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Plot wavenumber-frequency spectra as returned by mjo_wavenum_freq_season.

Available in version 5.1.0 and later.


load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"        ; These three libraries are automatically
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"         ; loaded from NCL V6.2.0 onward.
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"     ; No need for user to explicitly load.

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/diagnostics_cam.ncl" ; Still need to load this library.

	procedure mjo_wavenum_freq_season_plot (
		x    [*][*] : numeric,  
		season  [1] : string,   
		pltDir  [1] : string,   
		pltType [1] : string,   
		pltName [1] : string,   
		opt     [1] : logical   




A two dimensional variable array containing wavenumber-frequency as returned by mjo_wavenum_freq_season. Nominally: (wavenumber,frequency).


Name of the season ["winter", "summer", "annual" ]. This will be used in the default plot title and be appended to the output graphic.


The directory to which the output will be directed. diro="./" means the current directory.


The directory to which the output will be directed. diro="./" means the current directory.


Graphical type to be generated: "png", "x11", "ps", "eps", "pdf", "ncgm".


The name associated with the generated graphic. If opt=False, the function will operate under default mode regardless of any attributes associated with the variable.

If opt=True, then the following attributes, associated with opt, may be used to alter the default behavior.

opt@maxWavePlot: If present, this specifies the maximum wavenumber to plot on the "y-axis". Default is 6.
opt@minFreqPlot: If present, this specifies the minimum frequency to plot on the "x-axis". Default is -0.05.
opt@maxFreqPlot: If present, this specifies the maximum frequency to plot on the "x-axis". Default is 0.05.
opt@pltColorTable - If opt=True and this attribute is present, then this attribute will specify color table to be used. Currently, the color table prcp_2 is the default.
opt@tiMainString: If present, this specifies the title given to the plot. Default is the name of the season.
opt@gsnLeftString: If present, this specifies the left substring. Default is the long_name of the variable (if present).
opt@gsnCenterString: If present, this specifies the center substring. Default (not used).
opt@gsnRightString: If present, this specifies the right substring. Default (not used).
opt@smth9: If present and set to True, a local nine-point spatial smoother (see: smth9) will be applied. Default is no smoothing.
opt@dayLines: If present, it must be a one-dimensional array of length two containing the day numbers at which vertical lines are drawn. For example, opt@dayLines=(/25,90/) would result in lines drawn at frequencies corresponding to 25 and 90 days. The default values are (/30,80/) to match the official US-CLIVAR MJO diagnostics website . This option was introduced with NCL version 5.1.1.


This implements the specifications of MJO CLIVAR for lagged wavenumber-frequency spectra.

See Also

mjo_wavenum_freq_season, mjo_xcor_lag_season, band_pass_area_time,
band_pass_area_time_plot, band_pass_latlon_time,
band_pass_hovmueller, band_pass_hovmueller_plot,
filwgts_lanczos, wgt_areaave, wgt_areaave_Wrap,
wkSpaceTime, wkSpaceTime_cam


See Example 10 of the Madden-Julian Oscillation web page.