Alphabetical listing of NCL Functions

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
abs Returns the absolute value of numeric data.
acos Computes the inverse cosine of numeric types.
actvpr_mnmx_fao56 Compute actual vapor pressure via equation 17 as described in FAO 56.
actvpr_rhmean_fao56 Compute actual vapor pressure via equation 19 as described in FAO 56.
add90LatX Adds two fake pole points (90S and 90N) to the rightmost dimension of the given data.
add90LatY Adds two fake pole points (90S and 90N) to the leftmost dimension of the given data.
addfile Opens a data file that is (or is to be) written in a supported file format.
addfiles Creates a reference that spans multiple data files.
addfiles_GetVar Creates a reference that spans multiple data files and returns metadata. (deprecated: see addfiles)
advect_variable Use "highly accurate" spherical harmonics to estimate gradients and advect a variable horizontally on a global rectilinear grid.
advect_variable_cfd Using centered-finite_differences (cfd) to estimate gradients, advect a variable horizontally on a regional or global rectilinear grid.
albedo_ccm Computes albedo via CESM model radiation variables.
all Returns True if all the elements of the input evaluate as True.
angmom_atm Calculates the atmosphere's relative angular momentum.
any Returns True if any of the values of its input evaluate as True.
area_conserve_remap Performs areal conservative remapping from one rectilinear grid to another.
area_conserve_remap_Wrap Performs areal conservative remapping from one rectilinear grid to another and retains metadata.
area_hi2lores Interpolates from high resolution rectilinear grids to low resolution recitlinear grids using local area averaging.
area_hi2lores_Wrap Interpolates from high resolution rectilinear grids to low resolution rectilinear grids using local area averaging and retains metadata.
area_poly_sphere Calculates the area enclosed by an arbitrary polygon on the sphere.
array_append_record Attaches [appends] additional records [leftmost dimension] to a previously existing array.
asciiread Reads a file that contains ASCII representations of basic data types.
asciiwrite Creates an ascii text file of numeric or string data type.
asin Computes the inverse sine of numeric types.
assignFillValue Transfers the _FillValue attribute from one variable to another.
atan Computes the inverse tangent of numeric types.
atan2 Computes the inverse tangent of (y/x) for numeric types.
attsetvalues Applies resources to the given objects.
avg Computes the average of a variable regardless of dimensionality.
band_pass_area_time Create a time series of area averages; band-pass filter the resulting area-averaged time series and calculate other statistics.
band_pass_area_time_plot Generate a plot using the output from band_pass_area_time.
band_pass_hovmueller Create a band-pass filtered time series suitable for a time vs. longitude (Hovmueller) plot.
band_pass_hovmueller_plot Generate a plot using the output from band_pass_hovmueller.
band_pass_latlon_time Create band-pass filtered series at each lat/lon grid point.
band_pass_latlon_time_plot Generate a plot using the output from band_pass_latlon_time.
beta_dfdy_rossby Compute the Rossby parameter [beta=df/dy] which is the meridional variation of the Coriolis parameter.
betainc Evaluates the incomplete beta function.
bin_avg Calculates gridded binned averages and counts on a rectilinear grid using randomly spaced data.
bin_sum Calculates binned sums and counts over multiple invocations of the procedure on a rectilinear grid.
bootstrap_correl Bootstrap estimates of sample cross correlations (ie, Pearson's correlation coefficient) between two variables.
bootstrap_diff Bootstrap mean differences from two samples.
bootstrap_estimate Extract the user specified element from the bootstrapped values.
bootstrap_regcoef Bootstrap estimates of linear regression coefficient.
bootstrap_stat Bootstrap estimates of a user specified statistic derived from a variable.
box_percentile_plot Creates a box percentile plot. Documentation under construction
boxplot Creates a boxplot.
brunt_vaisala_atm Compute the Brunt-Vaisala frequency which is a measure of bouyancy in a continuously stratified atmosphere.
bw_bandpass_filter Applies a Butterworth bandpass filter optimized for narrow bandwidths to time series.
byte2flt Converts values of type byte to values of type float.
byte2flt_hdf Converts values of type byte to values of type float using the "scale" and "offset" attributes (if present).
calcDayAnomTLL Calculates daily anomalies from a daily data climatology.
calcMonAnomLLLT Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the long term mean from each point (lev,lat,lon,time version)
calcMonAnomLLT Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the long term mean from each point (lat,lon,time version)
calcMonAnomTLL Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the long term mean from each point (time,lat,lon version)
calcMonAnomTLLL Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the long term mean from each point: (time,lev,lat,lon) version.
calculate_daily_values Calculate daily values [avg, sum, min, max] from high frequency temporal values.
calculate_monthly_values Calculate monthly values [avg, sum, min, max] from high frequency temporal values.
calculate_segment_values Calculate segment (eg, pentad [5-day], weekly [7-day]) values from high frequency temporal values.
calendar_decode2 Translates numeric time coordinates to calendar times.
calendar_decode2_fix Translates numeric time coordinates to calendar times (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details).
cancor Performs canonical correlation analysis between two sets of variables.
cbinread Reads binary files created using the C block I/O function write.
cbinwrite Creates a binary file in raw C block I/O format for a numeric data type.
cd_calendar Converts a mixed Julian/Gregorian date to a UT-referenced date.
cd_convert Converts a time variable from one set of units to another.
cd_inv_calendar Converts a UT-referenced date to a mixed Julian/Gregorian date.
cd_inv_string Converts string time values to numeric values, using the given format string.
cd_string Converts time values into nicely formatted strings.
cdfbin_p Calculates the binomial density of a cumulative distribution function.
cdfbin_pr Calculates the probability of success of each trial of a cumulative distribution function.
cdfbin_s Calculates the number of successes of a cumulative distribution function.
cdfbin_xn Calculates the number of binomial trials of a cumulative distribution function.
cdfchi_p Calculates the integral of a cumulative chi-square distribution function.
cdfchi_x Calculates the upper limit of integration of a cumulative chi-square distribution function.
cdfgam_p Calculates the integral of a cumulative gamma distribution function.
cdfgam_x Calculates the upper limit of integration of a cumulative gamma distribution function.
cdfnor_p Calculates the integral of a cumulative normal distribution function.
cdfnor_x Calculates the upper limit of integration of a cumulative normal distribution function.
cdft_p Calculates the one-sided probability given a t-value and the degrees of freedom.
cdft_t Calculates the t-value given the one-sided probability and the degrees of freedom.
ceemdan Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise.
ceil Returns the smallest integral value greater than or equal to each input value.
center_finite_diff Performs a centered finite difference operation on the rightmost dimension.
center_finite_diff_n Performs a centered finite difference operation on the given dimension.
cfftb Performs a backward complex discrete fourier transform [Fourier Synthesis].
cfftf Performs a forward complex discrete fourier transform of a real periodic sequence.
cfftf_frq_reorder Reorders the data returned by cfftf.
changeCase Changes the case of a string. (Deprecated: see str_lower/str_upper.)
changeCaseChar Changes the case of each character in a string. (Deprecated: see str_switch.)
charactertodouble Coerces values of type character to values of type double (deprecated; use todouble).
charactertofloat Coerces values of type character to values of type float (deprecated; use tofloat).
charactertointeger Coerces values of type character to values of type integer (deprecated; use tointeger).
charactertolong Coerces values of type character to values of NCL type long (deprecated; use tolong).
charactertoshort Coerces values of type character to values of type short (deprecated; use toshort).
charactertostring Coerces values of type character to values of type string (deprecated; use tostring).
chartodouble Coerces values of type character to values of type double (deprecated; use todouble).
chartofloat Coerces values of type character to values of type float (deprecated; use tofloat).
chartoint Coerces values of type character to values of type integer (deprecated; use toint).
chartointeger Coerces values of type character to values of type integer (deprecated; use tointeger).
chartolong Coerces values of type character to values of NCL type long (deprecated; use tolong).
chartoshort Coerces values of type character to values of type short (deprecated; use toshort).
chartostring Coerces values of type character to values of type string (deprecated; use tostring).
chiinv Evaluates the inverse chi-squared distribution function.
cla_sq Create a string that uses single quotes (sq) to enclose command line assignment (CLA) statements for later use by NCL's system procedure.
clear Clears the given workstation objects.
clmDayHourTLL Calculates climatological day-hour means at user specified hours for each day of the year.
clmDayHourTLLL Calculates climatological day-hour means at user specified hours for each day of the year.
clmDayTLL Calculates long term daily means (daily climatology) from daily data.
clmDayTLLL Calculates long term daily means (daily climatology) from daily data.
clmMon2clmDay Create a daily climatology from a monthly climatology.
clmMonLLLT Calculates long term monthly means (monthly climatology) from monthly data: (lev,lat,lon,time) version.
clmMonLLT Calculates long term monthly means (monthly climatology) from monthly data (lat,lon,time version)
clmMonTLL Calculates long term monthly means (monthly climatology) from monthly data: (time,lat,lon) version
clmMonTLLL Calculates long term monthly means (monthly climatology) from monthly data: (time,lev,lat,lon) version
closest_val Finds the index value in a monotonically increasing one-dimensional array closest to a desired value.
cohsq_c2p Given coherence-squared and the effective degrees-of-freedom, calculate the associated probability.
cohsq_p2c Calculate the value(s) of coherence-squared required for a specified significance level and effectiove degrees-of-freedom.
color_index_to_rgba Converts an absolute color index to its equivalent RGBA quadruplet
ColorNegDashZeroPosContour Sets the negative contours to dashed, and colors the negative, positive, and zero contours to user-specified colors.
ColorShadeLeGeContour Shades contour regions given low and high values and two colors.
(Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.)
conform Expands an array or scalar so that it conforms to the shape of the given variable.
conform_dims Expands an array or scalar so that it conforms to the shape of the given dimension sizes.
copy_VarAtts Copies all of a variable's attributes from one variable to another.
copy_VarCoords Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another.
copy_VarCoords_1 Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another except for the rightmost dimension.
copy_VarCoords_2 Copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another except for the rightmost two dimensions.
copy_VarMeta Copies all attributes, named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another.
copyatt Copies all attributes, named dimensions and coordinate variables from one variable to another (deprecated version).
coriolis_param Calculate the Coriolis parameter.
cos Computes the cosine of numeric types.
cosh Computes the hyperbolic cosine of numeric types.
count_unique_values Counts the number of unique values in the given array.
count_unique_values_n Counts the number of unique values in the given array, across the given dimension.
covcorm Calculates a covariance or correlation matrix.
covcorm_xy Calculates a covariance or correlation matrix given two separate 'n x m' arrays.
craybinnumrec Returns the number of unformatted sequential access Fortran records in a Cray COS blocked binary file.
craybinrecread Reads COS blocked unformatted sequential access Fortran binary files.
create_graphic Creates a graphic object
crop_water_need Compute "crop water need", the quantity of water needed to attain maximum crop productivity.
crossp3 Compute cross product of multiple vectors of length 3.
csa1 Calculates an approximating cubic spline for the input data, one 1-dimensional section at a time.
csa1d Calculates an approximating cubic spline for the input data, one 1-dimensional section at a time.
csa1s Calculates an approximating cubic spline for the input data, one 1-dimensional section at a time.
csa1x Calculates an approximating cubic spline for the input data, one 1-dimensional section at a time.
csa1xd Calculates an approximating cubic spline for the input data, one 1-dimensional section at a time.
csa1xs Calculates an approximating cubic spline for the input data, one 1-dimensional section at a time.
csa2 Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two-dimensional input data.
csa2d Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two-dimensional input data.
csa2l Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two-dimensional input data.
csa2ld Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two-dimensional input data.
csa2ls Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two-dimensional input data.
csa2lx Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two-dimensional input data.
csa2lxd Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two-dimensional input data.
csa2lxs Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two-dimensional input data.
csa2s Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two-dimensional input data.
csa2x Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two-dimensional input data.
csa2xd Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two-dimensional input data.
csa2xs Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two-dimensional input data.
csa3 Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three-dimensional input data.
csa3d Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three-dimensional input data.
csa3l Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three-dimensional input data.
csa3ld Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three-dimensional input data.
csa3ls Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three-dimensional input data.
csa3lx Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three-dimensional input data.
csa3lxd Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three-dimensional input data.
csa3lxs Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three-dimensional input data.
csa3s Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three-dimensional input data.
csa3x Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three-dimensional input data.
csa3xd Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three-dimensional input data.
csa3xs Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three-dimensional input data.
csc2s Converts Cartesian coordinates on a unit sphere to spherical coordinates (lat/lon).
csgetp Retrieves control parameters for Cssgrid routines.
cshstringtolist Converts a comma delimited string from csh and breaks it up into separate strings.
css2c Converts spherical coordinates (lat/lon) to Cartesian coordinates on a unit sphere.
cssetp Sets control parameters for Cssgrid routines.
cssgrid Uses tension splines to interpolate unstructured (randomly-spaced) data on a unit sphere to data values on a rectilinear grid.
cssgrid_Wrap Uses tension splines to interpolate unstructured (randomly-spaced) data on a unit sphere to data values on a rectilinear grid (retains metadata).
csstri Calculates a Delaunay triangulation of data randomly positioned on the surface of a sphere.
csvoro Determines Voronoi polygons for data randomly positioned on a sphere and returns vertices for the one surrounding a specified input point.
cumsum Calculates the cumulative sum.
curvilinear_to_SCRIP Writes the description of a curvilinear grid to a SCRIP file.
cz2ccm Computes geopotential height in hybrid coordinates.
datatondc Converts data units into normalized device coordinates (NDCs).
day_of_week Calculates the day of the week given month, day, and year (Gregorian calendar).
day_of_year Calculates the day of the year (sometimes erroneously referred to as 'julian day') given Gregorian calendar month, day, and year.
daylight_fao56 Compute maximum number of daylight hours as described in FAO 56.
days_in_month Calculates the number of days in a month given month and year.
