contributed.ncl functions
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Zaddfiles_GetVar | Creates a reference that spans multiple data files and returns metadata. (deprecated: see addfiles) |
advect_variable | Use "highly accurate" spherical harmonics to estimate gradients and advect a variable horizontally on a global rectilinear grid. |
advect_variable_cfd | Using centered-finite_differences (cfd) to estimate gradients, advect a variable horizontally on a regional or global rectilinear grid. |
albedo_ccm | Computes albedo via CESM model radiation variables. |
area_conserve_remap_Wrap | Performs areal conservative remapping from one rectilinear grid to another and retains metadata. |
area_hi2lores_Wrap | Interpolates from high resolution rectilinear grids to low resolution rectilinear grids using local area averaging and retains metadata. |
array_append_record | Attaches [appends] additional records [leftmost dimension] to a previously existing array. |
assignFillValue | Transfers the _FillValue attribute from one variable to another. |
beta_dfdy_rossby | Compute the Rossby parameter [beta=df/dy] which is the meridional variation of the Coriolis parameter. |
brunt_vaisala_atm | Compute the Brunt-Vaisala frequency which is a measure of bouyancy in a continuously stratified atmosphere. |
byte2flt | Converts values of type byte to values of type float. |
byte2flt_hdf | Converts values of type byte to values of type float using the "scale" and "offset" attributes (if present). |
calcDayAnomTLL | Calculates daily anomalies from a daily data climatology. |
calcMonAnomLLLT | Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the long term mean from each point (lev,lat,lon,time version) |
calcMonAnomLLT | Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the long term mean from each point (lat,lon,time version) |
calcMonAnomTLL | Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the long term mean from each point (time,lat,lon version) |
calcMonAnomTLLL | Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the long term mean from each point: (time,lev,lat,lon) version. |
calculate_daily_values | Calculate daily values [avg, sum, min, max] from high frequency temporal values. |
calculate_monthly_values | Calculate monthly values [avg, sum, min, max] from high frequency temporal values. |
calculate_segment_values | Calculate segment (eg, pentad [5-day], weekly [7-day]) values from high frequency temporal values. |
cd_convert | Converts a time variable from one set of units to another. |
changeCase | Changes the case of a string. (Deprecated: see str_lower/str_upper.) |
changeCaseChar | Changes the case of each character in a string. (Deprecated: see str_switch.) |
clmDayHourTLL | Calculates climatological day-hour means at user specified hours for each day of the year. |
clmDayHourTLLL | Calculates climatological day-hour means at user specified hours for each day of the year. |
clmDayTLL | Calculates long term daily means (daily climatology) from daily data. |
clmDayTLLL | Calculates long term daily means (daily climatology) from daily data. |
clmMon2clmDay | Create a daily climatology from a monthly climatology. |
clmMonLLLT | Calculates long term monthly means (monthly climatology) from monthly data: (lev,lat,lon,time) version. |
clmMonLLT | Calculates long term monthly means (monthly climatology) from monthly data (lat,lon,time version) |
clmMonTLL | Calculates long term monthly means (monthly climatology) from monthly data: (time,lat,lon) version |
clmMonTLLL | Calculates long term monthly means (monthly climatology) from monthly data: (time,lev,lat,lon) version |
closest_val | Finds the index value in a monotonically increasing one-dimensional array closest to a desired value. |
cohsq_c2p | Given coherence-squared and the effective degrees-of-freedom, calculate the associated probability. |
cohsq_p2c | Calculate the value(s) of coherence-squared required for a specified significance level and effectiove degrees-of-freedom. |
copy_VarAtts | Copies all of a variable's attributes from one variable to another. |
copy_VarCoords | Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another. |
copy_VarCoords_1 | Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another except for the rightmost dimension. |
copy_VarCoords_2 | Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another except for the rightmost two dimensions. |
