.274180926382542e-10
(23)	42187.19874312158    42187.19874312113    -4.511093720793724e-10
(24)	38636.78800522001    38636.78800522021    2.037268131971359e-10
(25)	35186.30936535118    35186.30936535118    0
(26)	31886.61757076395    31886.61757076395    0
(27)	28736.06368117695    28736.06368117695    0
(28)	25736.38222305299    25736.38222305299    0
(29)	22885.72350887325    22885.72350887309    -1.637090463191271e-10
(30)	20186.04356927362    20186.04356927405    4.292814992368221e-10
(31)	17686.42714647552    17686.42714647502    -5.020410753786564e-10
(32)	15386.89025254726    15386.8902525474     1.364242052659392e-10
(33)	13287.45328330309    13287.45328330316    7.09405867382884e-11
(34)	11388.14185796683    11388.14185796685    2.000888343900442e-11
(35)	9688.987180267748    9688.987180267834    8.549250196665525e-11
(36)	8164.265567858072    8164.265567858072    0
(37)	6763.767298472668    6763.767298472656    -1.182343112304807e-11
(38)	5515.002875033884    5515.002875033893    9.094947017729282e-12
(39)	4466.576216266381    4466.576216266381    0
(40)	3608.149325172584    3608.14932517259     6.366462912410498e-12
(41)	2914.501376923828    2914.501376923823    -5.002220859751105e-12
(42)	2352.981404124263    2352.981404124263    0
(43)	1898.89882407333     1898.89882407333     0
(44)	1532.036534874198    1532.036534874198    0
(45)	1235.129618271835    1235.129618271835    0
(46)	997.1208628290149    997.1208628290149    0
(47)	804.9498872016828    804.9498872016828    0
(48)	649.2593496916936    649.2593496916936    0
(49)	524.0019775689651    524.0019775689651    0
(50)	422.1641249658988    422.1641249658988    0
(51)	338.288125071407     338.288125071407     0
(52)	268.363593649281     268.363593649281     0
(53)	208.8961054950331    208.8961054950331    0
(54)	158.4429547310325    158.4429547310325    0
(55)	115.9526640886324    115.9526640886324    0
(56)	80.46871791830324    80.46871791830324    0
(57)	51.45078427193928    51.45078427193928    0
(58)	28.97808727180794    28.97808727180794    0
(59)	10                   10                   0

Example 2 Read from JRA55 GRIB file and interpolate to user specified isobaric levels. Also, create a netCDF file.

; Two local utility routines: created for convenience

undef ("changeDimNames")
procedure changeDimNames(v3:numeric, v4:numeric)
; convenience: change fron NCL generated names to more 'common' (friendly) names
  v3!0 = "time"
  v3!1 = "lat"
  v3!2 = "lon"

  v4!0 = "time"
  v4!1 = "lev"
  v4!2 = "lat"
  v4!3 = "lon"
undef ("deleteSelectedAtts")
procedure deleteSelectedAtts(v4:numeric)
; esthetics: these pertain more to the original GRIB file; not to pressure data
  delete([/ v4@sub_center, v4@level_indicator, v4@parameter_table_version \
          , v4@parameter_table_version, v4@parameter_number, v4@gds_grid_type /]) 

; ---------------------------> MAIN DRIVER <----------------------

; User specified levels
   plvl   = (/10.,20.,30.,50.,70.,100.,150.,200.,250.,300.,400.,500.,700.,850.,925.,1000./)*100
   plvl   = plvl(::-1)    ; reorder ... make same vertical order as JRA55 
   plvl!0 = "plvl"
   plvl@units = "Pa"
   plvl@long_name = "pressure level"
   plvl&plvl  = plvl
   nplvl  = dimsizes(plvl)
   netCDF = True
   vari   = "TMP_GDS4_HYBL"
   varo   = "TMP"

   linlog = -1               ; type vertical interpolation (see: int2p_n)
   dirx   = "./"
   filx   = systemfunc("cd "+dirx+" ; ls fcst_mdl*")
   nfilx  = dimsizes(filx)
   dirps  = "./"
   filps  = systemfunc("cd "+dirps+" ; ls jra55PS6hr*")
   nfilps = dimsizes(filx)

; end user input
; input error checks
   if ( then
       print("number of files do not match: nfilx="+nfilx+"  nfilps="+nfilps)
   end if

; Read hybrid information; external file containg hyai and hybi coefficients
   dirhy = "./"                        ; read file with interface hybrid info
   filhy = ""
   finhy = addfile(dirhy+filhy,"r")
   hyai  = finhy->hyai 
   hybi  = finhy->hybi 
   P0    = finhy->P0

   ilev  = finhy->ilev                   
   lev   = finhy->lev 
; loop over all GRIB files 
   fext  = ".grb"                             ; all the input are GRIB   

  do nf=0,nfilx-1
     loopTime = get_cpu_time()
     print("nf="+nf+"  dirx+filx(nf)+fext="+dirx+filx(nf)+fext)

     finx  = addfile(dirx+filx(nf)+fext,"r")
   ;;x := finx->$vari$(0:4,:,:,:)         ; x( 5, lv_HYBL1, g4_lat_2, g4_lon_3 )   ; testing
     x := finx->$vari$                    ; x( initial_time0_hours, lv_HYBL1, g4_lat_2, g4_lon_3 )

     finps = addfile(dirps+filps(nf)+fext,"r")
   ;;ps := finps->PRES_GDS4_SFC(0:4,:,:)  ;  ( 5 , g4_lat_2, g4_lon_3 )
     ps := finps->PRES_GDS4_SFC           ; x( initial_time0_hours, g4_lat_2, g4_lon_3 )
; error checking

     dimx  = dimsizes(x) 
     rankx = dimsizes(dimx)
     if (
         print("FATAL: rank of variable must be 4: rankx="+rankx)
     end if 

     dimps = dimsizes(ps) 
     rankps= dimsizes(dimps)
     if (
         print("FATAL: rank of PS must be 3: rankps="+rankps)
     end if 
     ntimx = dimx(0)
     ntimps= dimps(0)
     if ( then
         print("FATAL: number of time steps do not match: ntimx="+ntimx+"  ntimps="+ntimps)
     end if
     if (.not.all(x&initial_time0_hours .eq. ps&initial_time0_hours)) then
         print("FATAL: time mismatch between variable and sfc pressure")
     end if

; Miscellaneous 
     changeDimNames(ps, x)   ; convenience ... user friendly names  

     xMin = min(x)   ; source min
     xMax = max(x)   ;        max

     ntim = dimx(0)
     klev = dimx(1)
     nlat = dimx(2)
     mlon = dimx(3)

     klevi= klev+1   ; number of interface levels
; derive interface pressure levels at each grid point

     p    = pres_hybrid_jra55(ps,hyai,hybi)   ; (ntim,60,nlat,mlon)

; Interpolate from hybrid pressure levels to isobaric levels ('plvl' )

     x_p := int2p_n_Wrap(p,x,plvl,linlog,1)   ; (ntim,nplvl,nlat,mlon)
     x_p@info = "interpolated to pressure levels via NCL script"
     x_p = where( .or., x_p@_FillValue, x_p)  ; extrapolated values

; Write netCDF

     if (netCDF) then
         diro  = "./"
         filo  = "jra55_2_so."+filx(nf)+".nc"          ; arbitrary
         ptho  = diro+filo
         system("/bin/rm -f "+ ptho)
         ncdf = addfile(ptho,"c")
         ncdf->$varo$  = x_p
     end if

     print("LOOP time: " + (get_cpu_time() - loopTime))
  end do