dble2flt Converts values of type double to values of type float and preserves metadata.
decimalPlaces Truncates or rounds to the number of decimal places specified.
decomposeSymAsym Decompose a variable which is symmetric about the equator into symmetric and asymmetric parts.
default_fillvalue Returns the default missing value for the given variable type.
delete Deletes variables, attributes, and coordinate variables.
delete_VarAtts Deletes one or more attributes associated with a variable.
demod_cmplx Perform a complex demodulation on a time series.
depth_to_pres Convert ocean depth to pressure.
destroy Destroys objects from NCL.
determinant Calculate the determinant of a small square real matrix using a partial-pivoting Gaussian elimination scheme.
dewtemp_trh Calculates the dew point temperature given temperature and relative humidity.
dgeevx_lapack Given a square (N,N) real nonsymmetric matrix, compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the left and/or right eigenvectors via the LAPACK subroutine dgeevx.
dim_acumrun_n Calculates individual accumulated sums of sequences ('runs') of a specified length.
dim_avg Computes the average of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_avg_n Computes the average of a variable's given dimension(s) at all other dimensions.
dim_avg_n_Wrap Computes the average of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_avg_wgt Computes the weighted average of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_avg_wgt_n Computes the weighted average of a variable's given dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_avg_wgt_n_Wrap Computes the weighted average of a variable's given dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_avg_wgt_Wrap Computes the weighted average of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_avg_Wrap Computes the average of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_cumsum Calculates the cumulative sum along the rightmost dimension.
dim_cumsum_n Calculates the cumulative sum along the given dimension(s).
dim_cumsum_n_Wrap Calculates the cumulative sum along the given dimension(s) and retains metadata.
dim_cumsum_Wrap Calculates the cumulative sum along the rightmost dimension and retains metadata.
dim_gamfit_n Fit data to the two parameter gamma distribution.
dim_gbits Unpacks bit chunks from the rightmost dimension of the input array.
dim_max Finds the maximum of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_max_n Finds the maximum of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions.
dim_max_n_Wrap Computes the maximum of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_maxind Returns the index of the first occurrence of a maximum value within the specified dimension.
dim_median Computes the median of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_median_n Computes the median of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions.
dim_min Finds the minimum of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_min_n Finds the minimum of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions.
dim_min_n_Wrap Computes the minimum of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_minind Returns the index of the first occurrence of a minimum value within the specified dimension.
dim_num Calculates the number of True values of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_num_n Calculates the number of True values of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions.
dim_numrun_n Counts the number of "runs" (sequences) within a series containing zeros and ones.
dim_pad_extend Extend (i.e., expand, append, pad) an existing array along the 'record dimension' to a user specified size.
dim_pad_modulo Pad (i.e., expand, append, extend) an existing array such that the size of a specified dimension is a user specified 'modulo' length.
dim_pqsort Computes the permutation vector generated by sorting the n - 1th (rightmost) dimension.
dim_pqsort_n Computes the permutation vector generated by sorting the given dimension.
dim_product Computes the product of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_product_n Computes the product of a variable's given dimension(s) at all other dimensions.
dim_rmsd Computes the root-mean-square-difference between two variables' rightmost dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_rmsd_n Computes the root-mean-square-difference between two variables' given dimensions at all other dimensions.
dim_rmsd_n_Wrap Computes the root-mean-square-difference between two variables' given dimensions at all other dimensions.
dim_rmsd_Wrap Computes the root-mean-square-difference between two variables' rightmost dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_rmvmean Calculates and removes the mean of the (rightmost) dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_rmvmean_n Calculates and removes the mean of the given dimension(s) at all other dimensions.
dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap Calculates and removes the mean of the given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_rmvmean_Wrap Calculates and removes the mean of the (rightmost) dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_rmvmed Calculates and removes the median of the (rightmost) dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_rmvmed_n Calculates and removes the median of the given dimension(s) at all other dimensions.
dim_rmvmed_n_Wrap Calculates and removes the median of the given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_rmvmed_Wrap Calculates and removes the median of the (rightmost) dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_spi_n Calculates the standardized precipitation index (SPI) by fitting a gamma or a Pearson Type III distribution to monthly precipitation values.
dim_standardize Calculates standardized anomalies of the rightmost dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_standardize_n Calculates standardized anomalies of the given dimension(s) at all other dimensions.
dim_standardize_n_Wrap Calculates standardized anomalies of the given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_standardize_Wrap Calculates standardized anomalies of the rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_stat4 Computes the first four moments (average, sample variance, skewness, and kurtosis) of the rightmost dimension for all other dimensions.
dim_stat4_n Computes the first four moments (average, sample variance, skewness, and kurtosis) of the given dimension(s) for all other dimensions.
dim_stddev Computes the sample standard deviation of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_stddev_n Computes the sample standard deviation of a variable's given dimension(s) at all other dimensions.
dim_stddev_n_Wrap Computes the sample standard deviation of a variable's given dimension(s) at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_stddev_Wrap Computes the sample standard deviation of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_sum Computes the arithmetic sum of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_sum_n Computes the arithmetic sum of a variable's given dimension(s) at all other dimensions.
dim_sum_n_Wrap Computes the arithmetic sum of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_sum_wgt Computes the weighted sum of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_sum_wgt_n Computes the weighted sum of a variable's given dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_sum_wgt_n_Wrap Computes the weighted sum of a variable's given dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_sum_wgt_Wrap Computes the weighted sum of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_sum_Wrap Computes the arithmetic sum of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_variance Computes the unbiased estimates of the variance of a variable's rightmost dimension.
dim_variance_n Computes the unbiased estimates of the variance of a variable's given dimension(s) at all other dimensions.
dim_variance_n_Wrap Computes unbiased estimates of the variance of a variable's given dimension(s) at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dim_variance_Wrap Computes unbiased estimates of the variance of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and retains metadata.
dimsizes Returns the dimension sizes of the input variable.
doubletobyte Coerces values of type double to values of type byte (deprecated; use tobyte).
doubletochar Coerces values of type double to values of type character (deprecated; use tochar).
doubletocharacter Coerces values of type double to values of type character (deprecated; use tochar).
doubletofloat Coerces values of type double to values of type float (deprecated; use tofloat).
doubletoint Coerces values of type double to values of type integer (deprecated; use toint).
doubletointeger Coerces values of type double to values of type integer (deprecated; use tointeger).
doubletolong Coerces values of type double to values of type long (deprecated; use tolong).
doubletoshort Coerces values of type double to values of type short (deprecated; use toshort).
dpres_hybrid_ccm Calculates the pressure layer thicknesses of a hybrid coordinate system.
dpres_hybrid_ccm_se Calculates the pressure layer thickness at each mid-layer hybrid level for the spectral element model.
dpres_plevel Calculates the pressure layer thicknesses of a constant pressure level coordinate system.
dpres_plevel_Wrap Calculates the pressure layer thicknesses of a constant pressure level coordinate system.
draw Draws the given graphical objects.
draw_color_palette Draws the given colors or color map as a series of filled boxes.
drawNDCGrid Draws NDC grid lines at 0.1 NDC coordinate intervals and labels them.
dsgetp Gets parameters for Dsgrid routines.
dsgrid2 Interpolates data from an unstructured (randomly-spaced) grid to a rectilinear grid using inverse distance weighted interpolation.
dsgrid2d Interpolates double data from an unstructured (randomly-spaced) grid to a rectilinear grid using inverse distance weighted interpolation. (Deprecated version.)
dsgrid2s Interpolates float data from an unstructured (randomly-spaced) grid to a rectilinear grid using inverse distance weighted interpolation. (Deprecated version.)
dsgrid3 Interpolates data from an unstructured (randomly-spaced) grid to a 3D grid using inverse distance weighted interpolation.
dsgrid3d Interpolates double data from an unstructured (randomly-spaced) grid to a 3D grid using inverse distance weighted interpolation. (Deprecated version.)
dsgrid3s Interpolates float data from an unstructured (randomly-spaced) grid to a 3D grid using inverse distance weighted interpolation. (Deprecated version.)
dspnt2 Interpolates 2D data at specified points.
dspnt2d Interpolates 2D data at specified points. (Deprecated version.)
dspnt2s Interpolates 2D float data at specified points. (Deprecated version.)
dspnt3 Interpolates 3D data at specified points.
dspnt3d Interpolates 3D double data at specified points. (Deprecated version.)
dspnt3s Interpolates 3D float data at specified points. (Deprecated version.)
dssetp Sets parameters for Dsgrid routines.
dtrend Estimates and removes the least squares linear trend of the rightmost dimension from all grid points.
dtrend_leftdim Estimates and removes the least squares linear trend of the leftmost dimension from all grid points and retains metadata.
dtrend_msg Estimates and removes the least squares linear trend of the rightmost dimension from all grid points (missing values allowed).
dtrend_msg_n Estimates and removes the least squares linear trend of the dim-th dimension from all grid points (missing values allowed).
dtrend_n Estimates and removes the least squares linear trend of the given dimension from all grid points.
dtrend_quadratic Estimates and removes the least squares quadratic trend of the rightmost dimension from all grid points.
dtrend_quadratic_msg_n Estimates and removes the least squares quadratic trend of the dim-th dimension from all grid points (missing values allowed).
dv2uvF Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.
dv2uvf Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.
dv2uvF_Wrap Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a fixed grid via spherical harmonics and retains metadata.
dv2uvG Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics.
dv2uvg Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics.
dv2uvG_Wrap Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind components for a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics and retains metadata.
dz_height Calculates the height layer thicknesses at each grid point over varying surface terrain.
eady_growth_rate Compute the maximum Eady growth rate.
echo_off Disables echoing of NCL statements as they are encountered.
echo_on Enables echoing of NCL statements as they are encountered.
eemd Perform ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD).
enthalpy Compute atmospheric enthalpy.
eof2data Reconstructs a data set from EOFs and EOF time series.
eof2data_n Reconstructs a data set from EOFs and EOF time series, given an index that specifies which dimension contains the time dimemsion.
eof_varimax Rotates EOFs using the using Kaiser row normalization and the varimax criterion (deprecated version).
eofcor Calculates empirical orthogonal functions via a correlation matrix (NCL's original function).
eofcor_pcmsg Calculates empirical orthogonal functions via a correlation matrix (missing values allowed) (deprecated version).
eofcor_ts Calculates the time series of the amplitudes associated with each eigenvalue in an EOF which was calculated using a correlation matrix.
eofcor_Wrap Calculates empirical orthogonal functions and retains metadata. (NCL's original function).
eofcov Calculates empirical orthogonal functions via a covariance matrix (original version).
eofcov_pcmsg Calculates empirical orthogonal functions via a covariance matrix (missing values allowed)(deprecated version).
eofcov_ts Calculates the time series of the amplitudes associated with each eigenvalue in an EOF which was calculated using a covariance matrix.
eofcov_Wrap Calculates empirical orthogonal functions and retains metadata. (NCL's original EOF function).
eofunc Computes empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs, aka: Principal Component Analysis).
eofunc_n Computes empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs, aka: Principal Component Analysis), given an index that specifies which dimension contains the number of observations.
eofunc_n_Wrap Computes empirical orthogonal functions (aka: Principal Component Analysis, Eigen Analysis) given an index that specifies which dimension contains the number of observations, and retains metadata.
eofunc_north Use North et al (MWR, 1982) equation 24 to evaluate eigenvalue separation.
eofunc_ts Calculates the time series of the amplitudes associated with each eigenvalue in an EOF.
eofunc_ts_n Calculates the time series of the amplitudes associated with each eigenvalue in an EOF, given an index that specifies the time dimension.
eofunc_ts_n_Wrap Calculates the time series of the amplitudes associated with each eigenvalue in an EOF, given an index that specifies the time dimension, and retains metadata.
eofunc_ts_Wrap Calculates the time series of the amplitudes associated with each eigenvalue in an EOF and retains metadata.
eofunc_varimax Rotates EOFs using the using Kaiser row normalization and the varimax criterion.
eofunc_varimax_reorder Reorder the results returned by eof_varimax into descending order by percent variance explained.
eofunc_varimax_Wrap Rotates EOFs using the using Kaiser row normalization and the varimax criterion and retains metadata.
eofunc_Wrap Computes empirical orthogonal functions (aka: Principal Component Analysis, Eigen Analysis) and retains metadata.
epflux Compute quasi-geostrophic Eliassen-Palm fluxes at isobaric levels using NCEP Reanalysis.
epsZero Sets all values in input array to zero that are +/- a user supplied epsilon about zero.
equiv_sample_size Estimates the number of independent values in a series of correlated values.
erf Evaluates the real error function.
erfc Evaluates the real complementary error function.
esacr Computes sample auto-correlations.
esacr_n Computes sample auto-correlations on the given dimension.
esacv Computes sample auto-covariances
esccr Computes sample cross-correlations.
esccv Computes sample cross-covariances.
escorc Computes the (Pearson) sample linear cross-correlations at lag 0 only.
escorc_n Computes the (Pearson) sample linear cross-correlations at lag 0 only, across the specified dimensions.
escovc Computes sample cross-covariances at lag 0 only.
ESMF_regrid Regrids data from one lat/lon grid to another, using ESMF software.
ESMF_regrid_gen_weights Writes a weight file using the offline ESMF weight generator.