copy_VarMeta | Copies all attributes, named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another. |
copyatt | Copies all attributes, named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another (deprecated version). |
coriolis_param | Calculate the Coriolis parameter. |
crossp3 | Compute cross product of multiple vectors of length 3. |
cshstringtolist | Converts a comma delimited string from csh and breaks it up into separate strings. |
cssgrid_Wrap | Uses tension splines to interpolate unstructured (randomly-spaced) data on a unit sphere to data values on a rectilinear grid (retains metadata). |
dble2flt | Converts values of type double to values of type float and preserves metadata. |
decimalPlaces | Truncates or rounds to the number of decimal places specified. |
delete_VarAtts | Deletes one or more attributes associated with a variable. |
demod_cmplx | Perform a complex demodulation on a time series. |
dim_avg_n_Wrap | Computes the average of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_avg_wgt_n_Wrap | Computes the weighted average of a variable's given dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_avg_wgt_Wrap | Computes the weighted average of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_avg_Wrap | Computes the average of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_cumsum_n_Wrap | Calculates the cumulative sum along the given dimension(s) and retains metadata. |
dim_cumsum_Wrap | Calculates the cumulative sum along the rightmost dimension and retains metadata. |
dim_max_n_Wrap | Computes the maximum of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_maxind | Returns the index of the first occurrence of a maximum value within the specified dimension. |
dim_min_n_Wrap | Computes the minimum of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_minind | Returns the index of the first occurrence of a minimum value within the specified dimension. |
dim_rmsd_n_Wrap | Computes the root-mean-square-difference between two variables' given dimensions at all other dimensions. |
dim_rmsd_Wrap | Computes the root-mean-square-difference between two variables' rightmost dimension at all other dimensions. |
dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap | Calculates and removes the mean of the given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_rmvmean_Wrap | Calculates and removes the mean of the (rightmost) dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_rmvmed_n_Wrap | Calculates and removes the median of the given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_rmvmed_Wrap | Calculates and removes the median of the (rightmost) dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_standardize_n_Wrap | Calculates standardized anomalies of the given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_standardize_Wrap | Calculates standardized anomalies of the rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_stddev_n_Wrap | Computes the sample standard deviation of a variable's given dimension(s) at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_stddev_Wrap | Computes the sample standard deviation of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_sum_n_Wrap | Computes the arithmetic sum of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_sum_wgt_n_Wrap | Computes the weighted sum of a variable's given dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_sum_wgt_Wrap | Computes the weighted sum of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_sum_Wrap | Computes the arithmetic sum of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_variance_n_Wrap | Computes unbiased estimates of the variance of a variable's given dimension(s) at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dim_variance_Wrap | Computes unbiased estimates of the variance of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |
dpres_hybrid_ccm_se | Calculates the pressure layer thickness at each mid-layer hybrid level for the spectral element model. |
dpres_plevel_Wrap | Calculates the pressure layer thicknesses of a constant pressure level coordinate system. |
dtrend_leftdim | Estimates and removes the least squares linear trend of the leftmost dimension from all grid points and retains metadata. |
dv2uvF_Wrap | Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a fixed grid via spherical harmonics and retains metadata. |
dv2uvG_Wrap | Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics and retains metadata. |
