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PSWorkstation class

The PSWorkstation object manages communication with the NCAR Graphics PS Workstation output device.


Header file:		ncarg/hlu/PSWorkstation.h
Class name:		psWorkstationClass
Class pointer:		NhlpsWorkstationClass
Fortran class function:	NHLFPSWORKSTATIONCLASS
Superclass:		Workstation
Composite classes:	<None>

Class-defined types

Type name:		NhlTPSFormat
Definition:		typedef enum {
				NhlPS		= 0,	/* "PS"		*/
				NhlEPS		= 1,	/* "EPS"	*/
				NhlEPSI		= 2	/* "EPSI"	*/
			} NhlPSFormat;


Local resources

|			PSWorkstation resource set		|
| wkPSFormat			NhlTPSFormat		RCG	|
|	WkPSFormat			"ps"			|
| wkColorModel			NhlTColorModel		RCG	|
|	WkColorModel			"rgb"			|
| wkVisualType			NhlTVisualType		RCG	|
|	WkVisualType			"color"			|
| wkOrientation			NhlTWorkOrientation	RCSG	|
|	WkOrientation			"portrait"		|
| wkPSFileName			NhlTString		RCG	|
|	WkPSFileName			<dynamic>		|
| wkFullBackground		NhlTBoolean		RCSG	|
|	WkPSFileName			False			|
| wkPSResolution		NhlTInteger		RCG	|
|	WkPSResolution			1800			|
| wkDeviceLowerX		NhlTInteger		RCSG	|
|	WkDeviceLowerX			36			|
| wkDeviceLowerY		NhlTInteger		RCSG	|
|	WkDeviceLowerY			126			|
| wkDeviceUpperX		NhlTInteger		RCSG	|
|	WkDeviceUpperX			576			|
| wkDeviceUpperY		NhlTInteger		RCSG	|
|	WkDeviceUpperY			666			|
| wkPaperSize      		NhlTString		RCG	|
|	WkPaperSize			"letter"		|
| wkPaperWidthF    		NhlTFloat		RCG	|
|	WkPaperWidthF			<dynamic>		|
| wkPaperHeightF		NhlTFloat		RCG	|
|	WkPaperHeightF			<dynamic>		|

Composite resources

The PSWorkstation object class has no composite class members.

Superclass resources

You can set all resources defined by the superclasses of the PSWorkstation object class, including:


The PSWorkstation object is derived from the Workstation class and thus inherits all of the color map management and control functions associated with the Workstation class.

Support functions

The PSWorkstation object does not define any support functions; it inherits all the support functions available to its superclass.


See also