ESMF_regrid_with_weights Using the provided weight file, regrids data from one lat/lon grid to another.
exit Forces an NCL script to exit immediately.
exp Computes the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of the input.
exp_tapersh Performs tapering (filtering) of the spherical harmonic coefficients.
exp_tapersh_wgts Calculates weights which can be used to perform tapering (filtering) of spherical harmonic coefficients.
exp_tapershC Performs tapering (filtering) of the spherical harmonic coefficients.
exponential_curve_fit Calculates the coefficients for a simple exponential curve fit of the form ' y = A*exp(B*x)' using least squares.
extract_globalatts_hdf5 Extract value from 'KEYWORD,VALUE' pair returned by getfilevaratts_hdf5.
extval_frechet Calculates the probability (PDF) and cumulative (CDF) distribution functions of the Frechet Type II distribution given the shape, scale and location parameters.
extval_gev Calculates the probability (PDF) and cumulative (CDF) distribution functions of the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution given the shape, scale and location parameters.
extval_gumbel Calculates the probability (PDF) and cumulative (CDF) distribution functions of the Gumbel (Type I) distribution function given the scale and location parameters.
extval_mlegam Estimates the location, shape, scale and other parameters for the Gamma distribution using maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE).
extval_mlegev Estimates the shape, scale and location parameters for the Generalized Extreme-Value (GEV) distribution using Maximum-Likelihood Estimation (MLE).
extval_pareto Calculates the probability (PDF) and cumulative (CDF) distribution functions of the Pareto distributions (Generalized, Type I, TYpe II) given the shape, scale and location parameters.
extval_recurrence_table Calculates the recurrence interval (return period), cumulative and exceedence probabilities based upon a time series.
extval_return_period Calculates the period of an event (eg, flood, heat wave, drought) occurring given an average event recurrence interval and specified probability level.
extval_return_prob Calculates the probability of an event (eg, flood, heat wave, drought) given an average event interval and a specified exceedance period.
extval_weibull Calculates the probability (PDF) and cumulative (CDF) distribution functions of the Weibull Type III distribution given the shape, scale and location parameters.
ezfftb Perform a Fourier synthesis from real and imaginary coefficients.
ezfftb_n Perform a Fourier synthesis from real and imaginary coefficients on the given dimension.
ezfftf Perform a Fourier analysis on a real periodic sequence.
ezfftf_n Performs a Fourier analysis on a real periodic sequence on the given dimension.
f2fosh Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid.
f2fosh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid (retains metadata).
f2foshv Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid.
f2foshv_Wrap Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid (retains metadata).
f2fsh Interpolates a scalar quantity from one fixed grid to another.
f2fsh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from one fixed grid to another (retains metadata).
f2fshv Interpolates a vector quantity from one fixed grid to another.
f2fshv_Wrap Interpolates a vector quantity from one fixed grid to another (retains metadata).
f2gsh Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid to a Gaussian grid (with optional truncation).
f2gsh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid to a Gaussian grid (with optional truncation) (retains metadata).
f2gshv Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid to a Gaussian grid (optional truncation).
f2gshv_Wrap Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid to a Gaussian grid (optional truncation) (retains metadata).
fabs Computes the absolute value of numeric types.
fbindirread Reads binary records written by a Fortran direct access write or C write.
fbindirSwap Reads byte-reversed data and writes output file that can be read by fbindirread or cbinread (deprecated).
fbindirwrite Writes binary records to a file in manner analogous to fortran's "access=direct".
fbinnumrec Returns the number of unformatted sequential Fortran records in a binary file.
fbinread Reads one binary record that has been written using an UNFORMATTED FORTRAN write.
fbinrecread Reads unformatted sequential access Fortran binary files.
fbinrecwrite Writes a single unformatted sequential access Fortran record to a file.
fbinseqSwap1 Byte swaps Fortran sequential files (deprecated).
fbinseqSwap2 Byte swaps Fortran sequential files (more memory friendly) (deprecated).
fbinwrite Writes a single binary record to a file in manner analogous to Fortran's "form=unformatted, access=sequential".
fft2db Performs a two-dimensional discrete backward Fourier transform (Fourier synthesis).
fft2df Performs a two-dimensional forward real discrete Fourier transform (i.e., Fourier analysis) of a real periodic array.
fftshift Rearranges an array in a manner similar to Matlab's fftshift function.
fileattdef Defines global (file) attributes associated with a supported file.
filechunkdimdef Defines chunking dimension names, dimension sizes, unlimited dimensions on a supported file.
filedimdef Defines dimension names, dimension sizes, unlimited dimensions on a supported file.
fileexists Checks for existence of any UNIX file.
filegrpdef Defines a list of group (names), for a supported file, or group.
filevarattdef Copies attributes from an input variable to one or more variables on a supported file.
filevarchunkdef Defines a list of variable names, variable var_types, and variable dimension names for a supported file.
filevarcompressleveldef Defines a list of variable names, variable var_types, and variable dimension names for a supported file.
filevardef Defines a list of variable names, variable types, and variable dimension names for a supported file.
filevardimsizes Returns the dimension sizes of a variable on the given file (deprecated; use getfilevardimsizes).
filwgts_lancos Calculates one-dimensional filter weights (deprecated).
filwgts_lanczos Calculates one-dimensional filter weights.
filwgts_normal Calculates one-dimensional filter weights based upon the normal (gaussian) distribution.
fire_index_haines Computes the Haines fire index (aka: Lower Atmosphere Severity Index) from a sounding.
floattobyte Coerces values of type float to values of type byte.
floattochar Coerces values of type float to values of type character.
floattocharacter Coerces values of type float to values of type character.
floattoint Coerces values of type float to values of type integer.
floattointeger Coerces values of type float to values of type integer.
floattolong Coerces values of type float to values of type long.
floattoshort Coerces values of type float to values of type short.
floor Returns the largest integral value less than or equal to each input value.
flt2dble Converts values of type float to values of type double and preserves metadata.
flt2string Converts values of type float to values of type string.
fluxEddy Calculates time averaged eddy flux quantities.
fo2fsh Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed-offset grid to a fixed grid.
fo2fsh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed-offset grid to a fixed grid (retains metadata).
fo2fshv Interpolates a vector quantity from a fixed-offset grid to a fixed grid.
fo2fshv_Wrap Interpolates a vector quantity from a fixed-offset grid to a fixed grid (retains metadata).
fourier_info Performs Fourier analysis on one or more periodic series.
frame Updates and clears the given workstation objects.
fspan Creates an array of evenly-spaced floating point numbers.
ftcurv Calculates an interpolatory spline through a sequence of functional values.
ftcurvd Calculates the derivatives of an interpolatory spline under tension.
ftcurvi Calculates integrals of an interpolatory spline under tension between two user-specified limits.
ftcurvp Calculates an interpolatory spline under tension through a sequence of functional values for a periodic function.
ftcurvpi Calculates an integral of an interpolatory spline between two specified points.
ftcurvps Calculates a smoothing spline.
ftcurvs Calculates a smoothing spline.
ftest Applies F-test for variances and returns an estimate of the statistical significance.
ftgetp Retrieves control parameters for Fitgrid routines.
ftkurv Calculates an interpolatory spline for parametric curves.
ftkurvd Calculates an interpolatory spline for parametric curves; it also calculates first and second derivatives of the interpolatory spline.
ftkurvp Calculates an interpolatory spline under tension through a sequence of points in the plane forming a closed curve.
ftkurvpd Calculates an interpolatory spline for closed parametric curves; it also calculates first and second derivatives of the interpolatory spline.
ftsetp Sets control parameters for Fitgrid routines.
ftsurf Calculates an interpolatory surface passing through a rectangular grid of function values.
g2fsh Interpolates a scalar quantity from a Gaussian grid to a fixed grid.
g2fsh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from a Gaussian grid to a fixed grid (retains metadata).
g2fshv Interpolates a vector quantity from a Gaussian grid to a fixed grid.
g2fshv_Wrap Interpolates a vector quantity from a Gaussian grid to a fixed grid (retains metadata).
g2gsh Interpolates a scalar quantity from one Gaussian grid to another (with optional truncation).
g2gsh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from one Gaussian grid to another (with optional truncation) (retains metadata).
g2gshv Interpolates a vector quantity from one Gaussian grid to another (with optional truncation).
g2gshv_Wrap Interpolates a vector quantity from one Gaussian grid to another (optional truncation) (retains metadata).
gamma Evaluates the complete gamma function.
gammainc Evaluates the incomplete gamma function.
gaus Computes Gaussian latitudes and weights.
gaus_lobat Computes Gaussian latitudes and weights using Gauss-Lobatto quadrature.
gaus_lobat_wgt Computes Gauss-Lobatto weights given a one-dimensional array of Gauss-Lobatto latitudes.
gc_aangle Finds the acute angle between two great circles on the globe.
gc_clkwise Tests clockwise/counterclockwise ordering of points on spherical polygon.
gc_dangle Finds the directed angle between two great circles having a specified intersection point.
gc_inout Determines if a list of lat/lon specified points are inside or outside of spherical lat/lon polygon(s).
gc_latlon Finds the great circle distance (true surface distance) between two points on the globe and interpolates points along the great circle.
gc_onarc Determines if a point on the globe lies on a specified great circle arc.
gc_pnt2gc Finds the angular distance from a point to a great circle.
gc_qarea Finds the area of a quadrilateral patch on the unit sphere.
gc_tarea Finds the area of a triangular patch on the unit sphere.
generate_2d_array Generates a "nice" 2D array of pseudo random data, especially for use in 2D graphics.
generate_sample_indices Generate indices (subscripts) for resampling: with and without replacement.
generate_unique_indices Generate unique random indices (subscripts).
genNormalDist Generates a normal distribution.
geolocation_circle Create latitudes and longitudes that define concentric circles at user specified distances from a central location.
get1Dindex_Collapse Returns a one dimensional array of subscript indices that DO NOT match the values contained in a user specified list.
get1Dindex_Exclude Returns a one dimensional array of subscript indices that DO NOT match the values contained in a user specified list.
get_bitfield Unpacks bit fields from an array.
get_color_rgba Chooses an RGB triplet or RGBA quadruplet for a scalar value, given a color map and a range of values.
get_cpu_time Returns the CPU time used by NCL.
get_d2r Return a constant that converts degrees to radians.
get_file_suffix Extract the suffix associated with a file name.
get_isolines Retrieves the points that define a contour line.
get_ncl_version Returns the current NCL version.
get_pi Return pi as a type float or double.
get_r2d Return a constant that converts radians to degrees.
get_script_name Returns the name of a script of commands provided to NCL for execution.
get_script_prefix_name Returns the name of a script of commands provided to NCL for execution, if provided, with any script name tag removed.
get_sphere_radius Retrieves the radius of a sphere used in spherical harmonic routines.
get_unique_values Returns the unique values of the given array.
getbitsone Unpacks one-bit chunks from the input array.
getenv Returns the string value of a shell environment variable.
getfileatts Returns a list of attribute names on the given file.
getfiledimnames Returns a list of dimension names for the given file.
getfiledims Returns a list of dimension names for the given file.
getfiledimsizes Returns an array of dimension sizes on the given file.
getfilegrpnames Returns an array of file group names on the given file.
getfilepath Returns a string of the opened file's path.
getfilevaratts Returns all attribute names associated with a variable on the given file.
getfilevarchunkdimsizes Returns the chunk dimension sizes of variable on a given file which has chunk dimensions.
getfilevardimnames Returns all dimension names associated with a variable on the given file.
getfilevardims Returns all dimension names associated with a variable on the given file.
getfilevardimsizes Returns the dimension sizes of a variable on a given file.
getfilevarnames Returns an array of file variable names on the given file.
getfilevartypes Returns the types of the named variables stored in the given file.
GetFillColor Chooses a color from a group of RGB triplets based upon a secondary scalar field (deprecated version).
GetFillColorIndex Chooses from a list of color table indices based upon a secondary scalar field (deprecated version).
getFillValue Retrieves the _FillValue of a variable, if present, for use in a new statement.
getind_latlon2d Returns the indices (subscripts) of two-dimensional latitude/longitude arrays closest to a user-specified latitude/longitude coordinate pair.
getvaratts Returns a list of attribute names for the given variable or file pointer.
getvardimnames Returns a list of dimension names for the given variable.
getvardims Returns a list of dimension names for the given variable.
getvardimsizes Returns the dimension sizes of the input variable.
getVarFillValue Retrieves the missing value of a variable, otherwise, it returns the default _FillValue.
grad_latlon_cfd Compute the meridional and zonal gradients of a variable on a global or limited area rectilinear grid.
gradsf Computes the gradient of an array that is on a fixed grid using spherical harmonics.
gradsg Computes the gradient of an array that is on a gaussian grid using spherical harmonics.
greg2jul Converts Gregorian dates to astronomical Julian days.
grib_stime2itime Converts grib initial_time (string) to time (integer).
grid2triple Converts a two-dimensional grid with one-dimensional coordinate variables to an array where each grid value is associated with its coordinates.
gsn_add_annotation Attaches the given annotation to the given plot.
gsn_add_polygon Attaches a filled polygon to the given plot.
gsn_add_polyline Attaches a polyline to the given plot.
gsn_add_polymarker Attaches polymarkers to the given plot.
gsn_add_shapefile_polygons Attaches shapefile polygon data to the given plot(s) using randomly-filled polygons.
gsn_add_shapefile_polylines Attaches shapefile polyline or polygon data to the given plot(s) using polylines.
gsn_add_shapefile_polymarkers Attaches shapefile point data to the given plot(s) using polymarkers.
gsn_add_text Attaches text strings to the given plot.
gsn_attach_plots Attaches a series of plots to a base plot.
gsn_blank_plot Draws a blank plot with tickmarks pointing inward.
gsn_contour Creates and draws a contour plot.
gsn_contour_map Creates and draws a contour plot over a map.
gsn_contour_shade Shades contour regions given low and/or high values using colors or patterns.
gsn_coordinates Draws or attaches the data coordinate locations on the given plot as grid lines or markers.
gsn_create_labelbar Creates a labelbar.
gsn_create_legend Creates a legend.
gsn_create_text Creates text strings.
gsn_csm_attach_zonal_means Attaches a zonal means plot to a contour/map plot.
gsn_csm_blank_plot Draws a blank plot with tickmarks pointing outward.
gsn_csm_contour Creates and draws a contour plot.