eady_growth_rate | Compute the maximum Eady growth rate. |
enthalpy | Compute atmospheric enthalpy. |
eofcor_Wrap | Calculates empirical orthogonal functions and retains metadata. (NCL's original function). |
eofcov_Wrap | Calculates empirical orthogonal functions and retains metadata. (NCL's original EOF function). |
eofunc_n_Wrap | Computes empirical orthogonal functions (aka: Principal Component Analysis, Eigen Analysis) given an index that specifies which dimension contains the number of observations, and retains metadata. |
eofunc_north | Use North et al (MWR, 1982) equation 24 to evaluate eigenvalue separation. |
eofunc_ts_n_Wrap | Calculates the time series of the amplitudes associated with each eigenvalue in an EOF, given an index that specifies the time dimension, and retains metadata. |
eofunc_ts_Wrap | Calculates the time series of the amplitudes associated with each eigenvalue in an EOF and retains metadata. |
eofunc_varimax_reorder | Reorder the results returned by eof_varimax into descending order by percent variance explained. |
eofunc_varimax_Wrap | Rotates EOFs using the using Kaiser row normalization and the varimax criterion and retains metadata. |
eofunc_Wrap | Computes empirical orthogonal functions (aka: Principal Component Analysis, Eigen Analysis) and retains metadata. |
epflux | Compute quasi-geostrophic Eliassen-Palm fluxes at isobaric levels using NCEP Reanalysis. |
epsZero | Sets all values in input array to zero that are +/- a user supplied epsilon about zero. |
exponential_curve_fit | Calculates the coefficients for a simple exponential curve fit of the form ' y = A*exp(B*x)' using least squares. |
extract_globalatts_hdf5 | Extract value from 'KEYWORD,VALUE' pair returned by getfilevaratts_hdf5. |
f2fosh_Wrap | Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid (retains metadata). |
f2foshv_Wrap | Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid (retains metadata). |
f2fsh_Wrap | Interpolates a scalar quantity from one fixed grid to another (retains metadata). |
f2fshv_Wrap | Interpolates a vector quantity from one fixed grid to another (retains metadata). |
f2gsh_Wrap | Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid to a Gaussian grid (with optional truncation) (retains metadata). |
f2gshv_Wrap | Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid to a Gaussian grid (optional truncation) (retains metadata). |
fbindirSwap | Reads byte-reversed data and writes output file that can be read by fbindirread or cbinread (deprecated). |
fbinseqSwap1 | Byte swaps Fortran sequential files (deprecated). |
fbinseqSwap2 | Byte swaps Fortran sequential files (more memory friendly) (deprecated). |
fire_index_haines | Computes the Haines fire index (aka: Lower Atmosphere Severity Index) from a sounding. |
flt2dble | Converts values of type float to values of type double and preserves metadata. |
flt2string | Converts values of type float to values of type string. |
fo2fsh_Wrap | Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed-offset grid to a fixed grid (retains metadata). |
fo2fshv_Wrap | Interpolates a vector quantity from a fixed-offset grid to a fixed grid (retains metadata). |
g2fsh_Wrap | Interpolates a scalar quantity from a Gaussian grid to a fixed grid (retains metadata). |
g2fshv_Wrap | Interpolates a vector quantity from a Gaussian grid to a fixed grid (retains metadata). |
g2gsh_Wrap | Interpolates a scalar quantity from one Gaussian grid to another (with optional truncation) (retains metadata). |
g2gshv_Wrap | Interpolates a vector quantity from one Gaussian grid to another (optional truncation) (retains metadata). |
generate_sample_indices | Generate indices (subscripts) for resampling: with and without replacement. |
generate_unique_indices | Generate unique random indices (subscripts). |
genNormalDist | Generates a normal distribution. |
geolocation_circle | Create latitudes and longitudes that define concentric circles at user specified distances from a central location. |
get1Dindex_Collapse | Returns a one dimensional array of subscript indices that DO NOT match the values contained in a user specified list. |
get1Dindex_Exclude | Returns a one dimensional array of subscript indices that DO NOT match the values contained in a user specified list. |
get_d2r | Return a constant that converts degrees to radians. |
get_file_suffix | Extract the suffix associated with a file name. |
