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Defines a set of colors for use with selected TDPACK routines.

Available in version 4.3.1 and later.


	procedure tdclrs (
		wks             [1] : graphic,  
		color_scheme    [1] : integer,  
		shade_intensity [1] : float,    
		shade_range     [1] : float,    
		color_index1    [1] : integer,  
		color_index2    [1] : integer,  
		nblocks         [1] : integer   



An NCL workstation identifier for where you want to draw the surface. The wks identifier is one returned either from calling gsn_open_wks or calling create to create a Workstation object.


An integer scalar specifying the basic color scheme (white on black or black on white). If color_scheme is 0, the foreground color is white and the background color is black; if color_scheme is non-zero, the opposite is true.


Scalar values between 0 and 1, inclusive, specifying how color shades are to be generated. shade_intensity values of near 0 call for more intense shades to be used, while values near 1 call for more nearly pastel shades to be used. shade_range values near 0 say that a narrower range of shades is to be used, while values near 1 say that a broader range of shades is to be used.


Integer scalars specifying the first and last integers in a block of color indices to be used for N shades of gray ranging from pure white to pure black (where N=color_index1-color_index2+1).

The next N indices (in numerical order) will be used for the shades of gray selected by color_intensity and color_range; the next N indices after that for selected shades of red, the next N indices after that for selected shades of green, and so on.


A scalar integer value, that if set to between 1 and 7, inclusive, says that only that many blocks of N indices will be defined.

For example, if nblocks has the value 4, only the black-to-white scale and the shades of gray, red, and green will be generated; shades of blue, cyan, magenta, and yellow will not be. (This allows one to have more shades of each color at the expense of using fewer colors.) Using a value of nblocks less than 1 or greater than 7 will result in all 8*N sets of color shades being defined.


This routine is part of the low-level TDPACK package, which is a group of Fortran and C callable routines for projecting objects from a 3-dimensional coordinate system having U, V, and W axes to a 2-dimensional projection plane having X and Y axes and/or for drawing the projections of those objects. This can be referred to somewhat loosely as "drawing objects in three dimensions".

Please see the documentation on TDCLRS for a full description of this procedure.

See Also

Initialization routines: tdinit, tdpara,

Parameter access routines: tdgetp, tdgtrs, tdsetp, tdstrs

Point transforming routines: tdprpt, tdprpa, tdprpi

Line drawing routines: tdline, tdlndp, tdlnpa, tdlpdp, tdcurv, tdcudp

Grid drawing routines: tdgrds, tdgrid

Label drawing routines: tdlbls, tdlbla, tdlblp, tdplch

Surface drawing routines: tddtri, tdstri, tditri, tdmtri, tdttri, tdctri, tdotri, tdsort

Simplified interface routines: tdez2d, tdez3d


The following code produces a sample 3D scatter plot:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"

; Function for generating random data.
function dsrnd1(ifrst,nextn)
  MPLIER = 16807
  MODLUS = 2147483647
  MOBYMP = 127773
  MOMDMP = 2836
  JSEED  = 123456789

  if (ifrst .eq. 0) then
    nextn = JSEED
    ifrst = 1
  end if

  hvlue = nextn / MOBYMP
  lvlue = nextn % MOBYMP
  testv = MPLIER*lvlue - MOMDMP*hvlue

  if (testv .gt. 0) then
    nextn = testv
    nextn = testv + MODLUS
 end if


 N       = 1331
 NEAREST =  500
 MTRI    = 150000

; Create our input and work arrays.
  x = new(N,float)
  y = new(N,float)
  z = new(N,float)
  rtri = new((/MTRI,10/),float)
  rtwk = new((/MTRI,2/),float)

; Fill up the dummy input arrays.
  ifrst = 0
  nextn = 0
  do i = 0,N-1
    x(i) = dsrnd1(ifrst,nextn)    
    y(i) = dsrnd1(ifrst,nextn)
    z(i) = dsrnd1(ifrst,nextn)    
  end do

;  Specify the reference point from which we want to find the NEAREST
;  nearest points.
  px = 0.5
  py = 0.5
  pz = 0.5

  wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","scatter")  

; Set some TDPACK parameters and initialize. These four are viewport
; specifiers.
  tdsetp("VPB", 0.09)
  tdsetp("VPT", 0.99)
  tdsetp("VPL", 0.11)
  tdsetp("VPR", 1.00)

  tdinit((/4.6, 3.0, 3.3/), (/0.5, 0.5, 0.5/), (/0.5, 0.5, 2.7/), 0.)

;  Set up some colors using the standard TDPACK entry for that.
  tdclrs(wks, 1, 0., 0.8, 8, 37, 8)

;  Define style indices for shades of gray, green, and red.
  tdstrs(1,  8, 37,   8,  37, 1, 1, 0, 0.05, 0.05, 0.)
  tdstrs(3,  8, 37,  68,  97, 1, 1, 0, 0.05, 0.05, 0.)
  tdstrs(4,  8, 37,  98, 127, 1, 1, 0, 0.05, 0.05, 0.)

;  Store the indices of the nearest points in npts and the complement
;  of that set (with respect to the entire input dataset) in mpts.
  npts = new(NEAREST,integer)
  mpts = new(FARTHER,integer)

  npts(0) = shgetnp(px,py,pz,x,y,z,0)
  do i=2,N
    if (i .le. NEAREST) then
      npts(i-1) = shgetnp(px,py,pz,x,y,z,1)
      mpts(i-1-NEAREST) = shgetnp(px,py,pz,x,y,z,1)
    end if
  end do

;  Plot the near points in green.
  ntri = 0
  dotsize = 0.02
  do i = 0, NEAREST-1
    tdmtri(-5, (/x(npts(i)-1), y(npts(i)-1), z(npts(i)-1)/), dotsize, \
           rtri, ntri, 4, (/0.,0.,0./),(/1.,1.,1./))
  end do

;  Plot the farther points in gray.
  do i = 0, FARTHER-1
    tdmtri(-5, (/x(mpts(i)), y(mpts(i)), z(mpts(i))/), dotsize, \
           rtri, ntri, 1, (/0.,0.,0./),(/1.,1.,1./));
  end do

;  Mark the reference point in red.

;  Order and draw triangles.
  itwk = tdotri(rtri, ntri, rtwk, 0)
  tddtri(wks,rtri, ntri, itwk)

;  Draw a box around the perimeter.
  tdgrds(wks,(/0., 1., 0./), (/1., 0., 1./), (/-1., -1., -1./),11,0)
  tdgrds(wks,(/0., 1., 0./), (/1., 0., 1./), (/-1., -1., -1./),11,1)


Also see examples 3, 4, and 5 on the three-dimensional graphics applications page.