gsn_csm_contour_map Creates and draws a contour plot over a map.
gsn_csm_contour_map_ce Creates and draws a contour plot over a cylindrical equidistant map.
gsn_csm_contour_map_overlay Creates and draws two contour plots over a map.
gsn_csm_contour_map_polar Creates and draws a contour plot over a polar stereographic map.
gsn_csm_hov Creates and draws a Hovmueller (time vs. longitude) plot.
gsn_csm_lat_time Creates and draws a latitude versus time plot.
gsn_csm_map Creates and draws a map.
gsn_csm_map_ce Creates and draws a cylindrical equidistant map.
gsn_csm_map_polar Creates and draws a polar stereographic map.
gsn_csm_pres_hgt Creates and draws a pressure/height plot.
gsn_csm_pres_hgt_streamline Creates and draws a pressure/height contour plot overlaid with streamlines.
gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector Creates and draws a pressure/height contour plot overlaid with vectors.
gsn_csm_streamline Creates and draws a streamline plot.
gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map Creates and draws streamlines over a contour plot over a map.
gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_ce Creates and draws streamlines over a contour plot over a cylindrical equidistant map.
gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map_polar Creates and draws streamlines over a contour plot over a polar stereographic map.
gsn_csm_streamline_map Creates and draws a streamline plot over a map.
gsn_csm_streamline_map_ce Creates and draws a streamline plot over a cylindrical equidistant map.
gsn_csm_streamline_map_polar Creates and draws a streamline plot over a polar stereographic map.
gsn_csm_streamline_scalar Creates and draws a streamline plot, using a scalar field to color the streamlines.
gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map Creates and draws a streamline plot over a map, using a scalar field to color the streamlines.
gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map_ce Creates and draws a streamline plot over a cylindrical equidistant map, using a scalar field to color the streamlines.
gsn_csm_streamline_scalar_map_polar Creates and draws a streamline plot over a polar stereographic map, using a scalar field to color the streamlines.
gsn_csm_time_lat Creates and draws a time versus latitude plot.
gsn_csm_vector Creates and draws a vector plot.
gsn_csm_vector_map Creates and draws a vector plot over a map.
gsn_csm_vector_map_ce Creates and draws a vector plot over a cylindrical equidistant map.
gsn_csm_vector_map_polar Creates and draws a vector plot over a polar stereographic map.
gsn_csm_vector_scalar Creates and draws a vector plot, and uses a scalar field to draw a separate contour plot or color the vectors.
gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map Creates and draws a vector plot over a map, and uses a scalar field to draw a separate contour plot or color the vectors.
gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_ce Creates and draws a vector plot over a cylindrical equidistant map projection, and uses a scalar field to draw a separate contour plot or color the vectors.
gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map_polar Creates and draws a vector plot over a polar stereographic map projection, and uses a scalar field to draw a separate contour plot or color the vectors.
gsn_csm_x2y Creates and draws an XY plot with two different X axes.
gsn_csm_x2y2 Creates and draws an XY plot with two different XY axis pairs.
gsn_csm_xy Creates and draws an XY plot.
gsn_csm_xy2 Creates and draws an XY plot with two different Y axes.
gsn_csm_xy3 Creates and draws an XY plot with three different Y axes.
gsn_csm_y Creates and draws an XY plot, using index values for the X axis.
gsn_define_colormap Defines a color map for the given workstation.
gsn_draw_colormap Draws the current color map for the given workstation.
gsn_draw_named_colors Draws the given list of named colors.
gsn_histogram Draws a histogram plot on the given workstation.
gsn_labelbar_ndc Draws a labelbar on the given workstation.
gsn_legend_ndc Draws a legend on the given workstation.
gsn_map Creates and draws a map.
gsn_merge_colormaps Merges two color maps and sets this as the color map for the given workstation.
gsn_open_wks Opens a workstation on which to draw graphics.
gsn_panel Draws multiple plots of identical size on a single frame.
gsn_polygon Draws a filled polygon on the given plot.
gsn_polygon_ndc Draws a filled polygon on the given workstation.
gsn_polyline Draws a polyline on the given plot.
gsn_polyline_ndc Draws a polyline on the given workstation.
gsn_polymarker Draws polymarkers on the given plot.
gsn_polymarker_ndc Draws polymarkers on the given workstation.
gsn_retrieve_colormap Retrieves a color map for the given workstation.
gsn_reverse_colormap Reverses the color map for the given workstation.
gsn_streamline Creates and draws a streamline plot.
gsn_streamline_map Creates and draws a streamline plot over a map.
gsn_streamline_scalar Creates and draws a streamline plot colored by a given scalar field.
gsn_streamline_scalar_map Creates and draws a streamline plot over a map, and colors the streamlines using the given scalar field.
gsn_table Draws a table with text.
gsn_text Draws text strings on the given plot.
gsn_text_ndc Draws text strings on the given workstation.
gsn_vector Creates and draws a vector plot.
gsn_vector_map Creates and draws a vector plot over a map.
gsn_vector_scalar Creates and draws a vector plot colored by a given scalar field.
gsn_vector_scalar_map Creates and draws a vector plot over a map, and colors the vectors using the given scalar field.
gsn_xy Creates and draws an XY plot.
gsn_y Creates and draws an XY plot, using index values for the X axis.
heat_apptemp Compute apparent temperature.
heat_discoi Compute a simplified human discomfort index.
heat_discoi_stull Compute the human discomfort index due to excessive heat and humidity using the Stull wet bulb temperature (wetbulb_stull).
heat_esidx_moran Compute an environmental stress index (ESI) which is an alternative to the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT).
heat_humidex Compute the 'feels-like' temperature for humans.
heat_index_nws Compute the 'heat index' as calculated by the National Weather Service.
heat_swamp_cooleff Compute the swamp cooler temperatures at 65% amd 80% efficiency.
heat_thic_thip Compute the thermal humidity comfort index (thic) and the thermal humidity physiology index (thip).
heat_wbgt_inout Compute the composite Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) index with options for indoor or outdoor formulations.
heat_wbgt_simplified Simplified WBGT index.
hlsrgb Converts HLS color values to RGB.
hsv2rgb Maps values from the HSV color model to the RGB color model (deprecated).
hsvrgb Converts HSV color values to RGB.
hydro Computes geopotential height using the hydrostatic equation.
hyi2hyo Interpolates from data on one set of hybrid levels to another set of hybrid levels.
hyi2hyo_Wrap Interpolates from data on one set of hybrid levels to another set of hybrid levels and preserves metadata.
idsfft Interpolates 2D random data.
igradsf Computes a scalar array from its gradient components on a fixed grid using spherical harmonics.
igradsF Computes a scalar array from its gradient components on a fixed grid using spherical harmonics.
igradsG Computes a scalar array from its gradient components on a gaussian grid using spherical harmonics.
igradsg Computes a scalar array from its gradient components on a gaussian grid using spherical harmonics.
ilapsf Inverts the Laplacian (on a fixed grid) using spherical harmonics.
ilapsF Inverts the Laplacian (on a fixed grid) using spherical harmonics.
ilapsF_Wrap Inverts the Laplacian (on a fixed grid) using spherical harmonics and retains metadata.
ilapsg Inverts the Laplacian (on a gaussian grid) using spherical harmonics.
ilapsG Inverts the Laplacian (on a gaussian grid) using spherical harmonics.
ilapsG_Wrap Inverts the Laplacian (on a gaussian grid) using spherical harmonics and retains metadata.
ilapvf Inverts the vector Laplacian (on a fixed grid) using spherical harmonics.
ilapvg Inverts the vector Laplacian (on a gaussian grid) using spherical harmonics.
ind Returns the indices where the input is True.
ind_nearest_coord Determine indices of locations closest to a coordinate array.
ind_resolve Resolves a single list of indices to their multi-dimensional representation.
indStrSubset Returns the indices corresponding to the location of the substring, if it is a subset of the other given string. (Deprecated: see str_index_of_substr.)
infoTimeStamp Draws two text strings at the bottom of the workstation to indicate the time the plot was created and other information.
int2dble Converts values of type integer to values of type float and preserves metadata.
int2flt Converts values of type integer to values of type float and preserves metadata.
int2p Interpolates pressure levels to a different set of pressure levels.
int2p_n Interpolates pressure levels to a different set of pressure levels on the given dimension.
int2p_n_Wrap Interpolates pressure levels to a different set of pressure levels and returns metadata.
int2p_Wrap Interpolates pressure levels to a different set of pressure levels and returns metadata.
integertobyte Coerces values of type integer to values of type byte.
integertochar Coerces values of type integer to values of type character.
integertocharacter Coerces values of type integer to values of type character.
integertoshort Coerces values of type integer to values of type short.
inttobyte Coerces values of type integer to values of type byte.
inttochar Coerces values of type integer to values of type character.
inttoshort Coerces values of type integer to values of type short.
inverse_matrix Computes the inverse of a general matrix using LU factorization.
is_string_numeric Returns True for every element of the input string array that contains a numeric value.
isatt Returns logical values indicating whether the given attributes are attached to the given variable.
isbigendian Returns True if you are running NCL on a big endian machine.
isbyte Returns True if input is of type byte.
ischar Returns True if input is of type char.
isconform Check two variables for array conformance (same shape and size).
isconstant Test if all non-missing elements of an array are identical.
iscoord Returns True for every input string that is a coordinate variable of the given variable.
isdefined Returns True for every element of the input that is a defined keyword, variable, or function/procedure name.
isdim Returns True if variable dimensions are defined in the given variable.
isdimnamed Returns True if variable dimensions have names in given variable.
isdouble Returns True if input is of type double.
isenumeric Returns True if input is of type enumeric.
isfile Returns True if input is of type file.
isfilepresent Checks if a supported file exists.
isfilevar Checks if specified file variables are defined in a file.
isfilevaratt Checks if specified file variable attributes are defined for a file variable.
isfilevarcoord Checks if a coordinate variable is defined in a file.
isfilevardim Checks if file variable dimensions are defined for a file variable.
isfloat Returns True if input is of type float.
isfunc Returns True for every element of the input that is a defined function.
isgraphic Returns True if input is of type graphic.
isint Returns True if input is of type integer.
isint64 Returns True if input is of type int64.
isinteger Returns True if input is of type integer.
isleapyear Determines if a given year is a leap year.
islogical Returns True if input is of type logical.
islong Returns True if input is of type long.
ismissing Returns True for every element of the input that contains a missing value (_FillValue).
isMonotonic Check a one dimensional array to see if it is monotonic.
isnan_ieee Returns a logical array indicating which input values contain an IEEE NaN.
isnumeric Returns True if input is of type numeric.
ispan Creates an array of equally-spaced integer, long, or int64 values.
isproc Returns True for every element of the input that is a defined procedure.
isscalar Returns True if the given argument is a scalar (rank one and size one).
isshort Returns True if input is of type short.
issnumeric Returns True if input is of type snumeric.
isstring Returns True if input is of type string.
isStrSubset Return True or False if one string is a subset of another string.
isubyte Returns True if input is of type unsigned byte (ubyte).
isuint Returns True if input is of type unsigned integer (uint).
isuint64 Returns True if input is of type unsigned 64-bit integer (uint64).
isulong Returns True if input is of type unsigned long (ulong).
isunlimited Returns True if the given dimension name is defined as unlimited on the given file.
isunsigned Returns True if input is one of the unsigned types.
isushort Returns True if input is of type unsigned short (ushort).
isvar Returns True for every element of the input that is a defined variable.
jul2greg Converts an astronomical Julian day to a Gregorian date.
kde_n_test Uses gaussian kernel density estimation (KDE) to estimate the probability density function of a random variable. This function is under construction and is available for testing only. It may not be released with NCL V6.5.0.
keyword_values Read a text file that contains keywords and one-or-more values (similar to fortran NAMELIST).
kf_filter Extract equatorial waves by filtering in the Wheeler-Kiladis wavenumber-frequency domain.
kmeans_as136 Performs k-means clustering via the Hartigan and Wong AS-136 algorithm.
kolsm2_n Uses the Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test to determine if two samples are from the same distribution.
kron_product Computes the Kronecker product for two-dimensional matrices.
landsea_mask Returns a grid that contains a land/sea mask given any latitude and longitude array.
lapsF Computes the Laplacian using spherical harmonics, given a scalar z on a fixed grid.
lapsf Computes the Laplacian using spherical harmonics, given a scalar z on a fixed grid.
lapsG Computes the Laplacian using spherical harmonics, given a scalar z on a gaussian grid.
lapsg Computes the Laplacian using spherical harmonics, given a scalar z on a gaussian grid.
lapvf Computes the vector Laplacian using spherical harmonics, given a vector quantity (u,v) on a fixed grid.
lapvg Computes the vector Laplacian using spherical harmonics, given a vector quantity (u,v) on a gaussian grid.
latent_heat_water Estimate latent heat flux for water: evaporization (condensation), melting (freezing) or sublimation (deposition).
latGau Generates gaussian latitudes and associated metadata.
latGauWgt Generates gaussian weights and associated metadata.
latGlobeF Generates latitudes and associated metadata for a global fixed grid.
latGlobeFo Generates latitudes and associated metadata for a global fixed offset grid.
latlon2utm Converts from lat/lon to UTM using a specified datum.
latlon_to_SCRIP Writes the description of a lat/lon grid to a SCRIP file.
latRegWgt Generates [sin(lat+dlat/2)-sin(lat-dlat/2)] weights for equally spaced (regular) global grids that will sum to 2.0.
lclvl Calculates the pressure of the lifting condensation level.
lderuvf Computes the latitudinal derivatives using spherical harmonics, given vector components (u,v) on a fixed grid.
lderuvg Computes the latitudinal derivatives using spherical harmonics, given vector components (u,v) on a gaussian grid.
linint1 Interpolates from one series to another using piecewise linear interpolation across the rightmost dimension.
linint1_n Interpolates from one series to another using piecewise linear interpolation across the given dimension.
linint1_n_Wrap Interpolates from one series to another using piecewise linear interpolation across the given dimension, and retains metadata.
linint1_Wrap Interpolates from one series to another using piecewise linear interpolation, and retains metadata.
linint2 Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to another rectilinear grid using bilinear interpolation.
linint2_points Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to an unstructured grid or locations using bilinear interpolation.
linint2_points_Wrap Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to an unstructured grid using bilinear interpolation, and retains metadata.
linint2_Wrap Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to another rectilinear grid using bilinear interpolation, and retains metadata.
linmsg Linearly interpolates to fill in missing values.
linmsg_n Linearly interpolates to fill in missing values, given the dimension to do the interpolation across.
linrood_latwgt Computes the latitudes and weights used by the Lin-Rood Model.
linrood_wgt Computes the weights used by the Lin-Rood Model.
list_files Lists all of the variables that reference files.
list_filevars Lists all of the variables associated with a specific file.
list_hlus Lists all of the HLU objects currently referenced by NCL variables.
list_procfuncs Lists all of the currently defined NCL functions and procedures and their argument lists.
list_vars Lists the currently defined variables that do not reference files or HLU objects.