get_pi | Return pi as a type float or double. |
get_r2d | Return a constant that converts radians to degrees. |
GetFillColor | Chooses a color from a group of RGB triplets based upon a secondary scalar field (deprecated version). |
GetFillColorIndex | Chooses from a list of color table indices based upon a secondary scalar field (deprecated version). |
getFillValue | Retrieves the _FillValue of a variable, if present, for use in a new statement. |
getind_latlon2d | Returns the indices (subscripts) of two-dimensional latitude/longitude arrays closest to a user-specified latitude/longitude coordinate pair. |
getVarFillValue | Retrieves the missing value of a variable, otherwise, it returns the default _FillValue. |
grad_latlon_cfd | Compute the meridional and zonal gradients of a variable on a global or limited area rectilinear grid. |
grib_stime2itime | Converts grib initial_time (string) to time (integer). |
hyi2hyo_Wrap | Interpolates from data on one set of hybrid levels to another set of hybrid levels and preserves metadata. |
ilapsF_Wrap | Inverts the Laplacian (on a fixed grid) using spherical harmonics and retains metadata. |
ilapsG_Wrap | Inverts the Laplacian (on a gaussian grid) using spherical harmonics and retains metadata. |
ind_nearest_coord | Determine indices of locations closest to a coordinate array. |
int2dble | Converts values of type integer to values of type float and preserves metadata. |
int2flt | Converts values of type integer to values of type float and preserves metadata. |
int2p_n_Wrap | Interpolates pressure levels to a different set of pressure levels and returns metadata. |
int2p_Wrap | Interpolates pressure levels to a different set of pressure levels and returns metadata. |
isconstant | Test if all non-missing elements of an array are identical. |
isMonotonic | Check a one dimensional array to see if it is monotonic. |
keyword_values | Read a text file that contains keywords and one-or-more values (similar to fortran NAMELIST). |
latent_heat_water | Estimate latent heat flux for water: evaporization (condensation), melting (freezing) or sublimation (deposition). |
latGau | Generates gaussian latitudes and associated metadata. |
latGauWgt | Generates gaussian weights and associated metadata. |
latGlobeF | Generates latitudes and associated metadata for a global fixed grid. |
latGlobeFo | Generates latitudes and associated metadata for a global fixed offset grid. |
latRegWgt | Generates [sin(lat+dlat/2)-sin(lat-dlat/2)] weights for equally spaced (regular) global grids that will sum to 2.0. |
linint1_n_Wrap | Interpolates from one series to another using piecewise linear interpolation across the given dimension, and retains metadata. |
linint1_Wrap | Interpolates from one series to another using piecewise linear interpolation, and retains metadata. |
linint2_points_Wrap | Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to an unstructured grid using bilinear interpolation, and retains metadata. |
linint2_Wrap | Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to another rectilinear grid using bilinear interpolation, and retains metadata. |
local_max_1d | Determines the relative maxima for a 1-dimensional array. |
local_min_1d | Determines the relative minima for a 1-dimensional array. |
lonFlip | Reorders a global rectilinear array about the central longitude coordinate variable. |
lonGlobeF | Generates longitudes and associated metadata for a global fixed grid. |
lonGlobeFo | Generates longitudes and associated metadata for a global fixed offset grid. |
lonPivot | Pivots an array about a user-specified longitude (rectilinear grids only). |
merge_levels_sfc | Merges a multiple level variable with the corresponding surface variable. |
mixhum_convert | Convert mixing ratio to specific humidity or vice-versa. |
mod | Remainder function which emulates the Fortran "mod" intrinsic function. |
month_to_annual | Converts monthly values to annual values. |
month_to_annual_weighted | Converts monthly values to annual values weighted by the number of days in a month. |
month_to_season | Computes a user-specified three-month seasonal mean (DJF, JFM, FMA, MAM, AMJ, MJJ, JJA, JAS, ASO, SON, OND, NDJ). |
month_to_season12 | Computes three-month seasonal means (DJF, JFM, FMA, MAM, AMJ, MJJ, JJA, JAS, ASO, SON, OND, NDJ). |
month_to_seasonN | Computes a user-specified list of three-month seasonal means (DJF, JFM, FMA, MAM, AMJ, MJJ, JJA, JAS, ASO, SON, OND, NDJ). |
