NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > File I/O, String manipulation


Writes formatted elements from a list to an ASCII file.

Available in version 6.1.0 and later.


	procedure write_table (
		filename [1] : string,  
		option   [1] : string,  
		alist    [1] : list,    
		format   [1] : string   



The ASCII file name for sending the formatted output.


Option for how to write to the file: "w" to overwrite, "a" to append.


The list of variables to write to the file.


The format string indicating how to write each item in the list.


This procedure writes or appends formatted elements from a list to the given ASCII file, using the given format string.

Use print_table if you simply want to print the formatted values to the screen (stdout).

See Also

print_table, write_matrix, asciiwrite, sprintf, sprinti


Example 1

A simple example showing how to write an array of strings and integers to a file:

  strings = (/"string11","string12","string13"/)
  numbers = (/1,2,3/)
  alist   = [/strings,numbers/]
  write_table("example1.txt", "w", alist, "%s")
The example1.txt file will contain:

string11 1
string12 2
string13 3

Note that write_table automatically inserted spaces between the strings and integers. If you don't want the spaces, then you will need to append the integers yourself:

  strings = (/"string11","string12","string13"/)
  numbers = (/1,2,3/)
  alist   = [/strings + numbers/]    ; Use '+' to concatenate numbers to end of strings
  write_table("example1.txt", "w", alist, "%s")

The example1.txt file will now contain no spaces:


Example 2

This example shows how to initially create a file with the "w" option, and then append data to it using the "a" option. This is useful for creating a file with header text, data, and footer text.

 a = (/111, 222, 333, 444/)
 b = (/1.1, 2.2, 3.3/)
 c = (/"1", "22", "333", "aaaaaa", "bbbb", "cc"/)
 d = (/11h, 22h/)
 f = (/11l, 22l, 33l, 44l, 55l, 66l/)

 alist = [/a, b, c, d, f/]

 header = (/"--------------------------------", \
            "This is a file header", \
 footer = (/"--------------------------------", \
            "This is a file footer", \

 hlist = [/header/]
 flist = [/footer/]

 fname = "example2.txt"
 write_table(fname, "w", hlist, "%s")
 write_table(fname, "a", alist, "%d%16.2f%s%d%ld")
 write_table(fname, "a", flist, "%s")

The example2.txt file will contain:

This is a file header
111             1.10 1      11 11
222             2.20 22     22 22
333             3.30 333       33
444                  aaaaaa    44
                     bbbb      55
                     cc        66
This is a file footer

Example 3

This is similar to the previous example, except now commas are inserted in the data fields.

 a = (/111, 222, 333, 444/)
 b = (/1.1, 2.2, 3.3/)
 c = (/"a", "b", "c"/)
 d = (/11h, 22h/)
 f = (/11l, 22l, 33l, 44l, 55l, 66l/)

 alist = [/a, b, c, d, f/]

 header = (/"--------------------------------", \
            "This is a file header", \
 footer = (/"--------------------------------", \
            "This is a file footer", \

 hlist = [/header/]
 flist = [/footer/]

 fname = "example3.txt"
 write_table(fname, "w", hlist, "%s ")
 write_table(fname, "a", alist, "%d,%16.2f,%s,%d,%ld")
 write_table(fname, "a", flist, "%s ")

The example3.txt file will contain:

This is a file header 
111,            1.10,a,11,11
222,            2.20,b,22,22
333,            3.30,c,  ,33
444,                , ,  ,44
   ,                , ,  ,55
   ,                , ,  ,66
This is a file footer 

Example 4

This example shows how you can format integers of different numbers of digits (e.g. '95' versus '105' or '905' versus '1005') so they are pre-padded with zeros:

 i = ispan( 95,105, 1)
 j = ispan(905,1005,10)

 write_table("example4.txt","w",[/i,j/],"first_%05i second_%05i")

The example4.txt file will contain:

first_00095 second_00905
first_00096 second_00915
. . .
first_00099 second_00945
first_00100 second_00955
first_00101 second_00965
first_00102 second_00975
. . .
first_00105 second_01005

Example 5

The variable type must be appropriate for the format. If the user does not specify the width, then the function will use default settings.

       sta  = (/"Mum", "RNC", "CNB"/)   ; type string
       Temp = (/30, 20, 25/)            ; type integer
       RH   = (/80, 900, 95/)
       WS   = (/2, 3, 4/)
       WD   = (/80, 150, 95/)
       Time = 201411050800>b>l             ; the appended 'l' makes this a 'long' int

; Temp, RH, WS, WD are all integers

       file_I = "example5_I.txt"
       system("/bin/rm -f "+file_I)   ; remove any pre-existing file
       write_table(file_I, "w", [/Time/], "%li")
       write_table(file_I, "a", [/"Station","Temp","RH","WS","WD"/], "%s %s %s %s %s ")
       write_table(file_I, "a", [/sta,Temp,RH,WS,WD/],"%s %i %i %i %i")

; change to float; use  :=  syntax

        Temp := (/30, 20, 25/)*1.0
        RH   := (/80, 900, 95/)*1.0
        WS   := (/2, 3, 4/)*1.0
        WD   := (/80, 150, 95/)*1.0

        file_F = "example5_F.txt"
        system("/bin/rm -f "+file_F)   ; remove any pre-existing file
        write_table(file_F, "w", [/Time/], "%li")
        write_table(file_F, "a", [/"Station","Temp","RH","WS","WD"/], "%s %s %s %s %s ")
        write_table(file_F, "a", [/sta,Temp,RH,WS,WD/],"%s %f %f %f %f")
With default settings for %i, the example5_I.txt file will contain:

Station Temp RH WS WD 
Mum 30 80 2 80
RNC 20 900 3 150
CNB 25 95 4 95
With default settings for %f, the example5_F.txt file will contain:

Station Temp RH WS WD 
Mum 30.000000 80.000000 2.000000 80.000000
RNC 20.000000 900.000000 3.000000 150.000000
CNB 25.000000 95.000000 4.000000 95.000000