ListAppend Append a variable into the list.
ListCount Queries the number of element(s) in a list.
ListGetType Queries the manner in which a variable of type list was created.
ListIndex Queries the index of a variable in a list.
ListIndexFromName Returns the index of a variable in a list given its name.
ListPop Pop (out) an element from a list.
ListPush Push a variable into the list.
ListSetType Specifies the manner in which a variable of type list is to be implemented.
loadscript Loads the given NCL script.
local_max Determines the relative maxima for a 2-dimensional array.
local_max_1d Determines the relative maxima for a 1-dimensional array.
local_min Determines the relative minima for a 2-dimensional array.
local_min_1d Determines the relative minima for a 1-dimensional array.
log Computes the natural log of a numeric type.
log10 Computes the log base 10 of a numeric type.
lonFlip Reorders a global rectilinear array about the central longitude coordinate variable.
lonGlobeF Generates longitudes and associated metadata for a global fixed grid.
lonGlobeFo Generates longitudes and associated metadata for a global fixed offset grid.
longtobyte Coerces values of type long to values of type byte.
longtochar Coerces values of type long to values of type character.
longtocharacter Coerces values of type long to values of type character.
longtoint Coerces values of type long to values of type integer.
longtointeger Coerces values of type long to values of type integer.
longtoshort Coerces values of type long to values of type short.
lonPivot Pivots an array about a user-specified longitude (rectilinear grids only).
lspoly Calculates a set of coefficients for a weighted least squares polynomial fit to the given data.
lspoly_n Calculates a set of coefficients for a weighted least squares polynomial fit to the given data on the given dimension.
mask Masks a multi-dimensional array against another given a single mask value.
max Computes the maximum value of a multi-dimensional array.
maximize_output Maximizes the sizes of a series of plots drawn in a single frame.
maxind Returns the index of the first occurrence of a maximum value.
merge_levels_sfc Merges a multiple level variable with the corresponding surface variable.
min Computes the minimum value of a multi-dimensional array.
minind Returns the index of the first occurrence of a minimum value.
mixed_layer_depth Calculates a quantity derived from the Potential Density of significance. (Documentation under construction.)
mixhum_convert Convert mixing ratio to specific humidity or vice-versa.
mixhum_ptd Calculates the mixing ratio or specific humidity given pressure and dew point temperature.
mixhum_ptrh Calculates the mixing ratio or specific humidity given pressure, temperature and relative humidity.
mjo_cross Calculate space-time cross spectrum over multiple segments.
mjo_cross_coh2pha Calculate space-time coherence-squared and phase using the array returned by mjo_cross_segment .
mjo_cross_plot Plot coherence-squared and phase spectra as returned by mjo_cross.
mjo_cross_segment Calculate space-time cross spectrum for a single time segment.
mjo_phase_background Plot background for MJO phase-space diagram.
mjo_space_time_cross Calculate space-time cross spectrum over multiple segments.
mjo_spectra Driver to calculate and plot seasonal spectra via segment averaging as defined by the US-CLIVAR MJO diagnostics website.
mjo_spectra_season Calculates seasonal spectra via segment averaging as defined by the US-CLIVAR MJO diagnostics website.
mjo_wavenum_freq_season Calculates wavenumber-frequency spectra via seasonal averaging as defined by the US-CLIVAR MJO diagnostics website.
mjo_wavenum_freq_season_plot Plot wavenumber-frequency spectra as returned by mjo_wavenum_freq_season.
mjo_xcor_lag_ovly Plot lagged cross-correlations as returned by mjo_xcor_lag_season.
mjo_xcor_lag_ovly_panel Plot lagged cross-correlations as returned by mjo_xcor_lag_season as panels.
mjo_xcor_lag_season Calculates lagged correlations between a reference series and gridded data as specified by the US-CLIVAR MJO diagnostics website.
moc_globe_atl Facilitates calculating the meridional overturning circulation for the globe and Atlantic.
mod Remainder function which emulates the Fortran "mod" intrinsic function.
month_to_annual Converts monthly values to annual values.
month_to_annual_weighted Converts monthly values to annual values weighted by the number of days in a month.
month_to_season Computes a user-specified three-month seasonal mean (DJF, JFM, FMA, MAM, AMJ, MJJ, JJA, JAS, ASO, SON, OND, NDJ).
month_to_season12 Computes three-month seasonal means (DJF, JFM, FMA, MAM, AMJ, MJJ, JJA, JAS, ASO, SON, OND, NDJ).
month_to_seasonN Computes a user-specified list of three-month seasonal means (DJF, JFM, FMA, MAM, AMJ, MJJ, JJA, JAS, ASO, SON, OND, NDJ).
monthday Calculates a concatenated month_day given a day and year.
monthly_total_to_daily_mean Convert monthly total values [e.g., precipitation] to "per day" values.
msgValOutline Draws an outline around missing data in vector and streamline plots.
namedcolor2rgb Returns the RGB triplets of the given list of named colors.
namedcolor2rgba Returns the RGBA quadruplets of the given list of named colors.
nameDim Assigns given named dimensions, long_name, and units to the input variable.
natgrid Interpolates data from an unstructured (randomly-spaced) grid to a rectilinear grid using natural neighbor interpolation.
natgrid_Wrap Interpolates data from an unstructured (randomly-spaced) grid to a rectilinear grid using natural neighbor interpolation and retains metadata.
natgridd Interpolates double data on an unstructured grid to a rectilinear grid. (Deprecated version.)
natgrids Interpolates float data on an unstructured grid to a rectilinear grid. (Deprecated version.)
ncargpath Returns the absolute pathnames of various NCAR Graphics directories.
ncargversion Prints the NCAR Graphics version, copyright, trademark and general licensing terms.
ndctodata Converts normalized device coordinates (NDCs) into data coordinates.
ndtooned Converts a multi-dimensional array to a one-dimensional array.
netlw_fao56 Compute longwave radiation as described in FAO 56.
netrad_fao56 Compute net radiation as the difference between net shortwave and net longwave radiation.
netsw_fao56 Compute net shortwave radiation as described in FAO 56.
new Creates an NCL variable.
NewCosWeight Performs cosine of the latitude weighting on the given array.
NewList Create a list (type variable).
ngezlogo Draws the NCAR logo in the lower right corner of the given workstation.
nggcog Calculates the latitudes and longitudes of a set of points approximating a circle at a given point on the surface of the globe.
nggetp Retrieves values for various parameters for the NCAR ngezlogo procedure.
nglogo Draws various NCAR and UCAR logos on the given workstation.
ngsetp Sets values for various parameters for the NCAR ngezlogo procedure.
NhlAddAnnotation Add annotations to a plot object as an external annotation.
NhlAddData Adds one or more additional data items to a plot.
NhlAddOverlay Overlays one plot object on another.
NhlAddPrimitive Adds a Primitive object to an existing plot.
NhlAppGetDefaultParentId Returns a reference to the current default App object.
NhlChangeWorkstation Changes the output workstation of one or more NCL View objects.
NhlClassName Retrieve the class name of one or more NCL objects.
NhlClearWorkstation Clears the given workstation objects.
NhlDataPolygon Draws a polygon using data coordinates.
NhlDataPolyline Draws a polyline using data coordinates.
NhlDataPolymarker Draws polymarkers using data coordinates.
NhlDataToNDC Converts data units into normalized device coordinates (NDCs).
NhlDestroy Destroys objects from NCL.
NhlDraw Draws the given graphical objects.
NhlFrame Updates and clears the given workstation objects.
NhlFreeColor Removes one or more color entries from one or more workstations.
NhlGetBB Retrieves the bounding boxes of a list of NCL objects.
NhlGetClassResources Returns a list of resources associated with the given class name and an optional filter string.
NhlGetErrorObjectId Returns a reference to the current Error object.
NhlGetNamedColorIndex Returns color map indexes that match the given color names in the color maps of the given workstations.
NhlGetParentId Returns the ids of the parent ids of the given objects.
NhlGetParentWorkstation Returns the ids of the parent workstations of the given objects.
NhlGetWorkspaceObjectId Returns a reference to the current Workspace object.
NhlIsAllocatedColor Queries a list of workstations to determine whether or not the given color indexes have been allocated.
NhlIsApp Returns True for each given object that is an App object.
NhlIsDataComm Returns True for each given object that is a DataComm object.
NhlIsDataItem Returns True for each given object that is a DataItem object.
NhlIsDataSpec Returns True for each given object that is a DataSpec object.
NhlIsTransform Returns True for each given object that is a Transform object.
NhlIsView Returns True for each given object that is a View object.
NhlIsWorkstation Returns True for each given object that is a Workstation object.
NhlName Retrieves the name of one or more NCL objects.
NhlNDCPolygon Draws a polygon using NDC (Normalized Device Coordinate) units.
NhlNDCPolyline Draws a polyline using NDC (Normalized Device Coordinate) units.
NhlNDCPolymarker Draws polymarkers using NDC (Normalized Device Coordinate) units.
NhlNDCToData Converts normalized device coordinates (NDCs) into data coordinates.
NhlNewColor Allocates new workstation color indexes.
NhlNewDashPattern Adds new dash patterns to the existing table of dash patterns.
NhlNewMarker Adds new markers to the existing table of markers.
NhlPalGetDefined Returns a list of available color maps.
NhlRemoveAnnotation Remove annotations from the plot they are registered in.
NhlRemoveData Removes data items from one or more plots.
NhlRemoveOverlay Removes one or more plots from an overlay.
NhlRemovePrimitive Removes one or more primitives from the given Transform object.
NhlSetColor Sets the colors for a given list of color indexes and workstations.
NhlSetDashPattern Sets the dash patterns for a given list of dash pattern indexes and workstations.
NhlSetMarker Sets the markers for a given list of marker indexes and workstations.
NhlUpdateData Forces the DataComm instances to update their internal states.
NhlUpdateWorkstation Updates the given workstation objects.
nice_mnmxintvl Calculates "nice" values for endpoints and spacing to be used for creating a series of equally-spaced levels through the data domain.
niceLatLon2D Check two-dimensional map coordinates to see if they have a "nice" structure.
nngetaspectd Retrieves an aspect at a specified coordinate position.
nngetaspects Retrieves an aspect at a specified coordinate position.
nngetp Retrieves control parameters for Natgrid routines.
nngetsloped Retrieves a slope at a specified coordinate position.
nngetslopes Retrieves a slope at a specified coordinate position.
nngetwts Retrieves natural neighbors and weights for the function values at those neighbors.
nngetwtsd Retrieves natural neighbors and weights for the function values at those neighbors.
nnpnt Interpolates from 2D random data to get values at a specified set of points.
nnpntd Interpolates from 2D random double data to get values at a specified set of points. (Deprecated version.)
nnpntend Terminates interpolation from 2D random data to get values at a specified set of points.
nnpntendd Terminates interpolation from 2D random data to get values at a specified set of points.
nnpntinit Initializes internal quantities, for given input data, to allow subsequent nnpnt calls to interpolate at specified points.
nnpntinitd Initializes internal quantities, for given input data, to allow subsequent nnpntd calls to interpolate at specified points.
nnpntinits Initializes internal quantities, for given input data, to allow subsequent nnpnts calls to interpolate at specified points.
nnpnts Interpolates from 2D random float data to get values at a specified set of points. (Deprecated version.)
nnsetp Sets control parameters for Natgrid routines.
NormCosWgtGlobe Create normalized cosine weights that sum to 2.0.
num Counts the number of True values in the input.
numAsciiCol Returns the number of columns in an ASCII file.
numAsciiRow Returns the number of rows in an ASCII file.
numeric2int Converts values of any numeric type to type integer.
obj_anal_ic Iterative improvement objective analysis.
obj_anal_ic_deprecated Iterative correction objective analysis (Cressman, Barnes) (deprecated)
obj_anal_ic_Wrap Iterative improvement objective analysis and returns meta data.
omega_ccm Calculates omega [vertical pressure velocity] using the model diagnostic method.
omega_ccm_driver Computes vertical pressure velocity [omega] via model diagnostic code.
omega_to_w Convert omega vertical velocity (Pa/s) to (m/s).
onedtond Converts a one-dimensional array to a multi-dimensional array.
oneDtostring Converts a 1-dimensional array to a single string.
overlay Overlays one plot object on another.
pack_values Compress values of type float or double to values of type short or byte.
paleo_outline Creates continental outlines from model orography data.
parse_globalatts_hdf5 Parse a HDF5 global attribute into an array containing KEYWORDs and associated VALUEs.
pattern_cor Compute centered or uncentered pattern correlation.
pdfx Generates a univariate probability density distribution (PDF).
pdfxy Generates a joint probability density distribution. (Please use pdfxy_conform.)
pdfxy_bin Performs looping necessary to calculate the bivariate (joint) probability distribution (see pdfxy).
pdfxy_conform An interface to pdfxy that allows the input arrays to be different sizes.
pie_chart Creates a basic pie chart.
plt_pdfxy Creates a nice plot of the joint probability array created by the pdfxy function.
poisson_grid_fill Replaces all missing (_FillValue) values in a grid with values derived from solving Poisson's equation via relaxation.
pop_remap Regrids a POP ocean model grid to another grid.
