Color routines

color_index_to_rgba Converts an absolute color index to its equivalent RGBA quadruplet
ColorNegDashZeroPosContour Sets the negative contours to dashed, and colors the negative, positive, and zero contours to user-specified colors.
ColorShadeLeGeContour Shades contour regions given low and high values and two colors.
(Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.)
draw_color_palette Draws the given colors or color map as a series of filled boxes.
get_color_rgba Chooses an RGB triplet or RGBA quadruplet for a scalar value, given a color map and a range of values.
GetFillColor Chooses a color from a group of RGB triplets based upon a secondary scalar field (deprecated version).
GetFillColorIndex Chooses from a list of color table indices based upon a secondary scalar field (deprecated version).
gsn_contour_shade Shades contour regions given low and/or high values using colors or patterns.
gsn_define_colormap Defines a color map for the given workstation.
gsn_draw_colormap Draws the current color map for the given workstation.
gsn_draw_named_colors Draws the given list of named colors.
gsn_merge_colormaps Merges two color maps and sets this as the color map for the given workstation.
gsn_retrieve_colormap Retrieves a color map for the given workstation.
gsn_reverse_colormap Reverses the color map for the given workstation.
hlsrgb Converts HLS color values to RGB.
hsv2rgb Maps values from the HSV color model to the RGB color model (deprecated).
hsvrgb Converts HSV color values to RGB.
namedcolor2rgb Returns the RGB triplets of the given list of named colors.
namedcolor2rgba Returns the RGBA quadruplets of the given list of named colors.
NhlFreeColor Removes one or more color entries from one or more workstations.
NhlGetNamedColorIndex Returns color map indexes that match the given color names in the color maps of the given workstations.
NhlIsAllocatedColor Queries a list of workstations to determine whether or not the given color indexes have been allocated.
NhlNewColor Allocates new workstation color indexes.
NhlPalGetDefined Returns a list of available color maps.
NhlSetColor Sets the colors for a given list of color indexes and workstations.
read_colormap_file Reads an NCL system colormap file or a user-defined colormap.
rgbhls Converts RGB color values to HLS.
rgbhsv Converts RGB color values to HSV.
RGBtoCmap Reads a text file of RGB triplets and converts them to a colormap.
rgbyiq Converts RGB color values to YIQ values.
setColorContourClear Sets the color contours between two given levels to transparent.
span_color_indexes Given the number of desired color values, return an array of indexes that nicely span the given color map.
span_color_rgba Given the number of desired color values, return an array of RGB triplets or RGBA quadruplets that nicely span the given color map.
span_named_colors Returns an RGB array that is a span between given list of named colors.
yiqrgb Converts YIQ color values to RGB.