NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > Graphics routines


Draws an isosurface on the specified workstation.


	procedure tdez3d (
		wks     [1] : graphic,  
		x       [*] : float,    
		y       [*] : float,    
		z       [*] : float,    
		u [*][*][*] : float,    
		value   [1] : float,    
		rmult   [1] : float,    
		theta   [1] : float,    
		phi     [1] : float,    
		ist     [1] : integer   



An NCL workstation identifier for where you want to draw the isosurface. The wks identifier is one returned either from calling gsn_open_wks or calling create to create a Workstation object.


A one-dimensional array specifying X-coordinate values; must be monotonically increasing.


A one-dimensional array specifying Y-coordinate values; must be monotonically increasing.


A one-dimensional array specifying Z-coordinate values; must be monotonically increasing.


A three-dimensional array specifying functional values at the X, Y, and Z coordinate values in the first three arguments. The values of u are stored with the first dimension varying the fastest, i.e. u(i,j,k) is the data value at (x(i),y(j),z(k)) for i=0, dimsizes(x)-1, j=0,dimsizes(y)-1, and k=0,dimsizes(z)-1.


The isovalue.


Values specifying an eye position (the point from which the surface will be viewed); these values are defined as follows:

  • rmult is a multiplier of the diagonal length (DL) of the smallest box containing the surface to be drawn.
  • theta is an angle (in degrees) in the XY plane measured positive counter-clockwise from the X axis.
  • phi is an angle (in degrees) measured from the positive Z axis toward the XY plane.

Thus, the coordinate (rmult*DL,theta,phi) is the spherical coordinate for the eye position. If rmult = theta = phi = 0., a default eye position (2.5,-55.,70.) is chosen.

The point looked at is calculated to be the midpoint of the box determined by the x, y, and z array limits.


A style index defining the colors used to shade the surface. The legal values for ist are as follows:

1 produce a wire-frame surface
2 use gray shades underneath; gray shades on top
3 use gray shades underneath; red shades on top
4 use gray shades underneath; green shades on top
5 use gray shades underneath; blue shades on top
6 use gray shades underneath; cyan shades on top
7 use gray shades underneath; gray shades on top
8 use gray shades underneath; magenta shades on top

If ist is positive, then black is used for the background color and white for the foreground color; if ist is the negative of any of the above values, then white is used for the background color and black for the foreground color. If ist falls outside of the legal range, it defaults to 6.


This function draws an isosurface on the specified workstation, using the low-level package, Tdpack.

When tdez3d is called, a color table is defined for the workstation specified by wks in the first argument. This color table will supersede any color table that has been previously defined. The color table that is defined is:

Color indexColors
0black if IST is positive; white if IST is negative
1white if IST is positive; black if IST is negative
8-37grayscale from white to black
38-67shades of gray
68-97shades of red
98-127shades of green
128-157shades of blue
158-187shades of cyan
188-217shades of magenta
218-247shades of yellow

tdez3d does not call frame.

See Also

Initialization routines: tdinit, tdpara, tdclrs

Parameter access routines: tdgetp, tdgtrs, tdsetp, tdstrs

Point transforming routines: tdprpt, tdprpa, tdprpi

Line drawing routines: tdline, tdlndp, tdlnpa, tdlpdp, tdcurv, tdcudp

Grid drawing routines: tdgrds, tdgrid

Label drawing routines: tdlbls, tdlbla, tdlblp, tdplch

Surface drawing routines: tddtri, tdstri, tditri, tdmtri, tdttri, tdctri, tdotri, tdsort

Simplified interface routines: tdez2d


The following code produces an isosurface:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"

;  Create the data array for the isosurface.
  rbig1 = 6.
  rbig2 = 6.
  rsml1 = 2.
  rsml2 = 2.
  nix = 21
  niy = 31
  niz = 19
  xi = ispan(1,nix,1)*1.
  yi = ispan(1,niy,1)*1.
  zi = ispan(1,niz,1)*1.
  ui = new((/nix,niy,niz/),float)

  jcent1 = niy*.5 - rbig1*.5
  jcent2 = niy*.5 + rbig2*.5
  do i=1,nix
    fimid = i-nix/2.
    do j=1,niy
      fjmid1 = j-jcent1
      fjmid2 = j-jcent2
      do k=1,niz
        fkmid = k-niz/2
        f1 = sqrt(rbig1*rbig1/(fjmid1*fjmid1+fkmid*fkmid+.1))
        f2 = sqrt(rbig2*rbig2/(fimid*fimid+fjmid2*fjmid2+.1))
        fip1 = (1.-f1)*fimid
        fip2 = (1.-f2)*fimid
        fjp1 = (1.-f1)*fjmid1
        fjp2 = (1.-f2)*fjmid2
        fkp1 = (1.-f1)*fkmid
        fkp2 = (1.-f2)*fkmid
        ui(i-1,j-1,k-1) = min((/fimid*fimid+fjp1*fjp1+fkp1*fkp1-rsml1*rsml1, \
      end do
    end do
  end do

; Open workstation, draw isosurface, and advance frame.
  wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","tdpack")