PopLatLon Regrids a scalar variable on a POP grid to a lat/lon grid or vice-versa.
PopLatLonV Converts vectors on a POP grid to a lat/lon grid and vice-versa.
pot_temp Compute potential temperature.
pot_temp_equiv Compute the equivalent potential temperature using an approximation which does not use the lifting condensation temperature.
pot_temp_equiv_tlcl Compute equivalent potential temperature using the lifting condensation temperature.
pot_vort_hybrid Compute potential vorticity on hybrid levels and a global grid.
pot_vort_isobaric Compute potential vorticity on isobaric levels and a global rectilinear grid.
potmp_insitu_ocn Calculate seawater potential temperature at an arbitrary reference pressure given insitu temperature, salinity and depth.
prcwater_dp Computes total column precipitable water of the rightmost dimension.
precip_rain_snow Partition monthly precipitation totals into rain and snow amount using an empirical relationship.
pres2hybrid Interpolates data on constant pressure levels to hybrid levels.
pres2hybrid_Wrap Interpolates data on constant pressure levels to hybrid levels and retains metadata.
pres_hybrid_ccm Calculates pressure at the hybrid levels.
pres_hybrid_ccm_se Calculates pressure at each hybrid level using spectral element grid structure.
pres_hybrid_jra55 Calculates the "full" hybrid pressure levels for models using the Simmons/Burridge formulations (eg: Japanese ReAnalysis).
pres_sigma Calculates the pressure at specified sigma levels.
print Prints the value of a variable or expression.
print_clock Prints the given string along with a current timestamp.
print_table Prints formatted elements from a list to stdout.
printFileVarSummary Prints a summary of a file variable's information.
printMinMax Prints the minimum and maximum values of a variable.
printVarSummary Prints a summary of a variable's information.
product Computes the product of the input.
prsatm_tz_fao56 Compute atmospheric pressure as described in FAO 56.
prsatm_z_fao56 Compute atmospheric pressure using the approximation described in FAO 56: Chapter 3; equation 7.
pslec Computes sea level pressure from CCM/CAM hybrid model variables using the ECMWF formulation.
pslhor Computes sea level pressure from CCM/CAM hybrid model variables using the ECMWF formulation and Trenberth's horizontal correction.
pslhyp Computes sea level pressure using the hypsometric equation.
psychro_fao56 Computes the psychrometric constant [kPa/C] as described in FAO 56.
qsort Sorts a singly dimensioned array.
quadroots Determine roots of a quadratic equation [ a*x^2 + b*x + c].
qvector_isobaric Use "highly accurate" spherical harmonics to derive the Q-vector components on a global grid.
qvector_isobaric_cfd Use centered finite differences to derive the Q-vector components on a global or regional grid.
radext_fao56 Compute extraterrestrial radiation for daily periods as described in FAO 56.
radsol2_fao56 Compute solar radiation from daily sunshine and day-of-year as described in FAO 56.
radsol3_hargreaves_fao56 Compute solar radiation derived from air temperature differences using Hargreaves method as described in FAO 56.
radsol_clrsky_fao56 Compute clear sky solar radiation as described in FAO 56.
radsol_fao56 Compute solar radiation via the 'Angstrom Formula' which uses extraterrestrial radiation and relative sunshine as described in FAO 56 (equation 35).
rand Generates a pseudo-random number.
random_chi Generates random numbers using a chi-squared distribution.
random_gamma Generates random numbers using a gamma distribution.
random_normal Generates random numbers using a normal distribution.
random_setallseed Sets initial seeds for random number generators.
random_uniform Generates random numbers using a uniform range distribution.
rcm2points Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to an unstructured grid.
rcm2points_Wrap Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to an unstructured grid and retains metadata.
rcm2rgrid Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to a rectilinear grid.
rcm2rgrid_Wrap Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to a rectilinear grid and retains metadata.
rdsstoi Reads weekly/monthly compocp site and climatology grids.
read_colormap_file Reads an NCL system colormap file or a user-defined colormap.
readAsciiHead Reads an ASCII file and returns just the header.
readAsciiTable Reads an ASCII file given the number of lines at the beginning and end of the file to ignore.
rectilinear_to_SCRIP Writes the description of a rectilinear grid to a SCRIP file.
refevt_hamon Use the Hamon formulation to derive reference evapotranspiration.
refevt_hargreaves_fao56 Use the Hargreaves ETo equation to derive reference evapotranspiration as described in FAO 56.
refevt_penman_fao56 Use the full Penman-Monteith equation to derive reference evapotranspiration as described in FAO 56.
refevt_turc Use the Turc ETo formulation to derive reference evapotranspiration.
refevt_turc_rh Use the Turc ETo formulation with a correction for low relative humidity to derive reference evapotranspiration.
reg_multlin Performs basic multiple linear regression analysis.
reg_multlin_stats Performs multiple linear regression analysis including confidence estimates and creates an ANOVA table.
regCoef Calculates the linear regression coefficient between two variables.
regcoef Calculates the linear regression coefficient between two variables.
regCoef_n Calculates the linear regression coefficient between two variables on the given dimensions.
region_ind Returns the indices (subscripts) of two-dimensional latitude/longitude arrays that span user specified latitude/longitude boundaries.
regline Calculates the linear regression coefficient between two series.
regline_stats Performs simple linear regression including confidence estimates, an ANOVA table and 95% mean response estimates.
regline_weight Calculates the linear regression coefficient between two series where one variable is weighted by some measure of uncertainty.
relhum Calculates relative humidity given temperature, mixing ratio, and pressure.
relhum_ice Calculates relative humidity with respect to ice, given temperature, mixing ratio, and pressure.
relhum_ttd Calculates relative humidity given temperature and dew point temperature.
relhum_water Calculates relative humidity with respect to water, given temperature, mixing ratio, and pressure.
replace_ieeenan Changes all occurrences of IEEE NaN to a user-specified value.
replaceSingleChar Within a string replace one character with another character. (Deprecated: see str_sub_str.)
reset_device_coordinates Resets the PS/PDF device coordinates back to their default values.
reshape Reshapes a multi-dimensional array to another multi-dimensional array.
reshape_ind Places values from a smaller one-dimensional array to a larger one-dimensional array, and reshapes it.
resolveWavesHayashi Reorder the complex coefficients returned by cfftf to resolve the progressive and retrogressive waves.
rgbhls Converts RGB color values to HLS.
rgbhsv Converts RGB color values to HSV.
RGBtoCmap Reads a text file of RGB triplets and converts them to a colormap.
rgbyiq Converts RGB color values to YIQ values.
rgrid2rcm Interpolates data on a rectilinear lat/lon grid to a curvilinear grid like those used by the RCM, WRF and NARR models/datasets.
rgrid2rcm_Wrap Interpolates data on a rectilinear lat/lon grid to a curvilinear grid like those used by the RCM, WRF and NARR models/datasets and retains metadata.
rho_mwjf Computes ocean water density given a specified range for potential temperature (deg Celsius) and salinity (psu).
rhomb_trunc Performs rhomboidal truncation on spherical harmonic coefficients.
rhomb_trunC Performs rhomboidal truncation on spherical harmonic coefficients.
rhum_fao56 Compute relative humidity as described in FAO 56.
rigrad_bruntv_atm Compute the atmospheric gradient Richardson number and, optionally, the Brunt-Vaisala, buoyancy and shear.
rip_cape_2d Computes convective available potential energy (CAPE), convective inhibition (CIN), lifted condensation level (LCL), and level of free convection (LFC) (deprecated version).
rip_cape_3d Computes convective available potential energy (CAPE) and convective inhibition (CIN) (deprecated version).
rm_single_dims Removes (squeezes) singleton (degenerate) dimensions from an array while preserving metadata.
rmAnnCycle1D Removes annual cycle from a one-dimensional time series.
rmInsufData Sets all instances (i.e., time) of a grid point to missing if a user-prescribed percentage of points is missing.
rmMonAnnCycLLLT Removes the annual cycle from "monthly" data.
rmMonAnnCycLLT Removes the annual cycle from "monthly" data.
rmMonAnnCycTLL Removes the annual cycle from "monthly" data.
round Rounds a float or double variable to the nearest whole number.
rtest Determines the statistical significance of a linear correlation coefficient.
run_cor Calculates a running correlation.
runave Calculates an unweighted running average on the rightmost dimension.
runave_n Calculates an unweighted running average on the given dimension.
runave_n_Wrap Calculates an unweighted running average on the given dimension and retains metadata.
runave_Wrap Calculates an unweighted running average on the rightmost dimension and retains metadata.
satvpr_mean_fao56 Compute mean saturation vapor pressure using minimum and maximum temperature temperature as described in FAO 56.
satvpr_slope_fao56 Compute the slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve as described in FAO 56.
satvpr_tdew_fao56 Compute actual saturation vapor pressure as described in FAO 56.
satvpr_temp_fao56 Compute saturation vapor pressure using temperature as described in FAO 56.
satvpr_water_bolton Estimate the saturation vapor pressure over water using Bolton's equation 10.
satvpr_water_stipanuk Estimate the saturation vapor pressure over water using the Stipanuk approximation.
scale_values Scale the values of an array to a user specified range.
set_default_fillvalue Sets the default missing value for the given variable type.
set_sphere_radius Sets the radius of a sphere used in spherical harmonic routines.
setColorContourClear Sets the color contours between two given levels to transparent.
setfileoption Sets a number of file-format-specific options.
sfvp2uvf Computes the wind components given stream function and velocity potential (on a fixed grid) via spherical harmonics.
sfvp2uvg Computes the wind components given stream function and velocity potential (on a gaussian grid) via spherical harmonics.
ShadeCOI Adds the cone of influence as a shaded polygon.
ShadeGeLeContour Shades contour regions given low and high values and a shade pattern.
(Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.)
ShadeGtContour Shades contour regions above a given value with the given fill pattern.
(Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.)
ShadeLtContour Shades contour regions below a given value with the given fill pattern.
(Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.)
ShadeLtGtContour Shades contour regions below a given value and above a given value with the specified fill patterns.
(Deprecated. Use gsn_contour_shade.)
shaeC Computes spherical harmonic analysis of a scalar field on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.
shaec Computes spherical harmonic analysis of a scalar field on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.
shagC Computes spherical harmonic analysis of a scalar field on a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics.
shagc Computes spherical harmonic analysis of a scalar field on a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics.
shear_stretch_deform Using spherical harmonics, estimate the kinematic shear-deformation, stretch-deformation and total-deformation of a global horizontal (east-west) wind field.
shear_stretch_deform_cfd Using centered-finite-differences, estimate the kinematic shear-deformation, stretch-deformation and total-deformation of a global or regional horizontal (east-west) wind field.
shgetnp Finds the nearest point, or points (in a specified set of points), to a given point in 3-space.
shgetp Retrieves control parameters for Shgrid routines.
shgrid Interpolates data from an unstructured grid to a grid in 3-space.
short2flt Converts values of type short to values of type float using the "scale" and "offset" attributes (if present).
short2flt_hdf Converts values of type short to values of type float using the "scale" and "offset" attributes (if present).
shorttobyte Coerces values of type short to values of type byte.
shorttochar Coerces values of type short to values of type character.
shorttocharacter Coerces values of type short to values of type character.
show_ascii Prints the ASCII table to the screen.
shseC Computes the spherical harmonic synthesis of a scalar quantity on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.
shsec Computes spherical harmonic synthesis of a scalar quantity on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.
shsetp Sets control parameters for Shgrid routines.
shsgC Computes the spherical harmonic synthesis of a scalar quantity on a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics.
shsgc Computes spherical harmonic synthesis of a scalar quantity on a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics.
shsgc_R42 Computes spherical harmonic synthesis of a scalar quantity via rhomboidally truncated (R42) spherical harmonic coefficients onto a (108x128) gaussian grid.
shsgc_R42_Wrap Computes spherical harmonic synthesis of a scalar quantity via rhomboidally truncated (R42) spherical harmonic coefficients onto a (108x128) gaussian grid. (creates metadata).
sigma2hybrid Interpolates from sigma to hybrid coordinates.
sign_f90 Mimic the behavior of Fortran-90's sign transfer function.
sign_matlab Mimic the behavior of Matlab's sign function.
simpeq Integrate a sequence of equally spaced points using Simpson's Rule.
simple_legend Creates a legend based on user supplied resources.
simple_legend_ndc Creates a legend in NDC space based on user supplied resources.
simpne Integrates a sequence of unequally or equally spaced points using Simpson's three-point formula.
sin Computes the sine of numeric types.
sindex_yrmo Calculates the Southern Oscillation Index given two series of year-month values.
sinh Computes the hyperbolic sine of numeric types.
sizeof Returns the total size, in bytes, of the input variable.
skewT_BackGround Creates a background chart for Skew T, Log P plotting.
skewT_PlotData Plot a sounding and (optionally) winds on Skew T, Log P charts created by skewT_BackGround.
sleep Pauses execution of NCL scripts for a specified number of seconds.
smth9 Performs nine point local smoothing on one or more 2D grids.
smth9_Wrap Performs nine point local smoothing on one or more 2D grids and retains metadata.
smthClmDayTLL Calculates a smooth mean daily annual cycle for an array nominally dimensioned (Time,Lat,Lon).
smthClmDayTLLL Calculates a smooth mean daily annual cycle for an array nominally dimensioned (Time,Level,Lat,Lon).
snindex_yrmo Calculates the Southern Oscillation Index and the noise index given two series of year-month values.
soil_heatflux_month_fao56 Compute soil heat flux for monthly periods as described in FAO 56.
solve_linsys Computes the solution to a real system of linear equations.
span_color_indexes Given the number of desired color values, return an array of indexes that nicely span the given color map.
span_color_rgba Given the number of desired color values, return an array of RGB triplets or RGBA quadruplets that nicely span the given color map.
span_named_colors Returns an RGB array that is a span between given list of named colors.
sparse_matrix_mult Multiplies a sparse matrix with a dense matrix.
spcorr Computes Spearman rank order correlation (Rho) correlation coefficient.
spcorr_n Computes Spearman rank order correlation (Rho) correlation coefficient across the given dimension.
specx_anal Calculates spectra of a series.
specx_ci Calculates the theoretical Markov spectrum and the lower and upper confidence curves.
specxy_anal Calculates cross spectra quantities of a series.
sprintf Converts floats or doubles into formatted strings.
sprinti Converts integers into formatted strings.
sqrt Computes the square root of its input.