monthly_total_to_daily_mean | Convert monthly total values [e.g., precipitation] to "per day" values. |
nameDim | Assigns given named dimensions, long_name, and units to the input variable. |
natgrid_Wrap | Interpolates data from an unstructured (randomly-spaced) grid to a rectilinear grid using natural neighbor interpolation and retains metadata. |
NewCosWeight | Performs cosine of the latitude weighting on the given array. |
niceLatLon2D | Check two-dimensional map coordinates to see if they have a "nice" structure. |
NormCosWgtGlobe | Create normalized cosine weights that sum to 2.0. |
numAsciiCol | Returns the number of columns in an ASCII file. |
numAsciiRow | Returns the number of rows in an ASCII file. |
numeric2int | Converts values of any numeric type to type integer. |
obj_anal_ic_deprecated | Iterative correction objective analysis (Cressman, Barnes) (deprecated) |
obj_anal_ic_Wrap | Iterative improvement objective analysis and returns meta data. |
omega_ccm_driver | Computes vertical pressure velocity [omega] via model diagnostic code. |
omega_to_w | Convert omega vertical velocity (Pa/s) to (m/s). |
oneDtostring | Converts a 1-dimensional array to a single string. |
pack_values | Compress values of type float or double to values of type short or byte. |
parse_globalatts_hdf5 | Parse a HDF5 global attribute into an array containing KEYWORDs and associated VALUEs. |
pattern_cor | Compute centered or uncentered pattern correlation. |
pdfx | Generates a univariate probability density distribution (PDF). |
pdfxy | Generates a joint probability density distribution. (Please use pdfxy_conform.) |
pdfxy_conform | An interface to pdfxy that allows the input arrays to be different sizes. |
pot_temp | Compute potential temperature. |
pot_temp_equiv | Compute the equivalent potential temperature using an approximation which does not use the lifting condensation temperature. |
pot_temp_equiv_tlcl | Compute equivalent potential temperature using the lifting condensation temperature. |
pot_vort_hybrid | Compute potential vorticity on hybrid levels and a global grid. |
pot_vort_isobaric | Compute potential vorticity on isobaric levels and a global rectilinear grid. |
precip_rain_snow | Partition monthly precipitation totals into rain and snow amount using an empirical relationship. |
pres2hybrid_Wrap | Interpolates data on constant pressure levels to hybrid levels and retains metadata. |
pres_hybrid_ccm_se | Calculates pressure at each hybrid level using spectral element grid structure. |
print_clock | Prints the given string along with a current timestamp. |
printMinMax | Prints the minimum and maximum values of a variable. |
quadroots | Determine roots of a quadratic equation [ a*x^2 + b*x + c]. |
qvector_isobaric | Use "highly accurate" spherical harmonics to derive the Q-vector components on a global grid. |
qvector_isobaric_cfd | Use centered finite differences to derive the Q-vector components on a global or regional grid. |
rcm2points_Wrap | Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to an unstructured grid and retains metadata. |
rcm2rgrid_Wrap | Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to a rectilinear grid and retains metadata. |
readAsciiHead | Reads an ASCII file and returns just the header. |
readAsciiTable | Reads an ASCII file given the number of lines at the beginning and end of the file to ignore. |
reg_multlin_stats | Performs multiple linear regression analysis including confidence estimates and creates an ANOVA table. |
region_ind | Returns the indices (subscripts) of two-dimensional latitude/longitude arrays that span user specified latitude/longitude boundaries. |
regline_stats | Performs simple linear regression including confidence estimates, an ANOVA table and 95% mean response estimates. |
regline_weight | Calculates the linear regression coefficient between two series where one variable is weighted by some measure of uncertainty. |
relhum_ttd | Calculates relative humidity given temperature and dew point temperature. |
replaceSingleChar | Within a string replace one character with another character. (Deprecated: see str_sub_str.) |
RGBtoCmap | Reads a text file of RGB triplets and converts them to a colormap. |
rgrid2rcm_Wrap | Interpolates data on a rectilinear lat/lon grid to a curvilinear grid like those used by the RCM, WRF and NARR models/datasets and retains metadata. |