SqrtCosWeight Performs square-root of the cosine of the latitude weighting on the given array.
sqsort Sorts a singly dimensioned arrays of strings.
srand Establishes a seed for the rand function.
stat2 Calculates the first two moments of the given input.
stat4 Calculates estimates of the first four moments (mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis) of the given input.
stat_dispersion Computes a number of robust statistics.
stat_medrng Calculates median, range, and mid-range of the given input.
stat_trim Calculates trimmed estimates of the first two moments of the given input.
static_energy_atm Compute the atmospheric moist and dry static energy.
static_stability Compute static stability.
status_exit Exits an NCL script passing a status code to the calling environment.
stdatmus_p2tdz Calculates the corresponding temperature, density, and height based on the 1976 U.S. standard atmosphere, given the pressure.
stdatmus_z2tdp Calculates the corresponding temperature, density, and pressure based on the 1976 U.S. standard atmosphere, given the height.
stddev Calculates the sample standard deviation.
stdMonLLLT Calculates standard deviations of monthly means.
stdMonLLT Calculates standard deviations of monthly means.
stdMonTLL Calculates standard deviations of monthly means.
stdMonTLLL Calculates standard deviations of monthly means.
str_capital Capitalizes all words in each string.
str_concat Concatenates all strings into a single string.
str_fields_count Counts the number of fields separated by the given delimiters in an array of strings.
str_get_cols Returns an array of substrings, given a start and end index into the given string.
str_get_dq Returns the double quote (") character as a string.
str_get_field Returns an array of substrings given a field number and a combination of delimiters.
str_get_nl Returns the newline (\n) character as a string.
str_get_sq Returns the single quote (') character as a string.
str_get_tab Returns the tab ('\t' in C) character as a string.
str_index_of_substr Returns the start indexes where one or more occurrences of a substring is found in a string.
str_insert Inserts a substring into the given strings.
str_is_blank Returns True for strings that contain all blanks.
str_join Joins all strings into one string, with each string separated by delimiter.
str_left_strip Strips leading spaces and TABs from the input strings.
str_lower Converts all input strings to lowercase.
str_match Returns a list of strings that contain the given substring (case sensitive).
str_match_bool Returns a logical array of True/False/Missing indicating where the input array of strings contain the given substring (case sensitive).
str_match_bool_ic Returns a logical array of True/False/Missing indicating where the input array of strings contain the given substring (case insensitive).
str_match_ic Returns a list of strings that contain the given substring (case insensitive).
str_match_ic_regex Returns a list of strings that contain the given substring (case insensitive), allowing for regular expressions.
str_match_ind Returns a list of indexes into an array of strings that contain the given substring (case sensitive).
str_match_ind_ic Returns a list of indexes into an array of strings that contain the given substring (case insensitive).
str_match_ind_ic_regex Returns a list of indexes into an array of strings that contain the given substring (case insensitive), allowing for regular expressions.
str_match_ind_regex Returns a list of indexes into an array of strings that contain the given substring (case sensitive), allowing for regular expressions.
str_match_regex Returns a list of strings that contain the given substring (case sensitive), allowing for regular expressions.
str_right_strip Strips ending spaces and TABs from the input strings.
str_split Splits a string into an array of strings given one or more delimiters.
str_split_by_length Splits a string or strings into an array of strings given a length, or an array of lengths.
str_split_csv Splits strings into an array of strings using the given delimiter.
str_squeeze Strips off leading and ending spaces and TABs, and replaces multiple spaces and/or TABs with a single space.
str_strip Strips leading and ending spaces and TABs from the input strings.
str_sub_str Replaces a substring with a new substring.
str_switch Switches the case of characters in the given string(s).
str_upper Converts all input strings to uppercase.
stringtochar Coerces values of type string to values of type character.
stringtocharacter Coerces values of type string to values of type character.
stringtodouble Coerces values of type string to values of type double.
stringtofloat Coerces values of type string to values of type float.
stringtoint Coerces values of type string to values of type integer.
stringtointeger Coerces values of type string to values of type integer.
stringtolong Coerces values of type string to values of type long.
stringtoshort Coerces values of type string to values of type short.
strlen Returns the length of a string variable.
student_t Calculates the two-tailed probability of the Student-t distribution.
subprocess Executes a shell command as a concurrent subprocess to NCL.
subprocess_wait Checks the finish-status of a concurrent process launched by the subprocess command. Can optionally wait for the subprocess to finish.
sum Sums the input.
svd_lapack Calculates the singular value decomposition of a general rectangular matrix.
svdcov Uses singular value decomposition and returns the left and right homogeneous and heterogeneous arrays associated with the two input datasets.
svdcov_sv Uses singular value decomposition to return the left and right singular vectors associated with the two input datasets.
svdstd Uses singular value decomposition and returns the left and right homogeneous and heterogeneous arrays associated with the two input datasets.
svdstd_sv Uses singular value decomposition to return the left and right singular vectors associated with the two input datasets.
symMinMaxPlt Calculates the minimum/maximum values for a variable and uses nice_mnmxintvl to calculate the symmetric contour interval.
system Executes a shell command.
systemfunc Executes a shell command and returns the output.
table_attach_columns Attaches [appends] additional columns to a previously existing two-dimensional array.
table_attach_rows Attaches [appends] additional rows to a previously existing two-dimensional array.
tan Computes the tangent of numeric types.
tanh Computes the hyperbolic tangent of numeric types.
taper Applies split-cosine-bell tapering to one or more series across the rightmost dimension.
taper_n Applies split-cosine-bell tapering to one or more series across the given dimension.
taylor_stats Calculates statistics needed for the Taylor Diagram: pattern_correlation, ratio and bias.
tdclrs Defines a set of colors for use with selected TDPACK routines.
tdctri Cuts the triangles in a triangle list with a plane perpendicular to an axis (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdcudp Not yet implemented.
tdcurv Draws the projection of a curve defined by an array of points in 3-space.
tddtri Draws triangles defined by a triangle list (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdew_actvpr_fao56 Compute dew point temperature as a function of actual vapor pressure as described in FAO 56.
tdez2d Draws a surface on the specified workstation.
tdez3d Draws an isosurface on the specified workstation.
tdgetp Retrieves TDPACK parameter values.
tdgrds Draws perimeters, ticks, and grid lines on the six sides of a box (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdgrid Draws a grid on a particular face of a box in 3-space (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdgtrs Gets the definition of a specified rendering style (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdinit Defines eye position, line of sight, up direction, and stereo flag for selected TDPACK routines.
tditri Adds triangles defining an isosurface to a triangle list (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdlbla Draws labels for a particular face of a box in 3-space (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdlblp Not yet implemented.
tdlbls Draws labels for all faces of a box in 3-space (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdline Draws the projection of a solid line in 3-space (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdlndp Not yet implemented.
tdlnpa Draws the projection of a line joining two points in the reference parallelogram (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdlpdp Not yet implemented.
tdmtri Adds triangles defining a 3D marker to a triangle list for use with selected TDPACK routines.
tdotri Orders the triangles in a triangle list for proper rendering (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdpara Defines the reference parallelogram for use with selected TDPACK routines.
tdplch Draws a string in the plane of the reference parallelogram (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdprpa Retrieves the coordinates of a projection in the projection plane, given the parallelogram coordinates of a point (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdprpi Retrieves the parallelogram coordinates of a point in the reference parallelogram, given a point in the projection plane (for use with selected TDPACK routines.)
tdprpt Retrieves the coordinates of its projection in the projection plane, given the coordinates of a point in 3-space (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdsetp Sets TDPACK parameter values.
tdsort Sorts an array (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdstri Adds triangles defining a simple surface to a triangle list (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdstrs Sets the values defining a selected rendering style (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
tdttri Adds triangles defining a trajectory to a triangle list (for use with selected TDPACK routines).
temp_virtual Compute atmospheric virtual temperature.
thornthwaite Estimate the potential evapotranspiration (PET) via the Thornthwaite method.
time_axis_labels Sets resources necessary to draw nice tickmark labels using a format of date/time on an axis.
time_reassign Reassign (replace) a CF-conforming "time" variable by calculating the mid-time values using the "bounds" attribute.
time_reassign_cv2var Reassign (replace) a CF-conforming "time" coordinate variable associated with a variable by calculating the mid-time values using the "bounds" attribute.
time_to_newtime Change a "udunits" recognized time unit to a new (different) "udunits" recognized time unit.
time_to_newtime_fix Change a "udunits" recognized time unit to a new (different) "udunits" recognized time unit (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details).
tlcl_evp_bolton Compute the lifting condensation level temperature using water vapor pressure.
tlcl_mixr_bolton Compute the lifting condensation level temperature using mixing ratio and pressure.
tlcl_rh_bolton Compute the lifting condensation level temperature using relative humidity.
tlcl_td_bolton Compute the lifting condensation level temperature using dew point temperature.
tobyte Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type (NCL) byte (unsigned char).
tochar Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type char.
todouble Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type double.
tofloat Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type float.
toint Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type integer.
toint64 Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type int64 (64 bit long, or long long).
tointeger Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type integer.
tolong Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type long.
toshort Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type short.
tosigned Converts any kind of 8/16/32/64 integers to its corresponding signed integers.
tostring Converts values of any snumeric data type to values of type string.
tostring_with_format Converts values of any snumeric data type to values of type string, with specified format.
totype Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of the given type.
toubyte Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type unsigned byte.
touint Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type unsigned integer.
touint64 Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type uint64 (unsigned 64 bit long, or unsigned long long).
toulong Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type unsigned long.
tounsigned Converts any kind of 8/16/32/64 integers to its corresponding unsigned integers.
toushort Converts values of any snumeric data type or string to values of type unsigned short.
transpose Transposes a matrix and copies all attributes and coordinate variables.
trend_manken Calculates Mann-Kendall non-parametric test for monotonic trend and the Theil-Sen robust estimate of linear trend.
tri_trunC Performs triangular truncation on spherical harmonic coefficients.
tri_trunc Performs triangular truncation on spherical harmonic coefficients.
triple2grid Places unstructured (randomly-spaced) data onto the nearest locations of a rectilinear grid.
triple2grid2d Places unstructured (randomly-spaced) data onto the nearest locations of a curvilinear grid.
triple2grid_Wrap Places unstructured (randomly-spaced) data onto the nearest locations of a rectilinear grid and retains metadata.
trop_wmo Determines the level of the thermal tropopause.
ttest Returns an estimate of the statistical significance and, optionally, the t-values.
typeof Returns the string name of the type of the input variable.
u2_fao56 Compute 2-meter wind speed (m/s) as described in FAO 56.
undef Undefines defined NCL symbols (functions, procedures, variables).
unique_string Returns a unique string given the input string as a prefix.
unstructured_to_ESMF Writes the description of an unstructured grid to an ESMF file.
unwrap_phase Unwrap (correct) phase angles to produce smoother phase plots.
update Updates the given workstation objects.
ushorttoint Coerces values of type unsigned short to values of type integer.
ut_calendar Converts a mixed Julian/Gregorian date to a UT-referenced date (deprecated; use cd_calendar).
ut_calendar_fix Converts a mixed Julian/Gregorian date to a UT-referenced date (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details).
ut_convert Converts a time variable from one set of units to another (deprecated; use cd_convert).
ut_convert_fix Converts a time variable from one set of units to another (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details).
ut_inv_calendar Converts a UT-referenced date to a mixed Julian/Gregorian date (deprecated; use cd_inv_calendar).
ut_inv_calendar_fix Converts a UT-referenced date to a mixed Julian/Gregorian date (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details).
ut_string Converts time values into nicely formatted strings (deprecated; use cd_string)
ut_string_fix Converts time values into nicely formatted strings (temporary function; see the 6.4.0 release notes for details).
utm2latlon Converts from UTM to lat/lon using a specified datum.
uv2dv_cfd Computes divergence using centered finite differences.
uv2dvf Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid.
uv2dvF Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid.
uv2dvF_Wrap Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid (retains metadata).
uv2dvg Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics given the u and v wind components on a gaussian grid.
uv2dvG Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics given the u and v wind components on a gaussian grid.
uv2dvG_Wrap Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics given the u and v wind components on a gaussian grid (retains metadata).
uv2sfvpF Computes the stream function and velocity potential via spherical harmonics given u and v on a fixed grid.
uv2sfvpf Computes the stream function and velocity potential via spherical harmonics given u and v on a fixed grid.
uv2sfvpG Computes the stream function and velocity potential via spherical harmonics given u and v on a gaussian grid.
uv2sfvpg Computes the stream function and velocity potential via spherical harmonics given u and v on a gaussian grid.
uv2vr_cfd Computes relative vorticity using centered finite differences.
uv2vrdvF Computes the vorticity and divergence via spherical harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid.