rho_mwjf | Computes ocean water density given a specified range for potential temperature (deg Celsius) and salinity (psu). |
rigrad_bruntv_atm | Compute the atmospheric gradient Richardson number and, optionally, the Brunt-Vaisala, buoyancy and shear. |
rm_single_dims | Removes (squeezes) singleton (degenerate) dimensions from an array while preserving metadata. |
rmAnnCycle1D | Removes annual cycle from a one-dimensional time series. |
rmInsufData | Sets all instances (i.e., time) of a grid point to missing if a user-prescribed percentage of points is missing. |
rmMonAnnCycLLLT | Removes the annual cycle from "monthly" data. |
rmMonAnnCycLLT | Removes the annual cycle from "monthly" data. |
rmMonAnnCycTLL | Removes the annual cycle from "monthly" data. |
runave_n_Wrap | Calculates an unweighted running average on the given dimension and retains metadata. |
runave_Wrap | Calculates an unweighted running average on the rightmost dimension and retains metadata. |
satvpr_water_bolton | Estimate the saturation vapor pressure over water using Bolton's equation 10. |
satvpr_water_stipanuk | Estimate the saturation vapor pressure over water using the Stipanuk approximation. |
scale_values | Scale the values of an array to a user specified range. |
shear_stretch_deform | Using spherical harmonics, estimate the kinematic shear-deformation, stretch-deformation and total-deformation of a global horizontal (east-west) wind field. |
shear_stretch_deform_cfd | Using centered-finite-differences, estimate the kinematic shear-deformation, stretch-deformation and total-deformation of a global or regional horizontal (east-west) wind field. |
short2flt | Converts values of type short to values of type float using the "scale" and "offset" attributes (if present). |
short2flt_hdf | Converts values of type short to values of type float using the "scale" and "offset" attributes (if present). |
shsgc_R42_Wrap | Computes spherical harmonic synthesis of a scalar quantity via rhomboidally truncated (R42) spherical harmonic coefficients onto a (108x128) gaussian grid. (creates metadata). |
sign_f90 | Mimic the behavior of Fortran-90's sign transfer function. |
sign_matlab | Mimic the behavior of Matlab's sign function. |
smth9_Wrap | Performs nine point local smoothing on one or more 2D grids and retains metadata. |
smthClmDayTLL | Calculates a smooth mean daily annual cycle for an array nominally dimensioned (Time,Lat,Lon). |
smthClmDayTLLL | Calculates a smooth mean daily annual cycle for an array nominally dimensioned (Time,Level,Lat,Lon). |
SqrtCosWeight | Performs square-root of the cosine of the latitude weighting on the given array. |
stat_dispersion | Computes a number of robust statistics. |
static_energy_atm | Compute the atmospheric moist and dry static energy. |
static_stability | Compute static stability. |
stdMonLLLT | Calculates standard deviations of monthly means. |
stdMonLLT | Calculates standard deviations of monthly means. |
stdMonTLL | Calculates standard deviations of monthly means. |
stdMonTLLL | Calculates standard deviations of monthly means. |
symMinMaxPlt | Calculates the minimum/maximum values for a variable and uses nice_mnmxintvl to calculate the symmetric contour interval. |
table_attach_columns | Attaches [appends] additional columns to a previously existing two-dimensional array. |
table_attach_rows | Attaches [appends] additional rows to a previously existing two-dimensional array. |
taylor_stats | Calculates statistics needed for the Taylor Diagram: pattern_correlation, ratio and bias. |
temp_virtual | Compute atmospheric virtual temperature. |
time_reassign | Reassign (replace) a CF-conforming "time" variable by calculating the mid-time values using the "bounds" attribute. |
time_reassign_cv2var | Reassign (replace) a CF-conforming "time" coordinate variable associated with a variable by calculating the mid-time values using the "bounds" attribute. |
time_to_newtime | Change a "udunits" recognized time unit to a new (different) "udunits" recognized time unit. |
time_to_newtime_fix | Change a "udunits" recognized time unit to a new (different) "udunits" recognized time unit (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details). |
tlcl_evp_bolton | Compute the lifting condensation level temperature using water vapor pressure. |
tlcl_mixr_bolton | Compute the lifting condensation level temperature using mixing ratio and pressure. |
tlcl_rh_bolton | Compute the lifting condensation level temperature using relative humidity. |
tlcl_td_bolton | Compute the lifting condensation level temperature using dew point temperature. |
transpose | Transposes a matrix and copies all attributes and coordinate variables. |
triple2grid_Wrap | Places unstructured (randomly-spaced) data onto the nearest locations of a rectilinear grid and retains metadata. |
unwrap_phase | Unwrap (correct) phase angles to produce smoother phase plots. |
ut_convert | Converts a time variable from one set of units to another (deprecated; use cd_convert). |
ut_convert_fix | Converts a time variable from one set of units to another (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details). |
uv2dvF_Wrap | Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid (retains metadata). |
uv2dvG_Wrap | Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics given the u and v wind components on a gaussian grid (retains metadata). |
uv2vrF_Wrap | Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid (retains metadata). |
uv2vrG_Wrap | Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a gaussian grid (retains metadata). |
vapor_pres_rh | Compute vapor pressure given relative humidity (%) and saturation vapor pressure. |
venn2_difference | Returns the unique element symmetric differences between two arrays. |
venn2_intersection | Returns the unique element intersection (ie., common values) between two arrays. |
venn2_union | Returns the unique element union of two arrays. |
vr2uvF_Wrap | Computes the rotational wind components via spherical harmonics, given an array containing relative vorticity on a fixed grid (retains metadata). |
vr2uvG_Wrap | Computes the rotational wind components via spherical harmonics, given an array containing relative vorticity on a gaussian grid (retains metadata). |
w_to_omega | Convert vertical velocity with units (m/s) to Pa/s. |
wallClockElapseTime | Calculates and prints elapsed 'wall clock' time. |
wave_number_spc | Computes the total power spectrum as a function of latitudinal wave number. |
wetbulb_stull | Calculate wet bulb temperature at standard sea level pressure (1013.25 hPa) using the method of R.Stull. |
wgt_areaave_Wrap | Calculates the area average of a quantity using weights and retains metadata. |
wgt_runave_leftdim | Calculate a weighted running average over the leftmost dimension (usually, "time") and return in the original order with metadata. |
wgt_runave_n_Wrap | Calculates a weighted running average on the given dimension and retains metadata. |
wgt_runave_Wrap | Calculates a weighted running average on the rightmost dimension and retains metadata. |
wgt_vertical_n | Calculates a weighted vertical average and/or sum (integral). |
wind_component | Calculate zonal and meridional wind components from wind speed and wind direction. |
wind_direction | Calculate meteorological wind direction from zonal and meridional wind components. |
wind_speed | Calculate wind speed from zonal and meridional wind components. |
wind_stats | Given a sequence of wind speeds and directions, compute assorted wind-related statistics including the standard deviation of the wind direction. |
yyyyddd_to_yyyymmdd | Given concatenated year and day-of-year (yyyyddd) create a one-dimensional array containing concatenated year, month and day-of-month (yyyymmdd) values. |
yyyymm_time | Creates a one-dimensional array containing year-month (yyyymm) values. |
yyyymm_to_yyyyfrac | Converts a one dimensional array containing yyyymm values to yyyy and fractional year. |
yyyymmdd_time | Creates a one-dimensional array containing year-month-day (yyyymmdd) values. |
yyyymmdd_to_yyyyddd | Given concatenated year-month-day_of_month (yyyymmdd) create a one-dimensional array containing concatenated year and day_of_year (yyyyddd) values. |
yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac | Converts a one-dimensional array containing yyyymmdd values to yyyy and fractional year. |
yyyymmddhh_time | Creates a one-dimensional array containing year-month-day-hour (yyyymmddhh) values. |
yyyymmddhh_to_yyyyfrac | Converts a one-dimensional array containing yyyymmddhh values to yyyy and fractional year. |
zonal_mpsi_Wrap | Computes a zonal mean meridional stream function and retains metadata. |
zonalAve | Computes a zonal average of the input array. |
zscore | Computes the zscore of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata. |