uv2vrdvf Computes the vorticity and divergence via spherical harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid.
uv2vrdvG Computes the vorticity and divergence via spherical harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a gaussian grid.
uv2vrdvg Computes the vorticity and divergence via spherical harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a gaussian grid.
uv2vrF Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid.
uv2vrf Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid.
uv2vrF_Wrap Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid (retains metadata).
uv2vrG Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a gaussian grid.
uv2vrg Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a gaussian grid.
uv2vrG_Wrap Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a gaussian grid (retains metadata).
v5d_close Closes a Vis5D+ format file.
v5d_create Creates a Vis5D+ format file.
v5d_setLowLev Sets the lowest vertical offset, in grid level, for each 3-dimensional gridded variable in a Vis5D+ format file.
v5d_setUnits Sets a name for physical units for a variable in a Vis5D+ format file.
v5d_write Writes compressed data to a Vis5D+ format file.
v5d_write_var Writes a single 3-dimensional gridded variable to a Vis5D+ format file.
vapor_pres_rh Compute vapor pressure given relative humidity (%) and saturation vapor pressure.
variance Computes an unbiased estimate the variance of all input points.
venn2_difference Returns the unique element symmetric differences between two arrays.
venn2_intersection Returns the unique element intersection (ie., common values) between two arrays.
venn2_union Returns the unique element union of two arrays.
vhaeC Computes vector spherical harmonic analysis of vector fields on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.
vhaec Computes vector spherical harmonic analysis of vector fields on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.
vhagC Computes vector spherical harmonic analysis of vector fields on a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics.
vhagc Computes vector spherical harmonic analysis of vector fields on a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics.
vhsec Computes vector spherical harmonic syntheses of vector fields on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.
vhseC Computes vector spherical harmonic syntheses of vector fields on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.
vhsgc Computes vector spherical harmonic syntheses of vector fields on a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics.
vhsgC Computes vector spherical harmonic syntheses of vector fields on a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics.
vibeta Performs vertical integration using beta factors.
vinth2p Interpolates CAM (Community Atmosphere Model) hybrid coordinates to pressure coordinates.
vinth2p_ecmwf Interpolates CESM hybrid coordinates to pressure coordinates but uses an ECMWF formulation to extrapolate values below ground.
vinth2p_ecmwf_nodes Interpolates CESM hybrid coordinates to pressure coordinates but uses an ECMWF formulation to extrapolate values below ground.
vinth2p_nodes Interpolates CESM hybrid coordinates to pressure coordinates on an unstructured grid.
vintp2p_ecmwf Interpolates data at multidimensional pressure levels to constant pressure coordinates and uses an ECMWF formulation to extrapolate values below ground.
vr2uvF Computes the rotational wind components via spherical harmonics, given an array containing relative vorticity on a fixed grid.
vr2uvf Computes the rotational wind components via spherical harmonics, given an array containing relative vorticity on a fixed grid.
vr2uvF_Wrap Computes the rotational wind components via spherical harmonics, given an array containing relative vorticity on a fixed grid (retains metadata).
vr2uvG Computes the rotational wind components via spherical harmonics, given an array containing relative vorticity on a gaussian grid.
vr2uvg Computes the rotational wind components via spherical harmonics, given an array containing relative vorticity on a gaussian grid.
vr2uvG_Wrap Computes the rotational wind components via spherical harmonics, given an array containing relative vorticity on a gaussian grid (retains metadata).
vrdv2uvf Computes the wind components via spherical harmonics, given vorticity and divergence on a fixed grid.
vrdv2uvF Computes the wind components via spherical harmonics, given vorticity and divergence on a fixed grid.
vrdv2uvg Computes the wind components via spherical harmonics, given vorticity and divergence on a gaussian grid.
vrdv2uvG Computes the wind components via spherical harmonics, given vorticity and divergence on a gaussian grid.
w_to_omega Convert vertical velocity with units (m/s) to Pa/s.
wallClockElapseTime Calculates and prints elapsed 'wall clock' time.
wave_number_spc Computes the total power spectrum as a function of latitudinal wave number.
wavelet Calculates the wavelet transform of a time series and significance levels.
wavelet_default Calculates the wavelet transform of a time series and significance levels.
weibull Derives the shape and scale parameters for the Weibull distribution via maximum likelihood estimates.
wetbulb Compute wetbulb temperature.
wetbulb_stull Calculate wet bulb temperature at standard sea level pressure (1013.25 hPa) using the method of R.Stull.
wgt_area_smooth Smooths an array of data using a 5-point 2D area-weighted smoothing algorithm.
wgt_areaave Calculates the area average of a quantity using weights.
wgt_areaave2 Calculates the area average of a quantity using two-dimensional weights.
wgt_areaave_Wrap Calculates the area average of a quantity using weights and retains metadata.
wgt_arearmse Calculates a weighted area root-mean-square-difference between two variables.
wgt_arearmse2 Calculates a weighted area root-mean-square-difference (rmse) between two variables using two-dimensional weights.
wgt_areasum2 Calculates the area sum (total) of a quantity using two-dimensional weights.
wgt_runave Calculates a weighted running average across the rightmost dimension.
wgt_runave_leftdim Calculate a weighted running average over the leftmost dimension (usually, "time") and return in the original order with metadata.
wgt_runave_n Calculates a weighted running average across the given dimension.
wgt_runave_n_Wrap Calculates a weighted running average on the given dimension and retains metadata.
wgt_runave_Wrap Calculates a weighted running average on the rightmost dimension and retains metadata.
wgt_vert_avg_beta Computes weighted vertical average or sum using pressure thickness and beta factors.
wgt_vertical_n Calculates a weighted vertical average and/or sum (integral).
wgt_volave Calculates the volume average of a quantity using weights.
wgt_volave_ccm Calculates the volume average of a quantity from the CCM using weights.
wgt_volrmse Calculates a weighted volume root-mean-square-difference between two variables.
wgt_volrmse_ccm Calculates a weighted volume root-mean-square-difference between two variables from the CCM.
where Performs array assignments based on a conditional array.
wind_component Calculate zonal and meridional wind components from wind speed and wind direction.
wind_direction Calculate meteorological wind direction from zonal and meridional wind components.
wind_speed Calculate wind speed from zonal and meridional wind components.
wind_stats Given a sequence of wind speeds and directions, compute assorted wind-related statistics including the standard deviation of the wind direction.
WindRoseBasic Plots a basic wind rose.
WindRoseColor Plot a wind rose diagram where different colors are used to differentiate speed ranges.
WindRoseThickLine Plot a black and white wind rose diagram where different line thicknesses are used to differentiate speed ranges.
wk_smooth121 Performs a specialized 1-2-1 filter for Wheeler-Kiladis plots.
wkSpaceTime Calculates Wheeler-Kiladis space-time spectra.
wkSpaceTime_cam Calculates Wheeler-Kiladis space-time spectra using a generic CAM interface.
wmbarb Draws wind barbs on the given workstation.
wmbarbmap Draws wind barbs over maps.
wmdrft Draws weather front lines on the given workstation.
wmgetp Retrieves parameter values for selected Wmap routines.
wmlabs Plots special symbols and icons for daily weather.
wmsetp Sets parameter values for selected Wmap routines.
wmstnm Plots station model data on the given workstation.
wmvect Draws vectors on the given workstation.
wmvectmap Draws vectors over maps.
wmvlbl Draws an informational label box for plots produced by wmvect or wmvectmap.
wrf_avo Calculates absolute vorticity from WRF model output.
wrf_cape_2d Computes maximum convective available potential energy (CAPE), maximum convective inhibition (CIN), lifted condensation level (LCL), and level of free convection (LFC).
wrf_cape_3d Computes convective available potential energy (CAPE) and convective inhibition (CIN).
wrf_contour Creates a contour plot from ARW WRF model output.
wrf_dbz Calculates simulated equivalent radar reflectivity factor [dBZ] from WRF model output.
wrf_eth Calculates equivalent potential temperature from WRF model output.
wrf_helicity Calculates storm relative helicity from WRF model output.
wrf_ij_to_ll Finds the nearest longitude, latitude locations to the specified model grid indices (i,j) (deprecated).
wrf_interp_1d Linearly interpolates a one-dimensional variable in the vertical.
wrf_interp_2d_xy Extracts a cross section from a given input field.
wrf_interp_3d_z Interpolates to a specified pressure/height level.
wrf_latlon_to_ij Finds the nearest model grid indices (i,j) to the specific location(s) in latitude and longitude (deprecated).
wrf_ll_to_ij Finds the nearest model grid indices (i,j) to the specified location(s) in longitude and latitude (deprecated).
wrf_map Creates a map background for ARW WRF model data.
wrf_map_overlay Overlays WRF plot(s) on a WRF-ARW map background (deprecated).
wrf_map_overlays Overlays contour and vector plots on a WRF-ARW map background.
wrf_map_resources Sets map plotting resources based on an input WRF-ARW file.
wrf_map_zoom Zooms into a portion of the ARW WRF model domain, and creates a map background (deprecated).
wrf_mapres_c Sets the appropriate geographical mapping resources based upon WRF file contents. (deprecated)
wrf_omega Calculates approximate omega in C, given vertical velocity, water vapor mixing ratio, temperature, and pressure from WRF model output.
wrf_overlay Overlays multiple plots created from other WRF-ARW plot functions (deprecated).
wrf_overlays Overlays multiple plots, created from other ARW WRF plot functions.
wrf_pvo Calculates potential vorticity from WRF model output.
wrf_rh Calculates relative humidity from ARW WRF model output.
wrf_slp Calculates sea level pressure from ARW WRF model output.
wrf_smooth_2d Smooths a given field.
wrf_td Calculates dewpoint temperature in [C] from ARW WRF model output.
wrf_times_c Converts WRF variable "Times" which is of type character to user specified numeric units.
wrf_tk Calculates temperature in [K] from ARW WRF model output.
wrf_updraft_helicity Calculates updraft helicity from WRF model output.
wrf_user_getvar Extracts data from ARW WRF model output, and does basic diagnostics calculations.
wrf_user_ij_to_ll Finds the nearest longitude, latitude locations to the specified WRF-ARW model grid indexes (deprecated).
wrf_user_interp_level Interpolates a horizontal slice from a three-dimensional WRF-ARW field at the given vertical level(s).
wrf_user_interp_line Interpolates a two-dimensional WRF-ARW field along a line.
wrf_user_intrp2d Interpolates ARW WRF 2D model data along a given line (deprecated).
wrf_user_intrp3d Interpolates ARW WRF model data vertically or horizontally (deprecated).
wrf_user_latlon_to_ij Finds the nearest WRF-ARW model grid indexes (i,j) to the specific location (deprecated).
wrf_user_list_times Extracts the list of available times in the ARW WRF model output.
wrf_user_ll_to_ij Finds the nearest WRF-ARW model grid indexes (i,j) to the requested longitude and latitude locations (deprecated).
wrf_user_ll_to_xy Finds the nearest WRF-ARW model grid indexes (0-based) that are the closest to the requested longitude and latitude locations.
wrf_user_unstagger Unstaggers an input variable along a specified dimension.
wrf_user_vert_cross Interpolates a vertical cross-section from a three-dimensional WRF-ARW field at the given vertical level(s).
wrf_user_vert_interp Vertically interpolates ARW WRF variables given the type of surface and a set of new levels.
wrf_user_xy_to_ll Finds the nearest longitude, latitude locations to the specified WRF-ARW model grid indexes.
wrf_uvmet Rotates u,v components of the wind to earth coordinates.
wrf_vector Creates a vector plot from ARW WRF model output.
wrf_virtual_temp Calculates virtual temperature, given temperature and mixing ratio from WRF model output.
wrf_wetbulb Calculates wet bulb temperature in K, given pressure in temperature in K and mixing ratio in kg/kg from WRF model output.
wrf_wps_close_int Closes a currently open WPS intermediate file.
wrf_wps_open_int Opens a WPS intermediate file and returns a status.
wrf_wps_rddata_int Reads a 2D field from an open WPS intermediate file.
wrf_wps_rdhead_int Reads header information for the current field of an open WPS intermediate file.
wrf_wps_read_int Reads data from a WPS intermediate file.
wrf_wps_write_int Writes data to a WPS intermediate file.
write_matrix Writes nicely-formatted integer, float, or double precision two-dimensional (2D) arrays to standard out or to a file.
write_table Writes formatted elements from a list to an ASCII file.
yiqrgb Converts YIQ color values to RGB.
yyyyddd_to_yyyymmdd Given concatenated year and day-of-year (yyyyddd) create a one-dimensional array containing concatenated year, month and day-of-month (yyyymmdd) values.
yyyymm_time Creates a one-dimensional array containing year-month (yyyymm) values.
yyyymm_to_yyyyfrac Converts a one dimensional array containing yyyymm values to yyyy and fractional year.
yyyymmdd_time Creates a one-dimensional array containing year-month-day (yyyymmdd) values.
yyyymmdd_to_yyyyddd Given concatenated year-month-day_of_month (yyyymmdd) create a one-dimensional array containing concatenated year and day_of_year (yyyyddd) values.
yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac Converts a one-dimensional array containing yyyymmdd values to yyyy and fractional year.
yyyymmddhh_time Creates a one-dimensional array containing year-month-day-hour (yyyymmddhh) values.
yyyymmddhh_to_yyyyfrac Converts a one-dimensional array containing yyyymmddhh values to yyyy and fractional year.
z2geouv Computes the geostrophic zonal and meridional wind components using geopotential height on isobaric levels (rectilinear grid only).
zonal_mpsi Computes a zonal mean meridional stream function.
zonal_mpsi_Wrap Computes a zonal mean meridional stream function and retains metadata.
zonalAve Computes a zonal average of the input array.
zscore Computes the zscore of a variable's given dimensions at all other dimensions and retains metadata.